Short Note on Nazism
The short note on nazism explains about nazism and the rise of Adolf Hitler in Germany. When we define nazi it relates to the Nazi Party that propagates the ideology of Nazism or Nationalist Socialism in Germany. These national socialists have different political views and beliefs. Adolf Hitler the autocratic dictator started the concept of nazism in the 1920s that lasted till the end of World War II in 1945. It shed light on the political scenario of Germany and its involvement in World War II that has major impacts on the history of the world. Nazism, the political ideology of Hilter caused distress to many people in his country.
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Brief Note on Nazism and Rise of Adolf Hitler
Nazism and the Rise of Adolf Hitler relate to a series of significant events that marks the history of Germany and the world. So what is nazism? It is an ideology that is promoted by the Nazi Party of Germany. When we read about nazism, it states that the Aryan race is superior and all Jewish people need to die. All anti-nazism activities were banned and books from Jewish authors like Einstein and Sigmund Freud were also burnt. To spread their propaganda, schools become an important medium in spreading the value and meaning of nazism. Adolf Hitler becomes a popular leader of the Nazi party which became the largest political party in Germany. On 30th January 1933, President Von Hindenburg made Hitler the Chancellor of Germany. Thereafter, Hilter constitutionally started exercising his dictatorial powers without any legal objection.
Who is Adolf Hitler?
Adolf Hitler was born in the small town of Braunau am Inn situated in Upper Austria on the border of Germany and Austria. He was born on 20th April 1889. Hitler dreamt of becoming an artist so he applied at the Vienna fine arts but was rejected twice. Shortly, after his parents’ death, he moved to Vienna. From there onwards he began his political aspirations of uniting Germany and Austria. Soon after this, he moved to Germany in 1913. Hitler was loyal to the nation of Germany. In World War I of 1914, when Germany needed soldiers, Hitler quickly enlisted his name in the army. He was renowned for his bravery and served in both Germany and France. He got injured in the war of Somme and also in the British gas attack. During this time, Germany surrendered in World War I. This made Hilter and some people angry who felt betrayed by the defeat of Germany under the rule of Jews and the Socialist Party. Thereafter Adolf Hitler rose to power in the political scenario of Germany.
Deterioration of Economic Condition of Germany after Signing the Peace Treaty
After signing the peace treaty, the economic conditions of Germany deteriorated under the Weimar Republic. Germany was already under the burden of heavy debts and had to pay the Allied Forces in gold. This drained the coffers of the Weimar Republic. In 1923, when Germany refused to pay, France occupied its Ruhr region, the main industrial belt of Germany. The economic condition deteriorated so much that Germany had to print paper currency notes in huge amounts which lead to hyperinflation. During this time, America came to its rescue to provide short-term loans. However, after 1929 the loans were stopped and industries all over the world declined heavily. The economy of Germany was hit the worst. The middle class lived under fear and thousands of working-class became unemployed.
The Incident of the Holocaust
Hilter and his nazism ideology were based on a racist mentality. He blamed the Jews for everything and believed they were beyond purification. Such was the level of hatred that he wanted them to die. This made him carry out murder plans in a cold-blooded systematic manner. The Gestapo police searched for the Jews and deported them to concentration camps and gas chambers. This brutal massacre and the killing of Jews is known as the Holocaust.
Did You Know?
Adolf Hitler committed suicide and died after he came to know that Germany could not resist the Allied Forces. With a gunshot on 30th April 1945, Hilter committed suicide. The man who gave so many lectures on heroism, bravery, and building a powerful nation succumbed to fear and shot himself to death.
FAQs on Nazism
Q1. What is Nazism?
Ans: To define nazism we have to talk about the ideology of Adolf Hitler that he adopted for ruling the land of Germany. The meaning of nazism is related to a political system that follows a particular set of beliefs and practices. This ideology promotes that there is no equality between people, instead, it has a racial hierarchy. Hilter borrowed such thoughts and concepts from thinkers like Herbert Spencer and Charles Darwin.
We can also define nazi through their argument that the strongest race would survive while the weakest would perish. Nazism also stressed the fact that Aryans were the supreme that retained their purity, became stronger, and ruled the world. The other aspect that defines nazism is the geopolitical concept of Lebensraum meaning living space. Through this belief, he intended to stretch the boundaries of Germany towards the east, to gather all the Germans geographically in a single location.
Q2. Why Nazism became Popular in Germany?
Ans: The Nazi party of Germany rose to fame and prominence during the period of the Great Depression. After 1929, Germany witnessed the shutdown of businesses and the collapse of banks. Many workers lost their jobs and the middle-class people feared destitution. In such a scenario the Nazi ideology gave hope for a better future.
By 1932, the party secured 37% more votes, making it the largest party in Germany. It was under the leadership of Hilter the new style of politics motivated the mass movements across the country. The oratory skills of Hilter impressed the people as he promised to make Germany a powerful nation. He claimed to undo the injustice of the Treaty of Versailles and restore dignity. He further guaranteed employment to create a secure future for the youth.
Through the Nazi meetings and rallies, Hilter became a messiah or saviour, someone who has arrived for relieving distress. The acute political and economic crisis made Hitler rise to power in Germany.