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JEE Advanced 2016 Maths Question Paper-1 with Answer Keys


JEE Advanced Maths Question Paper-1 Year 2016 with Answer Keys - Free PDF Download

It is an important exam for engineering aspirants (especially for those who are looking forward to admission in tier-1 engineering institutes such as IITs). JEE Advanced Maths Question Paper 1 2016 had up to 8. Yes! 8 sets of JEE Advanced Maths Question Paper 2016. JEE Advanced is a computer-based or online mode exam and only the candidates who qualify for the JEE Mains are eligible for this exam. Vedantu provides not only JEE Advanced Maths Question Paper 1 2016 but all the papers (all the sets) in a PDF format.


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Students may also find JEE Advanced Maths Question Paper 2016 with answer keys under JEE examination section. Joint Entrance Examination is an educational entrance examination that is held annually in India. IIT Roorkee, IIT Kharagpur, IIT Delhi, IIT Kanpur, IIT Bombay, IIT Madras, and IIT Guwahati under the guidance of the Joint Admission Board (JAB) used to conduct this exam. It is the sole exam for admission to the Indian Institutes of Technology for different graduate programs. In this article, we’ll discuss maths JEE Advanced PYQP 2016 thoroughly.

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JEE Advanced Maths Question Paper 2016

In 2016 JEE Advanced was held on 22nd May. Only candidates who qualified for the JEE Mains were eligible to appear for JEE Advanced. JEE Advanced 2016 Question Paper had 3 sections, Physics, Chemistry, and Maths. 30 questions were there in Maths. The performance of a candidate in this examination will form the base for admission into various Bachelor’s degree programs in different 23 IITs, including the Indian School of Mines (ISM), Dhanbad along with other reputed engineering institutes.

This Joint Entrance Exam Advanced is the second stage of JEE. It was conducted only for the students who secured a rank under the top 2 lakh of JEE Main in 2016. Students consider Maths as a scoring subject. In 2016, the Maths paper was quite a bit easy in comparison to Physics and Chemistry. CBSE had declared JEE Main 2016 cutoffs, which was 100 for the General category candidates, 70 for the Other Backward Classes (OBC-NCL) candidates, 52 for Scheduled Caste (SC) candidates, and 48 for Scheduled Tribe (ST) candidates, the students who were in top 2 lakh candidates above this cutoff in different categories were eligible to appear for JEE Advanced 2016.

A candidate can attempt this exam a maximum of two times within two consecutive years. JEE Advanced 2016 comprised 2 multiple choice-type question papers. JEE Advanced 2016 Answer Key contains all the correct answers without having any error and that too of all sets.

Exam Pattern Of JEE Advanced 2016

It is very important for the students to know about the examination pattern of JEE Advanced 2016 as there were some changes in the question paper as compared to 2015. The paper pattern of both the papers is discussed below:

Exam Pattern of Paper – 1

  • Name of the examination – JEE Advanced 2016 Question Paper

  • Mode of the examination – Online exam (computer-based)

  • Duration of the examination – 3 hours

  • Subjects covered – Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. There are a total of 3 sections in the question paper.

  • Total number of questions – 60 questions

  • Maximum marks – 186 marks

  • Types of questions – MCQs, one or more than one correct option, match the following and single-digit integer

Exam Pattern of Paper – 2

  • Name of the examination – JEE Advanced 2016 Question Paper

  • Mode of the examination – Online exam (computer-based)

  • Duration of the examination – 3 hours

  • Subjects covered – There are 3 sections in the question paper. The questions are asked from Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics

  • Total number of questions – 54 questions

  • Maximum marks – 180 marks

  • Types of questions – One or more than one correct option, MCQs, single-digit integer, and paragraph-based questions.

Marking Scheme Of JEE Advanced 2016

Underneath is the marking scheme of both the types of question paper which will tell the students about the types of questions asked and marks allotted to the questions.

Marking Scheme of Paper – 1

  • Multiple Choice Questions

Number of questions – 20 questions

Maximum marks – 88 marks

  • Single Digit Integer

Number of questions – 8 questions

Maximum marks – 32 marks

  • Match the Following

Number of questions – 2 questions

Maximum marks – 16 marks

Negative marking – (-1) mark

  • One or more than one Correct Option

Number of questions – 10 questions

Maximum marks – 40 marks

Negative marking – (-2) marks

Marking Scheme of Paper – 2

  • Multiple Choice Questions

Number of questions – 20 questions

Maximum marks – 80 marks

  • Single Digit Integer

Number of questions – 8 questions

Maximum marks – 32 marks

  • Paragraph-based Questions

Number of questions – 2 questions

Maximum marks – 16 marks

Negative marking – (-2) mark

  • One or more than one Correct Option

Number of questions – 10 questions

Maximum marks – 32 marks

Negative marking – (-2) marks

Question Paper Analysis Of JEE Advanced 2016

The exam of the JEE Advanced 2016 was conducted on 20th May 2016. According to the students, the question paper was quite difficult. The questions asked in the Mathematics and Physics section were moderately easy as compared to the questions asked in the Chemistry section.

The in-depth analysis of both the papers of the JEE Advanced 2016 by the subject matter experts is as follows:

Analysis Of Paper – 1

The level of difficulty of Paper 1 was moderate. The Mathematics section was lengthy and the questions asked were difficult. Tricky questions were asked in the Physics section. The questions were of a moderate level. Compared to the Physics and Mathematics section, the Chemistry section was quite easy.

Analysis Of Paper – 2

According to the experts, Paper 2 was tougher than Paper 1. The Mathematical section was more lengthy than Paper 1. The Physics section was too long but the questions were easy to answer. The Chemistry section of Paper 2 was quite difficult.

Strategy for Mathematics for JEE Advanced

A good strategy is an essential ingredient in the recipe for success in JEE. Most of the students who bag good ranks in JEE have highly evolved and well - experimented with exam strategies.

Everyone who thinks to give the exam will have a specific routine of attempting questions. Different students have different strategies to attempt like C->P->M or M->P->C. What makes a perfect strategy is evolving it according to one's own strengths and weaknesses after a good amount of experimentation in the mock tests.

With very little time remaining before the D-Day, it may not be possible for you to rethink or remake your strategy so here are a few supplements for getting the best out of the exam with the strategy you follow (If you're not appearing for JEE this year and are reading this).

Things to Remember before Appearing in Exam 

  • Solve as many as YOU can. You are not attempting to get 100% questions right (Even AIR 1 doesn't get 100% in Advance). From the statistics of previous years, a percentage of about 60% can get you a Top 1000 AIR. You might be having a fair idea of your ability, so set your target according to your capability and aim for getting 5% above your target.

  • Run your pencil/ pen along with the sentence but don’t spoil the screen so keep some distance from the screen. Also, read each question at least twice and try to understand it first completely then think about the approach.

  • Do not be subject-specific, each subject has equal weightage in the total. Focus on your strengths, they'll give you the ability to overcome your fears and weaknesses. But in case you are good at a particular or a subject is your favorite and it happened to be the most difficult in that paper, don't hesitate to shift your focus to the other easy subjects.

  • Don't panic at the last moment. Stay calm and composed.

General Tips 

  • Take healthy and light food before the exams. Drink plenty of water. Food and water greatly affect your brain.

  • Follow the exam guidelines well, when it comes to reporting time you have to be punctual and know about things like pen, pencil which are allowed and which are not.

  • You should take care of your health and mind by doing exercise and meditation daily. 

  • A proper timetable will enable you to manage your time. With the help of your schedule, you will be able to achieve your daily targets.

  • Be an early bird and start your preparation early so that you do not face any problems at the time of the examination. Focus on every topic and practice questions related to them.

  • Revision is an important stage at the time of preparation. You can prepare notes and use them while revising the concepts.

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FAQs on JEE Advanced 2016 Maths Question Paper-1 with Answer Keys

1. Is Maths NCERT enough for JEE Advanced?

The bottom line of NCERT is that these books are among the best books only for JEE Main, but they are just not enough as they don't include the practice of complex JEE Advanced problems. With the NCERT books, you can just build your foundation of the basic knowledge but you have to refer to other books or modules for JEE Advanced preparation. Besides the NCERT books and other reference books, you should practice Maths question papers of previous years to practice questions of advanced level.

2. Is JEE Advanced Maths tough?

If we talk about the JEE Advanced Mathematics problems, yes, these are generally harder than the other subjects. As Mathematics and Physics are very broad subjects and we can think and visualize a lot of problems, so IITs make the paper which contains some practical daily life examples so it will be a little tough to extract the method to solve, but the calculation part will be very easy. To tackle this subject, students are advised to work more on practical-based aspects rather than theoretical aspects.

3. How can I improve my Maths in JEE Advanced?

Tips To Crack JEE Advanced Maths are as follows: 

  • Conceptual Knowledge: Revise every basic concept of all the chapters before doing problems.

  • Take Mock Tests: Taking full-length JEE Advanced mock tests will help you in improving your speed and accuracy along with the examination atmosphere.

  • Solve Various Questions: Solving JEE Advanced level types of questions just after revising every chapter.

  • Improve Writing Speed With Accuracy: Making use of previous years’ question papers will enable you to maintain your writing pace. Also, you can work on your weaknesses and attempt questions with accuracy.

4. Can a weak student crack IIT?

Yes! We all know that IIT JEE is one of the toughest entrance exams in India. Only through a strategy throughout your preparation, consistency, hard work, subject analyzing skill, and most importantly self-confidence, you can easily crack this exam. So the answer to this question will be YES. To improve your analytical and conceptual skills, you must prefer the best study materials like the NCERT books, question papers, modules, and other guidebooks.  Working on your skills and these study materials, you will be able to qualify for the JEE exam.

5. Why prefer Vedantu while preparing for the Maths section of the JEE Advanced exam?

Due to the following advantages, students must prefer Vedantu while preparing for the Maths section of the JEE Advanced exam:

  • The study materials related to the JEE Advanced exam are available here.
  • It allows candidates to join their online JEE crash course.
  • Teachers help them in clarifying their queries through online chat. 
  • The content of the study materials is prepared by subject matter experts.
  • These educational materials are available in the form of PDF files.
  • Vedantu allows them to download these materials.
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