Download the JEE Advanced 2018 question paper with Solutions
FAQs on JEE Advanced 2018 Paper with Answer Keys and Solutions
1. How do I Ace the 2018 JEE Advanced Paper in a Single Try?
Cracking the IIT JEE Advanced question paper is the dream of every engineering aspirant in India. Many people try to achieve this feat every year, but only a few succeed. So there must be some formula which works and helps these students in acing the examination. What is this formula or route to success? The answer is simple. It lies in the consistent effort and focus. Predicting the JEE Advanced 2018 question paper, or any year's question paper for that matter, is a nearly impossible task. Since this is one of the most challenging entrances in the country, the organisers have new questions every year, some of which can pose a huge surprise.
Therefore, the surest way of preparation is to spend a lot of time learning the theories and mastering the numerical, such that you are familiar with a bunch of question patterns. Another smart tip is to go through all previous year's solved papers and solve the practice papers for the current year. You can download and study the JEE Advanced question paper 2018 with solutions PDF from the website of popular study sites like Vedantu. These resources will surely boost your chances of cracking the exam.
2. Where do I Access the JEE Advanced 2018 Question Paper PDF?
If you are planning to study for 2018 JEE Advanced paper, solving practice questions with detailed solutions is essential. For this practice, you might want to download sample papers from the internet, which come with a reliable answer key. When searching for a proper source, make sure to check whether the information they provide is genuine or not. If you want to download the 2018 JEE Advanced paper, you can look into the educational websites dedicated to teaching for JEE Advanced. You can try the feature of downloading daily questions along with their stepwise solution in a PDF from Vedantu. Following the materials provided by one such educational website can prove to be greatly beneficial for your preparation.
3. How many questions are asked in the JEE Advanced paper?
In the JEE Advanced Question Paper (2024) 108 questions were asked. This is the usual count of questions asked in JEE Advanced paper. You need to prepare well and try to be more accurate when you prepare your exam and mark the question. Don't be nervous and be confident and you will succeed.
4. Do conducting authorities release mock tests for the JEE Advanced exam?
Yes, the conducting authorities release the mic test for the JEE Advanced exam but before attempting it you should solve various previous year question papers and other questions as it will give you enough confidence to start this mock test and this mock test is like a final practice before you attempt your JEE Advanced examination.
5. What is the benefit of taking already solved question papers from Vedantu?
Vedantu provides you with the solutions and explanation of all the questions. Thus, it will help you to be quick with your revision and also will give solutions to the problems you are not able to solve. By viewing the question papers mentioned by them, you will be able to get a shortcut of many questions which are going to help in your exam.
6. How many questions should you attempt in JEE Advanced?
Before you give your JEE paper, solve a mock test and remember you should not need to mark all the 60 questions in the examination unless and until you have scored more than 300 marks in your previous mock test.
7. How many questions should you solve daily for JEE Advanced?
You need to prepare the theoretical part very well and when it comes to the numerical part make sure to attempt at least 40 to 80 numerical questions on a daily basis. This will help you to excel in your examination and boost your confidence.
8. Which IIT made 2018 advanced paper?
The 2018 JEE Advanced paper was conducted by IIT Kanpur.
While the Joint Entrance Examination – Advanced (JEE Advanced) is overseen by the Joint Admission Board (JAB) that rotates among the seven IITs, IIT Kanpur was responsible for the 2018 edition.