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Physics Class 9 ICSE Solutions for Chapter 8 - Propagation of Sound Waves


ICSE Class 9 Physics Chapter 8 Selina Concise Solutions - Free PDF Download

As exams come around the corner, students of ICSE class 9 worry about completing the syllabus of Physics on time and the study materials to refer to. With abundant study materials available online, most of the students waste their time deciding the right study material and end up choosing the wrong one. The best way to prepare for the ICSE class 9 board exams is by practicing more questions from Selina Concise Physics Class 9 ICSE Solutions to understand the concepts and the right way to write and answer. 

These Selina Concise Physics Class 9 ICSE Solutions for Chapter 8 - Propagation of Sound Waves are designed in an easy-to-understand manner, and are very helpful for students from ICSE Class 9 for exam preparations. Students will notice signs of improvement in Physics chapters by practicing these solutions. Students should have detailed knowledge about every topic to achieve excellent marks in ICSE class 9 Physics exam. Additionally, a student should have a clear idea about the examination pattern, the syllabus, and the marking scheme in ICSE. Practicing Selina Concise Physics Class 9 ICSE Solutions for Chapter 8 - Propagation of Sound Waves can help students get a thorough understanding of exam patterns and excel in the exam with confidence.

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Class 9 Chapter 8 ICSE Physics Selina Concise Solutions - Free PDF Download

The main objective of Selina Concise ICSE Solutions Class 9 is to develop a brief understanding of the topic and to clear the basic concepts of students. We have arranged the contents step-by-step in simple language that can be easily understandable even by average students.


Further, various efforts have been made to explain complicated topics by using simple diagrams and providing clear explanations for all aspects of the subject at the school level. In order to make the learning process interesting and appealing for the students, we have conducted many experiments.

For a quick revision, there is a Recapitulation section at the end of every chapter. Detailed exercise with numerical problems is given at the end chapter to help students test their knowledge and have a better grasp of the subject.

In every topic, our subject experts have made a great effort to develop a spirit of enquiry, scientific temper, appreciation, and curiosity in students.

Download Selina Concise Physics Class 9 ICSE Solutions for Chapter 8 - Propagation of Sound Waves

Vedantu provides Selina Concise Physics Class 9 ICSE Solutions for Chapter 8 - Propagation of Sound Waves in free downloadable PDF format for the students from ICSE class 10 to have a better understanding of Chapter 8 - Propagation of Sound Waves. Students who refer to Selina Concise Physics Class 9 ICSE Solutions for Chapter 8 - Propagation of Sound Waves generally can score better as they contain the intricacies and little details about the chapter that could not be covered in the ICSE textbook being used.

These Selina Concise Physics Class 9 ICSE Solutions for Chapter 8 - Propagation of Sound Waves will help students to save a lot of time and energy during their preparations for the ICSE physics board exam as these solutions contain all the important topics with detailed solutions. Students can get Selina Concise Physics Class 9 ICSE Solutions for Chapter 8 - Propagation of Sound Waves in a downloadable PDF format here by clicking the ‘Download PDF’ tab provided here. 

These solutions have been carefully compiled by the expert teachers, based on the latest ICSE syllabus and guidelines, and it covers most of the important topics. The Selina Concise Physics Solutions for ICSE Class 9 Chapter 8 - Propagation of Sound Waves will be very useful for students from class 9 for exam preparations and last-minute revisions to achieve a good score. 

Subtopics List Covered in Chapter 8 – Propagation of Sound Waves

  • 8.1 - Sound and its production from vibrations.

  • 8.2 - Sound propagation needs a material medium.

  • 8.3 - Propagation of sound in a medium.

  • 8.4 - Terms related to wave motion.

  • 8.5 - Relation between wavelength, frequency and wave velocity.

  • 8.6 - Speed of sound in different mediums.

  • 8.7 - Factors affecting the speed of sound in a gas.

  • 8.8 - Factors not affecting the speed of sound in a gas.

  • 8.9 - Comparing the speed of sound with the speed of light.

  • 8.10 - Determination of speed of sound in air through experiment.

  • 8.11 - Infrasonic, sonic and ultrasonic frequencies.

  • 8.12 - Ultrasound and its applications.

The propagation of sound waves covers crucial things like comparison with the speed of light, propagation, and speed in a different medium, the need for sound waves to travel, and nature of the sound wave. 

Here are certain topics that relate to wave motion like wave velocity, wavelength, frequency time and amplitude have been explained. We have also discussed the wave velocity and frequency, the relationship between wavelength and more, which are basics, and one may easily come across it. 

So, find numerical at the end of the chapter along with solved examples, and practical application, and other concepts.

Importance of Selina Concise Physics Subject Wise

In Selina ICSE Solutions for Class 9, all the questions and concepts are answered and explained by subject experts in a detailed manner as per the guidelines of the ICSE board. By studying from Selina ICSE Solutions for Class 9, a student can easily get high marks in ICSE Class 9 examinations as well as in ICSE board examinations.

The propagation of sound waves is the 8th chapter of ICSE Class 9 Physics.

Sound is the disturbance in a medium that arises from an object. In this chapter, topics like the production of sound from vibrations are mentioned. Simple experiments are demonstrated to develop a better understanding of students.

You can also find how sound needs a material medium to propagate through the experiment, for example, the bell jar experiment.

Here, you will find a few related terms like wave velocity, wavelength, frequency, time, amplitude, to help you know more about sound waves and work to find the solution to numerical problems.

The speed of sound varies according to medium. Few elements that affect the speed have been outlined here.

Benefits of Selina Solutions for Class 9 Chapter 8 – Propagation of Sound Waves

  • Easily classify doubts.

  • Gain a better understanding of concepts for learning.

  • Find tables and graphs whenever required.

  • Find numerical problems to calculate along with explanations accurately.

  • Find graphs and pointers when required.

  • Easy to understand along with elaborated solutions.

Download PDF of Selina ICSE Class 9 Chapter – Propagation Of Sound Waves

Whether they are mentors, teachers or peers, it is evident that neither they will be there to help you at every point of time nor they can guide you with the same. However, Concise Physics Class 9 ICSE solutions PDF can be your best friend that will be available to you anytime as per your preference.

In case you feel it is hard to solve problems related to any subject matter, you can come across Vedantu’s solution books. Here, the language is kept interactive for you so that you won’t find any difference between us and the teacher’s teaching the concepts.

Here, the Concise Physics Class 9 ICSE solutions explanations can be accessed free of cost.

Why Refer to Vedantu’s Previous Year Question Paper for Propagation of Sound Waves?

Vedantu’s prime objective is to make education reliable and prepare as many students to solve questions. Through the highly dedicated team of experienced and skilled specialists, you will gain knowledge and makeup according to their teaching style.

Further, if you want to grasp concepts of some core subjects like Physics, Chemistry, or Maths; you can download and kick-start the preparation. Our platform is best for those who wish to revise prior to exams. Besides, our experienced and skilled experts render updates on core study programs so that students will be well aware of how their studies are improving and on which specific field.

The Selina Concise Physics Class 9 ICSE Solutions for Chapter 8 - Propagation of Sound Waves provides a complete explanation about transmission of these sound waves via  a medium. Class 9 ICSE students can refer to solutions for Chapter 8 for physics - Propagation of Sound Waves and all of these are available for free on Vedantu. These solutions have been developed with the information provided in the ICSE textbook by the ICSE syllabus and guidelines.

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FAQs on Physics Class 9 ICSE Solutions for Chapter 8 - Propagation of Sound Waves

1. Can sound travel in the air? Explain in brief.

Sound can be defined as a mechanical wave which results from the back and forth vibration of the particles from the medium via which the sound wave is moving. Sound travels through any medium viz: solid, liquid and gas. However, it cannot travel through a vacuum.

If you see any object moving forward, it pushes and compresses the air, thereby making a space of high pressure. With this back and forth movement, there is a series of rarefaction and compression created in the air. This lets the sound wave propagate through the media.

2. What is the speed of sound in different media?

Sound waves which travel through a medium by contracting and expanding alternatively the parts of the medium in which it travels. The rate at which sound waves can propagate through a medium is called the speed of sound. The speed of sound in different media depends on the conditions below.

  • It depends on the properties of the medium. 

  • It also depends on the temperature and pressure of the medium.

  • It decreases when we move from solid to a gaseous state

  • With the temperature rising, the speed of sound also rises.

3. Does the speed of sound in the air be affected by temperature?

Temperature also affects the sound’s speed by altering the density of the medium in which a sound wave travels. In many cases, when a medium’s temperature increases so does the speed of sound through that medium.

The speed of sound in air varies. The speed rises by 0.6 m/s for every 1°C rise in temperature. When the elasticity increases and density decreases, while the sound of a medium is permitted to travel faster. With Higher temperatures it lower the density of a medium, which adds less resistance on the sound waves and allows the sound to travel faster.

4. Which Describe The Production of Sound.

Sound is produced because of the vibration of objects. This pressure wave causes particles in the surrounding medium (air, water, or solid) to have vibrational motion. As the particles vibrate, they move nearby particles, transmitting the sound further through the medium. 

For instance:

  • Clapping of palms

  • The vibrations scribes produced by strings

  • Beating a diaphragm of a drum

  • By flute due to vibration of air-column

  • By guitar because of vibration of it strings

In the examples mentioned above, their amplitude is too less that one cannot see, but can feel.

5. What is the importance of Vedantu’s Selina Concise physics class 9 ICSE Solutions for chapter 7 - Reflection of Light?

Students of the ICSE Class 9 are advised to refer to the biology notes which are designed by Physics subject experts at Vedantu. Below are a few of the important features of Physics Class 9 Selina Concise ICSE Solutions - Reflection of Light for Chapter 7.

  • Promote in-depth understanding of difficult concepts of Chapter 7 - Reflection of Light.

  • Save time and also energy by providing all the necessary topics included in the latest ICSE Physics syllabus in a proper sequence

  • They are printable and handy hence students can easily revise again and again till the last minute before the physics examination.