JEE Advanced Physics Question Paper-1 2018 with Solutions - Free PDF Download
FAQs on JEE Advanced 2018 Physics Question Paper-1 with Answer Keys
1. Explain Is Jee advanced physics tough?
The Candidates who appeared for the IIT's Joint Entrance Examination that is JEE Advanced 2018 saw the physics sections as a tough nut to crack. And then while the otherwise seemingly difficult segments which were of chemistry and Maths was a breeze for most of them in this year's edition.
2. Explain was JEE Advanced 2018 Tough?
The exam which was of JEE advanced 2018 the Rating which was said to be the difficulty level which is of the exam. There are many candidates who say that paper 1 was easier as compared to paper 2. They also said that the subject mathematics was easy and physics was “relatively difficult”. The JEE Advanced paper 2 and paper 21 were held on Sunday. However, we can say that post-exam discussions were as energetic as ever.
3. Explain Is Ncert enough for JEE Advanced?
The bottom line which we are saying is that NCERT books are among the best books for JEE Main or any exam but they are not enough as they don't include revision which is of complex JEE questions. We can say that with NCERT books we can build our foundation that is of the basic knowledge which is required for tackling advanced level problems in JEE.
4. Explain Why is JEE Advanced so tough?
As a result, we can say that the exam of JEE has become tougher simply because of the number of students taking that exam. And then we want an objective way of admitting students to colleges. Professor Rao said that the standard needs to get more complicated just because if it gets easier when there are so many students who will get a 100 out of 100 and we will have no way to select students.