Download JEE Advanced 2022 Maths Question Paper 2 with Solutions PDF
FAQs on JEE Advanced 2022 Maths Question Paper 2 with Solutions [PDF]
1. Is the Maths section considered to be tough in JEE Advanced?
The difficulty level of the Maths section in JEE Advanced is moderate to difficult. Mostly the questions are all conceptual and need in-depth knowledge.
2. What are the topics in Maths for JEE Advanced?
Some of the topics of Maths for JEE Advanced are Algebra, Trigonometry, Analytical Geometry, Differential Calculus, Integral Calculus, Vectors.
3. What are some of the important topics of JEE Advanced Question Paper 2 Maths 2022?
The following are some of the most important topics covered in JEE Advanced Question Paper 2 Maths 2022, Functions & Progressions, Application of Derivatives clubbed with Differential Equation, Circle clubbed with Trigonometry, Vectors clubbed with Matrices, and some direct questions from Hyperbola, Ellipse, Permutation & Combination, Probability, Definite Integration with Inverse of function.
4. What is the toughest of all three subjects in the JEE Advanced Question Paper 2 2022?
As per students reaction, it is concluded that Maths was the tough subject in JEE Advanced Question Paper 2.
5. How was overall JEE Advanced Question Paper 2?
Overall the Question paper was Moderate to Tough in difficult level. Maths was the toughest subject and Chemistry was easy. Maths had lengthy calculations and Chemistry had balanced paper.