Revision Notes for ICSE Class 10 Physics Chapter 6 - Free PDF Download
FAQs on ICSE Class 10 Physics Revision Notes Chapter 6 - Spectrum
1. What is Dispersion?
Dispersion is the phenomenon of passing white light through a prism, so it splits into seven constituent colours. Example: formation of rainbow
Dispersion occurs due to the difference in the refractive index of the prism and the outer surface. The constituent colours of white light travel at different speeds through the glass prism. Each constituent colour has a different velocity and wavelength. The prism itself produces no colours. The dispersion of the white light takes place on the first surface of the prism. On the second surface, only refraction of light takes place.
2. What is an electromagnetic spectrum?
The arrangement of electromagnetic waves according to their frequency or wavelength is called electromagnetic waves. The spectrum, in its increasing order, is given below:
Gamma rays
Ultraviolet rays
Visible light
Infrared waves
Radio Waves
Other than the Visible light range, all other ranges fall in the invisible spectrum. The wavelength range of visible light is 4000 angstrom - 8000 angstrom. They are called ‘visible light’ as other objects can be seen in their presence, and the colours can be seen by naked eyes as well.
3. What is the scattering of light?
The spreading of light in different directions, due to various suspended particles on its path, is called scattering of light. Applications of scattering are light are, Sky appearing blue, using red colour as a danger signal, formation of the rainbow, etc. The above applications mostly depend on the wavelength of light, due to which either light does not scatter much or they scatter too much (depending on the situation’s needs). The scattering of light is a very important topic for ICSE Class 10.
4. Why are revision notes important for ICSE Class 10 physics?
For Class 10 students, board exams are the goal. They have to prepare with very strict goals in mind. Revision notes are very important, especially for a class 10 student. It helps to increase concentration and focus on studies, improves the memory of students, engages the brain, structures and memorises all the topics of the syllabus, etc. Studying in a compact manner helps the students to focus. Reading revision notes increases our attention span too. During exams, it is not possible to read the entire book the night before, as so much information can get crammed up in our minds. So, revision notes can be our saviour. Reading them the day before exams can help us to retain all the information that we have studied all this time and retrieve them during exams. All the revision notes are available in the Vedantu app or website.
5. Is ICSE Class 10 Physics Chapter 6 difficult?
No chapter or no subject is difficult. All it needs is dedication and integration towards the subject. Since the students in class 10 will be giving board exams, they should be extra careful and dedicated towards their studies. Regular studies, revisions, practises will help students fetch good marks in board exams. They can prepare their own study materials, revision notes, practice materials or they can avail all of it from Vedantu, for free! Students should make a study routine, which they should follow very diligently before their board exams. If students follow the above tips from the beginning of the year, they won’t find any subject tough.