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ICSE Class 9 Modern Foreign Languages Syllabus 2024-25 Examinations


ICSE Syllabus for Class 9 Modern Foreign Languages - Free PDF Download

For all students who have opted for modern foreign language as their subject should go through the latest syllabus for a systematic study plan. Referring to the syllabus helps students to get an idea of all the chapters and the topics they need to cover for the examination. The subject experts at Vedantu have compiled the class 9 modern foreign language group 1 syllabus for an easy learning process for students. This syllabus PDF can be downloaded for free from Vedantu.

Language is a subject that has a limitless learning scope. For the students of class 9, it is important to have clear basic concepts so that they can be prepared for specialized knowledge on the subject in higher classes. Students must understand the subject well and once they are skilled in the basics of a language, only then can they become skilled in communicating in it.

ICSE Syllabus for Class 9 Modern Foreign Languages - Free PDF Download

Students can access the modern foreign language group 1 syllabus for class 9 ICSE online and can download it as well for their offline reference. The syllabus includes topic-wise weightage, suggested readings, and books for the subject, based on the latest guidelines issued by the ICSE. Knowing the syllabus also gives an overview of the exam pattern to the students.

Exam Pattern as Per ICSE Class 9 Modern Foreign Language Group 1 Syllabus

The exam is for 3 hours and carries 80 marks. The sections in the exam paper are as follows.

  • Composition- Students will be required to write a short composition on a topic that they will have to choose from the given options.

  • Letter Writing- Students will be required to write a formal or informal letter as per the format set by the CISCE board.

  • Comprehension- An unseen passage of 150 words will be given and students will have to answer questions based on that passage. This section tests the ability of the students to understand the language. 

  • Grammar- This part has questions to test the vocabulary, syntax, idioms, etc.

  • Translation and/or Dialogue Writing- Students will be provided with a passage for translation and asked to write a dialogue of 150 words in the foreign language. 

Benefits of Class 9 ICSE Modern Foreign Language Syllabus

  • The syllabus of modern foreign language class 9 has been prepared and compiled by the experts at Vedantu after detailed and careful research on all topics.

  • The syllabus has been prepared in a format that can be easily understood by the students.

  • The modern foreign language Class 9 syllabus is strictly adhered to by the teachers while covering the syllabus for the exams. 

  • The experts at Vedantu have carefully collated all the details about the details of the syllabus in one place for the perusal of the students.

  • Students can easily download the syllabus and can refer to it time and again to check if they are going in the right direction.

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FAQs on ICSE Class 9 Modern Foreign Languages Syllabus 2024-25 Examinations

1. What are the advantages of referring to the Modern Foreign Language Syllabus for Class 9?

 It is always advisable for students to study according to the study plan and they can make that by referring to the syllabus.

  • It helps them focus on their studies and they can complete their syllabus in time. This gives them ample time to do their revision before the exams.

  • The syllabus gives the students an idea about the topics they will be covering throughout the year and this prepares them mentally for their studies.

  • By referring to the syllabus, students can always cross-check to see if they haven’t missed out on any topic. 

  • At Vedantu, students can find the syllabus for all the subjects and this will help them chart a timetable to include all the subjects as per the curriculum.

  • Students can take up the lengthy chapters first and the easy ones later once they have gone through the syllabus at leisure and curated their study plan.

2. Why is it important for students to study as per the Class 9th Modern Foreign Language syllabus?

It helps the students of Class 9 to study as per the class 9th modern foreign language syllabus as it helps them in scoring good marks in the exams. Class 9 is the stage when students must strengthen their foundation for all the subjects. This helps them in understanding the next level concepts in Class 10 and helps them in acing the Class 10 Board exams. Language is a very vast area of study and there is no end to learning. But students have a limited time to prepare before their exams. They also have to dedicate their time and effort to other subjects. By adhering to the syllabus, students can finish the required curriculum first and then devote their extra time to any suggested readings that are mentioned in the syllabus.

3. Why should students learn Modern Foreign Languages for ICSE Class 9?

Modern Foreign Languages is a subject that can be very useful for students in the future. Knowing global languages not only boosts a person’s confidence but also connects them to people and literature globally. ICSE aims to enhance the language skills of its students in all aspects including reading, listening, speaking, and writing.  By learning these languages, students will be able to use them in everyday life situations. Additionally, this will also help the students to connect to other cultures.

4. How can students excel in ICSE Class 9 Modern Foreign Languages?

Since Foreign languages is a subject that may be alien to the students in the beginning, here are a few tips that can help them in excelling in it:

  • Focus on the basics taught in school and build from there.

  • Broaden your horizons by trying to read other basic books in the required language.

  • Try to watch videos in the language.

  • Refer to online videos on effective communication and the basic grammar of the language.

  • Go through previous years’ question papers and sample papers to get an idea about the exam and prepare accordingly.

5.  Is ICSE Class 9 Modern Foreign Languages a difficult subject?

ICSE Class 9 Modern Foreign Languages can appear to be a difficult subject as students are not familiar with languages like French, German, and Spanish. Thinking of a subject as difficult can stress students out and they will unnecessarily feel intimidated by it. Therefore, students should treat this as an opportunity to learn something new not only for examinations but also to develop additional language skills. With the correct mindset and preparation strategy, students will not only enjoy the subject but also ace the exam.