ICSE Class 6 Syllabus - All Subjects 2024-25 Examinations
ICSE Class 6 Syllabus
FAQs on ICSE Syllabus for Class 6
1. What are the subjects a Class 6 ICSE student has to study?
An ICSE Class 6 student has to study 8 subjects in total. Those subjects are
Mathematics: Algebra, Ratio and Proportion, Sets, Integers, etc.
Physics: Force, Energy, Light, Magnetism, etc.
Chemistry: Introduction to Chemistry Elements, Compounds, and Mixture, etc.
Biology: Cell, Plant Life, Health and Hygiene, etc.
History and Civics: River Valley Civilisations, Vedic Civilisation, Rural, and Urban Local Self Government, etc.
Geography: Landforms, Water bodies, Agriculture, etc.
Computer Applications: File management, Word Processor, Presentation, etc.
2. Give me an overview of ICSE Class 6 History syllabus.
Below is the overview of ICSE Class 6 History syllabus. Take a look below.
Chapter 1 - How do we learn history?
Chapter 2 - Man: Early phase of his life.
Chapter 3 - Public property.
Chapter 4 - Significant developments in the life of early man.
Chapter 5 - Jainism, Buddhism and Confucianism.
Chapter 6 - Development of empires and Asoka the great.
Chapter 7 - Municipalities and corporations.
Chapter 8 - The Mesopotamian, Egyptians and Chinese civilization.
Chapter 9 - The Indus valley civilization and coming of Aryans.
Chapter 10 - The Guptas.
Chapter 11 - How do we govern our communities the village panchayat.
Chapter 12 - Early iron age civilization- Greek and Roman.
3. How many chapters are there in the Class 6 ICSE Computer Applications syllabus?
A total of eight chapters are included in the Class 6 ICSE Computer Applications syllabus. They are as follows -
Computer Languages.
Conversion of Binary to Octal and Hexadecimal and vice-versa.
Compilers and Interpreters, their necessity and usage.
Introduction to QBASIC.
HTML: Revision of Hyperlinks, Tables, Fields, Button, Flowcharts – symbols.
Logic development through flowchart.
Variables and Constants in QBASIC.
4. Does Vedantu provide study materials for Class 6 ICSE students?
Yes, Vedantu provides all the required study materials for students of ICSE Class 6. The study material includes sample papers, specimen papers, related questions along with textbook solutions. These are of high quality as they are created by the best subject matter experts available in the respective industry. These are also strictly adhered to the ICSE Class 6 curriculum. Vedantu also provides revision notes for each chapter of every subject in the Class 6 curriculum. Solved examples of Mathematics and Science problems are also provided for the student to practice and follow examples.
5. What are the main topics covered in ICSE Class 6 Mathematics?
All the chapters covered in ICSE Class 6 Mathematics syllabus are listed. These are the topics covered in Mathematics.
Number System: numbers, natural and whole numbers, negative numbers and integers, sets, fractions.
Ratio and Proportion: the difference between fractions and ratios, proportion as equality of two ratios, word problems.
Algebra: introduction to constants, variable and unknown, terminologies related to algebra and their applications, algebraic and linear equations.
Geometry: basic geometrical ideas, understanding 2-d, and 3-d shapes, symmetry, constructions.
Mensuration: the concept of perimeter and area.
Data Handling: a collection of data to form a hypothesis, pictograph, bar graph, mean and median.