Red Shirt Movement and its Objective
The British colonial rule in India faced pressure due to the Pashtun Nonviolent Resistance. It was led by Abdul Ghaffar Khan and is also called the Red Shirt Movement. These activists followed the road of non-violence under the eminent leader Abdul who was also called Frontier Gandhi. His movement was entirely against the tyranny and atrocities of the British East India Company in the North-West Frontier Province in 1930 in undivided India. He was also an ardent follower of Mahatma Gandhi and was backed by the Indian National Congress. In this article, we will study why this movement was given such a name.
What is Red Shirt Movement?
Under the supervision and admiration of Mahatma Gandhi, Abdul Ghaffar Khan pledged to oppose and revolt against the British East India Company in the North-West Frontier Province in undivided India. He was a Pashtun by origin and was followed by many believers of India’s independence from the tyrannical rule of the British colonists.
His motives of building a non-violent movement with many believers in this province, presently in Pakistan, were admired and supported by the Indian National Congress. The atrocities in the frontier regime made him develop a foundation of Khudai Khidmatgars. It is a Persian term that means the servants of God. If we study about Khudai Khidmatgar, we will understand why he was also known as Frontier Gandhi. He was considered as the perfect example of Gandhi leading the movement against British rule in the provinces of present Pakistan.
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About Khudai Khidmatgar
The North-West Frontier Province lies in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in present day Pakistan. Abdul Ghaffar Khan was an ardent follower of Mahatma Gandhi. He also pledged to follow the nonviolent path shown and led by Mahatma Gandhi in this region. He formed a group of Khudai Khidmatgars or the servants of God and started the Red Shirt Movement in this region.
The Khudai Khidmatgar movement had participants from this frontier of the British Colonial rule. Every participant wore a red shirt or Surkh Posh. The entire team was dressed red. It originally focused on the social reforms in this province. It also focused on eliminating blood feuds and introduced education among the tribal natives. Previously, it was known as Anjuman-e-Islah-e Afghania. This term means the society aiming at reforming Afghans. He was locally known as Bacha Khan, Sarhadi Gandhi, and Badshah Khan. Gradually in due course of time, the group became more politically oriented resulting in getting support from the Indian National Congress. Eventually, the members under the guidance and leadership of Abdul Ghaffar Khan led to the foundation of the Khudai Khidmatgar movement.
When and How Was Khudai Khidmatgar Established?
Abdul Ghaffar Khan, as mentioned earlier, formed a group of nationalists in the Northwestern Province of the British Colonial Rule to reduce internal friction and blood feuds by educating the masses. The group wore red shirts and was called the Red Shirt Movement when the members started to seek political influence.
Everyone was aware of the tyranny of British Rule and wanted to free his motherland from the clasp of the colonials. Eventually, this group was tormented by the British by arresting the leader. Abdul was exiled and a huge number of workers were arrested. Abdul sought allies from the Indian National Congress the All-Indian Muslim League. The latter rejected his request but the former took him in 1929.
In 1930, the Red Shirt Movement took a prominent shape under the leadership of Frontier Gandhi. This movement played an important role in achieving independence. This group formed an ally with the Indian National Congress and bonded well to move against colonial rule. Eventually, Abdul was released from his exile due to the immense pressure created by both parties.
As per the Government of India Act 1935, male franchises were introduced for the first time in this province. In the elections of 1937, Khudai Khidmatgars joined hands with Congress and won. It was Abdul’s brother Khan Abdul Jabbar Khan, also called Dr. Khan Sahib, who was elected as this province’s Chief Minister.
During Quit India Movement in 1940, this group faced a crackdown as the Muslim League did not support its alliance with the Indian National Congress and opposing British Rule. Despite this blow, the Khudai Khidmatgars won the election conducted in 1946 with the same alliance and Dr. Khan Sahib was reelected in the same post.
They also strongly opposed the partition of India but were disappointed when the Indian National Congress agreed to the terms. Abdul Ghafar Khan was devastated by the decision made by the Congress leaders without seeking his consent and said that they have thrown them to the wolves.
This group of volunteers put in front the Bannu Resolution and demanded a free state for Pashtuns but the British rejected it in 1947. After the separation of India and Pakistan, the new government of the latter country dismissed and banned this movement. It led to Babrra Massacre on 12th August 1948 where the volunteers were violently targeted by the new government.
FAQs on Khudai Khidmatgar Movement and its Impact
1. When was the Khudai Khidmatgar established?
The Khudai Khidmatgars were a voluntary group of young people handpicked by Abdul Ghaffar Khan. They were devoted to serving the people and spreading the benefits of education. It was established in 1930 and participated in the Indian Independence movement alongside the Indian National Congress.
2. Why did the Red Shirts receive backlash from Muslim League?
The Red Shirt Movement was led by Abdul Ghaffar Khan with a motto of opposing the tyranny of British Rule by seeking nonviolent methods. When they sought an alliance with the Indian National Congress to move against the colonial rule, they received backlash from the Muslim League in the North-West Frontier Province.
3. What was the objective of Red Shirt Movement?
The prime objective of the Khudai Khidmatgars was to reduce blood feuds in their province, educate people, and restore peace. They all followed the nonviolent ways of Mahatma Gandhi under the leadership of Abdul Ghaffar Khan.