Preparation For Economics
FAQs on ICSE Class 10 Economics Syllabus for Semester (1 & 2) 2024-25
1. How is the free downloadable PDF version of ICSE class 10 economics syllabus helpful?
The free downloadable PDF version of ICSE class 10th economics syllabus helps the students always keep it handy. It is easily accessible on any device, thus making sure that the students do not need to face any hassles while taking reference during their preparations. The free version also ensures that every student can access the syllabus and that too on multiple devices.
The structured syllabus in PDF format also ensures that the students follow the right sequence for their preparation and never get confused. It also helps the students to avoid any situation of leaving any topic for the preparation and getting into stress at the last moment. Moreover, when a student has an economics syllabus for class 10 handy, they confidently prepare for the examinations without any worries and finally pass the examinations with flying colours.
2. In how many modules is the ICSE class 10 economics syllabus divided? How are students evaluated in the final results?
The entire syllabus of economics class 10 is divided into 5 major modules. Each of these modules carries some important and latest concepts, based on the economic activities across the nation.
The modules in which the economics syllabus is divided are as follows:
- Productive mechanism
- Theory of demand and supply
- Banking across India
- Inflation
- Consumer awareness
The students are evaluated out of a total of 100 marks. There is an internal assessment of 20 marks, where the school teacher evaluates the students based on the allotted project or assignment.
And there is an external final examination of 80 marks. In this final examination, the entire paper is divided into two sections of 40 marks each. Section I contains short answer compulsory questions from the entire syllabus and Section II contains 6 questions out of which the students are required to attempt any 4.
3. Where can I find the syllabus for the Class 10 Economics subject for the ICSE board?
The latest syllabus for the ICSE board Class 10 Economics, for the year 2023 – 2023 can be found, here is Vedantu. Vedantu provides free access to the syllabus to all the students, but even more than that the syllabus is available for download also, and that too, without any cost. Yes, the latest syllabus for both semesters of Class 10 Economics is completely free to download in PDF file format, at Vedantu. You should definitely download it as soon as possible before starting your preparation.
4. What purpose does the syllabus serve? Why not start preparing straight away?
The haste of starting out the preparation straight away is completely understandable, but preparation without a plan is useless and will become labour that adds no value to the life of the students. Because making a mind map is the first step for any examination, be it school exams, board exams, or university exams. And for making a mind map, a bird’s eye view of the place where we are about to go is required, in the case of studying the “Syllabus” provides the Bird’s eye view of everything to be learned in the Economics subject, for the Class 10 ICSE Board. Therefore, the syllabus is a must for any preparation.
5.What will be the exam pattern for Class 10 Economics?
The exam paper of the class 10 economics for the ICSE board will be divided into two sections, namely Section A and Section B. The exam will have a total of 80 marks, while the 20 marks will be from the internal assessment.
The first section, which is section A, will cover the whole syllabus, and no choice for the questions will be provided here. Also, all the questions asked here will only require short answers.
The second section, which is section B, will provide the students with the ability to choose the questions, the candidates are required a total of 4 questions from this section, and also the questions will be of detailed answer type.
In short, the exam is patterned in such a manner that it will cover the entire syllabus of Class 10 economics.
6. How can I get the syllabus for the Class 10 Economics, ICSE boards?
The complete and the latest syllabus for the year 2023-24, for the Class 10 Economics including both the semesters is available here at Vedantu, for a free download, in a PDF file format. The students can easily download the complete syllabus without facing any type of problem, and since it is available in PDF file format and since the PDF File Format is the most commonly used file format, each and every student can easily access it, on almost any device.
7. Why should one refer only to Vedantu?
Well, at Vedantu we have a team of teachers who are experts in the subject, in this case, Economics. The syllabus made by these expert teachers of the Vedantu is one hundred per cent in line with the latest syllabus for the ICSE board Class 10 economics. Therefore, a student can always trust the syllabus provided by the Vedantu and start preparing for the examination. Since the syllabus is an essential part of any subject, our expert teacher has taken great care in making the syllabus.