Revision Notes for ICSE Class 10 Math Chapter 3 - Free PDF Download
FAQs on ICSE Class 10 Mathematics Revision Notes Chapter 3 - Shares and Dividend
1. Does Vedantu offer Revision Notes of Class 10 Chapter 3 Shares and Dividend?
To help Class 10 students with their students, Vedantu provides the facility of revision notes of Chapter 3 Shares and Dividend. These notes are available in a downloadable format. All they require to do is click on the "Download PDF" icon, and it will be downloaded on their devices. Moreover, these notes are created as per the ICSE guidelines and cover all the important concepts that are necessary to understand by a Class 10 student. Our notes are the best study materials to consider during exam times for revision.
2. What important formulas are covered in Chapter 3 Shares and Dividend?
The important formulas covered in Chapter 3 Shares and Dividend are as follows.
Amount Invested= Market Value of 1 share* Number of Shares
Income earned per Share= Nominal Value of 1 share* Dividend%
Annual Income= Number of shares* income earned per share
Number of Shares= Total amount invested/Market value of 1 share, when shares are bought from the share market
Number of Shares= Total Nominal Value/Nominal Value of a single share, when the company allots the shares
Number of Shares= Total income/ Nominal Value per share
Return Rate= (Dividend/Investment * 100)%
Annual Dividend = Nominal Value of shares*Number of shares*Dividend% / 100
3. What is brokerage?
The term Brokerage is also known as commission. Brokerage is an amount of money charged by a broker for his services. Brokers are stock agents who buy and sell stocks for individuals or groups and charge a nominal fee (Brokerage) on every transaction. A broker can be an individual or an independent company that regulates financial transactions on the behalf of another party. They can make transactions on several assets including, real estate, insurance, government bonds, stocks, etc. The brokerage rate of a broker is calculated based on the market value of shares.
4. What is a dividend?
A dividend is the distribution of profits by a company among the shareholders after every 12 months. When a company earns surplus or profits, it pays some proportion of it as a dividend to the shareholders. The amount which is not distributed is re-invested into the business and is called retained earnings. The retained earnings along with current financial year profits are available for distribution. A company is prohibited from paying dividends from its capital. A company pays dividends either in the form of cash that is directly deposited into the bank account of the stakeholder or through a dividend reinvestment plan.
5. What is the market value of a share?
The market value (MV) of a share is defined as the price at which a share is sold or bought in the market. The market value of a share alters from time to time as the market sees ups and downs. Here are some characteristics of Market Value.
If the market value is equal to the nominal value, the share is said to be at the face or par value.
If the nominal value is less than the market value, the share is said to have above par or face value.
If the nominal value is more than the market value, the share is said to have below par or face value.