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ICSE Class 10 Mathematics Revision Notes

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ICSE Class 10 Date Sheet 2025

Revision Notes for ICSE Class 10 Math - Free PDF Solutions

Usually considered as the first step to a successful career, the 10th class board exams are of immense importance, not only to select a good college and stream for junior college but also to mark a good debut on your resume. It is therefore not surprising that students, as well as their parents, put extra effort into making sure that they’ve done everything possible to achieve a good score in the board exams.

The first thing that comes to mind when thinking of getting a good score is targeting subjects you have the best chance of getting the perfect score in. What tops this list is, arguably, the subject Math. Although some students consider it to be some sort of weakness, it is hard to deny the fact that if conscious efforts are put into it, the returns that this subject will give are immense. However, getting the perfect score is easier said than done, and this journey is bound to come with a ton of hurdles. 

One such hurdle is the immense syllabus, and the tiny little details one is expected to remember within each of the twenty-five chapters. Be it Algebra of Geometry, students are expected to remember tons of formulae, theorems, proofs, and derivations. This is a good example of ‘easy to learn, difficult to master’ theory, because studying a particular chapter and memorizing it’s formulae is still doable for many, but retaining all that they have learned months down the line isn’t much of a cakewalk.

Chapter wise ICSE Class 10 Mathematics Revision Notes

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Few Things that Regular Revision Notes Will Help You With

That’s where ‘Revision’ saves the day for you. We can’t help but stress enough on the importance of revision, especially in a subject like Maths, where it is natural for students to find it difficult to remember the perfect formula to find a way out of a problem. Before we provide you with all the links you’ll need for your preparation, let’s just quickly jot down a few things that regular revision notes will help you with:

  • Helps you remember the minor details: A subject like Mathematics where a little minus instead of a plus can completely make you go down the wrong path, revising helps you make sure you don’t make such silly errors.

  • Boosts self-confidence: Upon completing his/her revision, the student is reassured that he has done everything possible to remember all the important details for the exam. This reassurance imbibes a newfound layer of self-confidence.

  • Improves speed: Solving multiple questions not only strengthens the concepts but also makes the student better at doing the sums quickly. It isn’t just the sums, but also the pace of performing calculations that improve after multiple rounds of revision.

  • Presentation skills: An important factor while writing the board exam is how well you present your paper. Leaving the handwriting part aside, constant revision helps the students in making fewer errors and cancellations in their paper, which improve the overall cleanliness of the presented solutions.

We hope that has convinced you to revise the syllabus! We’ve also saved you the time and efforts of surfing through the internet for hours trying to search for the perfect document to revise from. We’re leaving below a link to the summary document of every chapter, where all you need to do is hit the download button. 

Follow the links below to download and save the Class 10 Maths notes for revision prepared by the experts at Vedantu following the guidelines set as per ICSE. Not to mention, it’s all free!

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FAQs on ICSE Class 10 Mathematics Revision Notes

1. How much time should students allot for revision?

One can prepare and get good at a particular chapter with relative ease, but mastering it requires revising it time and again. Math is a vast subject and the syllabus for class 10 covers a wide range of topics with each chapter having various important formulae, derivations, theorems, and proofs. As we keep progressing in the syllabus, we tend to forget the chapters we studied earlier on. Thus, revision is essential and must not be kept at a low priority under any circumstance. Somewhere around four to six hours a week must be allotted solely for revising whatever you’ve learned so far. 

2. What exactly must students do while revising a topic?

Answering it in one word, SOLVE. While reading and flipping through pages in a cursory manner might work for other subjects, you’re not going to get away by doing that for Mathematics. You have no alternative but to sit and solve different types of questions in the topic, write entire theorems without the help of a book, and make contestant results as you go along. Only when you’ve covered any and every possible question that may be asked about a particular topic have you completed your revision for it.

3. When is the right time to revise?

This is another question that really depends on the student. Everyone has their retention capacity and some students might need to revise more often than others. A good method to check what will work for you is to test yourself on the topics you’ve studied over the last month. If you still clearly retain everything, you can keep your revision sessions limited to 4 hours on the last two days of every week. However, if you find out that you don’t remember the stuff you studied at the beginning of the month quite as vividly as the things you studied, later, you’re going to have to keep revision sessions more often, maybe twice a week, each extending up to 3 hours. A good technique is to revise after completing each topic (initially), then three topics at a time, then half the portion and eventually cover all of it.

4. Will covering all chapter-wise revisions help the students?

Let’s answer this with an example. Imagine watching a cricket match. We all enjoy it and are often stuck with third-party altogether. Once the match is done, we switch off the TV and call it a day. Now, if one has to relive some of the best moments of the match tomorrow, he/she won't watch the entire match and every single ball bowled, but just the boundaries, sixes, and wickets. Similarly, revising a topic is like watching the highlights for that particular topic, which consists of every important detail. This will bolster the student's performance by making sure he remembers the little details in every topic of the mighty syllabus.

5.  Can students consider their preparation complete after revising every topic?

After one has completed revising every topic, they should then move on to solving practice question papers from the previous year or even try some extra third-party sources. This gives them an understanding of the things they need to re-revise. They might also try and finish revising the whole thing again, in sets of 3-4 chapters at a time. A full preparation includes not just revision but also, regularly solving questions and keeping small details as notes for immediate retention. Having said that, completing your revision is surely the first step towards preparation for the Class 10th examinations. 

Refer to Vedantu for free solutions chapter-wise and get free access to other online resources to enhance your learning.