ICSE Class 9 Physics Chapter 8 Selina Concise Solutions - Free PDF Download
FAQs on Physics Class 9 ICSE Solutions for Chapter 8 - Propagation of Sound Waves
1. Can sound travel in the air? Explain in brief.
Sound can be defined as a mechanical wave which results from the back and forth vibration of the particles from the medium via which the sound wave is moving. Sound travels through any medium viz: solid, liquid and gas. However, it cannot travel through a vacuum.
If you see any object moving forward, it pushes and compresses the air, thereby making a space of high pressure. With this back and forth movement, there is a series of rarefaction and compression created in the air. This lets the sound wave propagate through the media.
2. What is the speed of sound in different media?
Sound waves which travel through a medium by contracting and expanding alternatively the parts of the medium in which it travels. The rate at which sound waves can propagate through a medium is called the speed of sound. The speed of sound in different media depends on the conditions below.
It depends on the properties of the medium.
It also depends on the temperature and pressure of the medium.
It decreases when we move from solid to a gaseous state
With the temperature rising, the speed of sound also rises.
3. Does the speed of sound in the air be affected by temperature?
Temperature also affects the sound’s speed by altering the density of the medium in which a sound wave travels. In many cases, when a medium’s temperature increases so does the speed of sound through that medium.
The speed of sound in air varies. The speed rises by 0.6 m/s for every 1°C rise in temperature. When the elasticity increases and density decreases, while the sound of a medium is permitted to travel faster. With Higher temperatures it lower the density of a medium, which adds less resistance on the sound waves and allows the sound to travel faster.
4. Which Describe The Production of Sound.
Sound is produced because of the vibration of objects. This pressure wave causes particles in the surrounding medium (air, water, or solid) to have vibrational motion. As the particles vibrate, they move nearby particles, transmitting the sound further through the medium.
For instance:
Clapping of palms
The vibrations scribes produced by strings
Beating a diaphragm of a drum
By flute due to vibration of air-column
By guitar because of vibration of it strings
In the examples mentioned above, their amplitude is too less that one cannot see, but can feel.
5. What is the importance of Vedantu’s Selina Concise physics class 9 ICSE Solutions for chapter 7 - Reflection of Light?
Students of the ICSE Class 9 are advised to refer to the biology notes which are designed by Physics subject experts at Vedantu. Below are a few of the important features of Physics Class 9 Selina Concise ICSE Solutions - Reflection of Light for Chapter 7.
Promote in-depth understanding of difficult concepts of Chapter 7 - Reflection of Light.
Save time and also energy by providing all the necessary topics included in the latest ICSE Physics syllabus in a proper sequence
They are printable and handy hence students can easily revise again and again till the last minute before the physics examination.