JEE Main Chemistry Question Paper with Answer Keys 2014 (9th April) - Free PDF Download
FAQs on JEE Main 2014 April 9th Shift 1 Chemistry Question Paper with Answer Keys and Solutions
1. Which books should I refer to study for JEE Main Chemistry Question Paper 2014?
Here is a list of few books that students can refer to in addition to the NCERT Chemistry textbook:
Concept of Physical Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced: N Awasthi
Physical Chemistry: Solomons and Fryhle
Organic Chemistry: Morrison and Boyd
Organic Chemistry: R.K Gupta
Arihant's Practice Book Chemistry for JEE Main And Advanced: J D Lee
Concise Inorganic Chemistry: Freedman and Young
University Chemistry: MS Chauhan
Elementary problems in Organic Chemistry: O.P. Tandon
A student can also refer to the notes and mock test provided by the Vedantu team for full preparation of the JEE Mains exams.
2. How should I study for JEE Main Physical Chemistry?
Here are a few preparation tips for JEE Main Physical Chemistry:
Make revision or short notes for the latest possible moment readiness alongside quick notes for conditions and formulas.
Reexamine on a week-by-week or regular routine, isolating the time similarly to physical, organic, and inorganic science.
Normally, questions with calculations overwhelm students in JEE Main Chemistry question papers, so while revising, recall not to study mathematical problems and put the spotlight on ideas.
Make NCERT a model book for Chemistry readiness in JEE Main particularly for inorganic science.
Practice Organic however much you can alongside clearness in hypothetical ideas and concepts
Reexamine restrictive themes in Chemistry like organic and biomolecules.
Try not to be tense in the last minutes, recollect that each question holds +4 marks and each wrong reaction holds - 1. So assuming even 2 questions are wrong you will lose 10 points in all-out which will bring down your position by 2000.
Update occasional tables consistently as it is fairly hard to remember.
Ultimately, remain quiet, get great rest and eat well. Overemphasizing can prompt superfluous strain and awful performance.
3. How should I study organic chemistry for JEE Main exams?
JEE Main organic Chemistry appears to be problematic right away as it includes various reactions, mixtures, systems, and structures. However, assuming adequate practice is done, this part can be scored as questions are probably going to be clear and unambiguous in nature.
Assuming ideas and estimation strategies are clear in your mind, organic chemistry can be a life hack tool. The main theme in this part is ' General Organic Chemistry. To score well here, comprehend the ideas and their applications.
4. What are some of the tips that I should remember to score well in JEE Mains Organic Chemistry?
The tips to be followed while planning for JEE Main Organic Chemistry are -
Allude a great deal from NCERT Chemistry books.
General Organic Chemistry, Isomerism, and Effects should be given significance.
It is prompted by specialists that you complete learning essentially General Organic Chemistry, hydrocarbons, liquor, aldehyde, amines, and alkyl halide before you begin settling inquiries for this segment. Make notes for each part. Reexamine the notes routinely.
5. What is the weightage of different chapters in Chemistry for the JEE Mains exam?
The weightage of different chapters is shown below:
Hydrocarbons | Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes, Aromatic hydrocarbon | 6.33% |
Some basic principles of organic chemistry | Nomenclature, electronic displacement in a covalent bond, common types of organic reactions | 6.33% |
Organic compounds containing Oxygen | Alcohols, phenols and ethers, Aldehyde and ketones, Carboxylic acid | 8.33% |
Organic compounds containing Nitrogen | Amines, Diazonium salts | 3.00% |
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure | Ionic bonding, covalent bond,m quantum mechanical approach to covalent bonding and molecular orbital theory | - |
Chemical Thermodynamics | Fundamentals of thermodynamics, laws of thermodynamics | - |
Redox reactions and Electrochemistry | - | 8.4% |
Equilibrium | Equilibria involving physical processes, Equilibria involving chemical processes, Ionic equilibrium 10.5% | - |
Chemical Kinetics | - | 10.5% |
Surface Chemistry | Absorption, Colloidal state 17.9% |
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure | Ionic bonding, covalent bond,m quantum mechanical approach to covalent bonding and molecular orbital theory | |
Chemical Thermodynamics | Fundamentals of thermodynamics, laws of thermodynamics | |
Redox reactions and Electrochemistry | - | 8.4% |
Equilibrium | Equilibria involving physical processes, Equilibria involving chemical processes, Ionic equilibrium 10.5% | |
Chemical Kinetics | - | 10.5% |
Surface Chemistry | Absorption, Colloidal state 17.9% |