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JEE Advanced 2017 Chemistry Question Paper-2 with Answer Keys


Important JEE Advanced Chemistry Question Paper-2 Year 2017 with Answer Keys Free PDF download

You can download a free PDF of JEE Advanced 2017 Chemistry Question Paper-2 with Answer Keys from Vedantu available both on its website and mobile application. Practicing JEE Advanced Chemistry Question Paper-2 Year 2017 with solutions will help students to score more marks in Joint Entrance examination.

Among Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics in the JEE Advanced exam, Chemistry is considered to be the most scoring subject in which a student can get upto 100% marks if his concepts are strong and the fundamentals are clear. In the Chemistry section, most of the questions are easy in comparison with other sections as well as students are more likely to solve these questions with 100% accuracy. 


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Tips to prepare for the JEE Advanced Examination

Students need to follow different approaches for preparing different parts of Chemistry. In the case of organic chemistry, students need to be good at memorizing concepts. Moreover, they should regularly practice chemical equations, mechanisms and reactions to understand these concepts clearly. For physical chemistry, a thorough conceptual knowledge of topics and regular practice can help students fetch more marks in this section. As far as inorganic chemistry is concerned, the only way to prepare this part is through daily learning as it contains more theoretical chapters. 

In order to prepare all these Chemistry sections thoroughly, students should practise previous years' question papers of Chemistry like the 2017 Chemistry Paper 2 to assess their knowledge and understanding of the subject.

In JEE Advanced, the Chemistry section can help students secure a decent rank if they are unable to perform well in Physics and Mathematics sections. But, at the same time, it might bring down the rank substantially if they are not well versed with the concepts despite performing well in the other two sections. A student can face any of these situations in the main exam. 

Many students take this subject for granted and don't put in their best efforts as compared to Physics and Maths. However, Chemistry guarantees good marks in JEE Advanced if students understand its importance and thus, prepare it accordingly. 

Many times, it happens that the Chemistry section is full of direct questions instead of complex problems. Thus, practice is the only key to solving these questions with ease. You can download the previous year question papers for JEE Advanced from the website of Vedantu and its mobile application by simply downloading the app.

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FAQs on JEE Advanced 2017 Chemistry Question Paper-2 with Answer Keys

1. Does Vedantu provide study materials for JEE Advanced? 

Yes, Vedantu provides all kinds of study materials for JEE Advanced. It offers study materials for all sections - Physics, Chemistry and Maths that include sample question papers, previous years' question papers and mock questions with solutions. Moreover, it also offers revision notes for all chapters for a quick revision during exam times. Besides, it soothes the students' preparation journey with recorded videos that helps them to clarify their concepts. Students can access these materials both online and offline. To avail of these materials, all they need to have is a smartphone with a stable internet connection or they can even download it to save the data and refer them in the future at their own pace.

You can avail all the well-researched and good quality chapters, sample papers, syllabus on various topics from the website of Vedantu and its mobile application available on the play store.

2. What are the most significant chapters to study in Chemistry for JEE Advanced? 

The most significant chapters to study in the Chemistry section for JEE Advanced are as follows- Molecular Structure and Chemical Bonding, Coordination Compounds, General Organic Chemistry, p-block elements, Chemical thermodynamics, Atomic Structure, Biomolecules and Polymers, Haloalkanes, Haloarenes and Phenols, Hydrocarbons- Alkanes, Alkenes and Alkynes, Electrochemistry, Alcohols and Ethers, Carbonyl Compounds- Aldehyde and Ketones. To get good scores in the chemistry section, students are advised to understand the above-mentioned topics clearly. Moreover, they can also practice for the JEE Advanced Chemistry question paper to know how much they have learned. 

3. What books should a student refer to while preparing the Chemistry section for the JEE Advanced exam?

To prepare for the Chemistry section in JEE Advanced, students are suggested to refer to the following books. 

  1. Class 11 and 12 Chemistry NCERT Books- For concept learning. 

  2. Best books for organic chemistry- If students want to get good marks in the organic chemistry section, they can purchase the following books:

  • Organic chemistry by OP Tandon

  • Organic chemistry by MS Chauhan

  • Organic chemistry by Peter Sykes

  • Organic chemistry by Morrison and Boyd

  1. Best book for inorganic chemistry- To improve inorganic chemistry concepts, students can check out the Concise Inorganic Chemistry book by JD Lee. 

  2. Best books for physical chemistry- Students can refer to these books to practise physical chemistry.

  • Physical Chemistry- OP Tandon

  • Modern Approach to Chemical Calculations- RC Mukherjee

4. Why should students study chapters first from the Chemistry NCERT books for JEE Advanced preparation?

The first step towards JEE Advanced preparation is to learn each concept given in the NCERT book. JEE Aspirants are always advised to study topics from the NCERT books first and then refer to other reference books. The NCERT books of Chemistry are prepared by the best subject matter experts who have tried to provide all the necessary information that is important for the JEE Advanced exam perspective in a simple and organised manner. After learning concepts from Chemistry NCERT books, students must solve the examples and questions given in between and at the end of the chapters to test their knowledge. 

5. How to prepare the Chemistry section for the JEE Advanced examination?

Here are a few tips one can follow to prepare the Chemistry section for the JEE Advanced exam:

  1. Concentrate on all sections of chemistry- While preparing for JEE Advanced, students should keep in mind that all chemistry sections, Organic, Inorganic and Physical Chemistry are related to each other. Hence, students should give equal importance to all.

  2. Understand periodic trends- Students can begin with understanding periodic trends and remembering properties of elements to solve questions easily. 

  3. Comprehend reaction mechanisms- Instead of learning reaction mechanisms, students should try to know the concept behind every step in the reaction.

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