What is The Treaty of Sugauli?
On December 2nd, 1815, the treaty of Sugauli (which is also spelt Segqulee or Segowlee) was signed and it was ratified by 4th March 1816. The treaty was signed between Nepal and the British East India Company. Nepal was considered to be a kingdom during that time. This treaty has a very important historical significance because it marked the ending of the 2nd British invasion that happened in the Himalayan kingdom during the Anglo Nepalese Gurkha war that started in 1814 and ended in 1816.
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During that time period, Raj Guru Gajraj Mishra was the signatory of Nepal. He was supported by Chandra Sekher Upadhyaya. The signatory for the British East India Company at that time was Lieutenant- Colonel Paris Bradshaw. The Sugauli treaty established some territorial concessions in the region of Kathmandu and then allowed the Gurkhas to be recruited into the British army for military services. With that happening, Nepal lost the right for deploying European or American employees in their service.
Know Some More About The Sugauli Treaty
Under this particular treaty, about a third of the entire territory of Nepal was lost. This included Sikkim because the resident Chogyals of the area aided the British army during the Anglo Nepalese Gurkha War. Apart from that, the entire territory of the west side of the river Kali such as Kumaon, Gharwal, as well as some western territories such as Kangra and other parts of the Terai Region also got lost in the treaty. However, by the year 1816, Nepal did have some control over certain regions of Terai. This happened during the treaty revision process. In the year 1865, some more regions were provided to Nepal in order to suppress the ongoing Indian Rebellion that started in the year 1857. The representative of the British East India Company was amongst the first foreigners who were allowed to reside in Nepal. Edward Gardener, who was the representative was posted in the northern area of Kathmandu.
However, in the year 1923, in December, the Sugauli treaty got superseded by another treaty which was known to be a treaty for friendship and perpetual peace. Nepal signed a different treaty with India in 1950 that restored the relations between the two countries that were considered independent by then.
What Are The Terms of The Treaty of Sugauli?
The terms of the Sugauli treaty are mentioned below.
A treaty of friendship and peace was to be established between Nepal and the East India Company of Britain.
The king of Nepal had to renounce the different regions in which he had his claim. The regions that were the topic of discussion before the war were to be provided to the East India Company and all rights of the king in those regions would no longer exist.
All the regions such as the low lands between the revers of Rapti and Kali; the low lands between Gandaki and Rapti, except Butwal; the low lands between Koshi and Gandaki, would be ceded to the East India Company by the King of Nepal. This also included the regions between the rivers Burma and Mechi and the territories in the Mechi River.
In order to assure the Bhardars and the Chiefs of Nepal, who would have suffered alienation due to the treaty under Article No. 3, the East India Company would provide pensions of about 2 lakh rupees every year to the chiefs and the Bhardars.
The king of Nepal would have to renounce all the claims of himself as well his successors and heirs to the territories that have been mentioned in the 3rd article of the treaty.
The king of Nepal would never disturb or molest the King of Sikkim regarding the possession of the latter in the territories as well. In case of any disturbances between the two regions, it shall be reported to the East India Company arbitration.
The King of Nepal should never retain or take in his service an of the British officials, nor the officials of the American and European state without having some consent from the Government of Britain.
To ensure the security and improvising of the relations that took place between the East India Company and Nepal for peace, it was agreed that all the accredited Ministers from the different states would reside promptly at one another’s court without any difficulty.
The King of Nepal will ratify the treaty of Sugauli within 15 days from the date of the signing. The ratification would be then delivered to the East India Company representative Lt. Col. Bradshaw would obtain the ratification and deliver the same to the Governor-General. This should happen within a period of 20 days.
The Suguali treaty marked the end of the rule that the British East India Company had over Nepal. Hence, it is noted to be a very important historical event today.
FAQs on Treaty of Sagauli
1. When was the Sugauli treaty signed?
The Sugauli treaty was signed on 2nd December 1815 between the British East India Company and the King of Nepal. However, the ratification of the treaty occurred on the 4th of March 1816. Due to the signing of the treaty, an establishment of peace and friendship occurred between the East India Company as well as the country of Nepal which became an independent country after that. According to the treaty, Nepal has lost a few of the prominent territories that were a part of the region before the Anglo Nepalese Gurkha War took place. However, it did manage to end the rule of the British Raj in the region of Nepal.
After the Anglo Nepalese Gurkha war ended, the British East India Company agreed to sign the treaty with the king of Nepal in order to liberate the people who were a part of the Kingdom. Nepal was a huge kingdom before the war began and as a result of the treaty, there were many different territories that the king of Nepal lost. However, in order to end the effects of the war that took a toll on the people in the country, the king of Nepal decided to sign the treaty in order to be liberated from the British Raj and gain sole ownership of the kingdom.