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FAQs on JEE Advanced Heat and Thermodynamics Important Questions
1. Is Heat and Thermodynamics a topic crucial for JEE Advanced?
Thermodynamics is really an essential chapter for both JEE Advanced and JEE Mains. The chapter is available in both Chemistry and Physics. There is only a minor difference, in Physics, thermodynamics study is combined with Heat in the form of a chapter. It is a very difficult chapter and needs a good amount of practice.
2. Which JEE Advanced chapter is the most crucial from Thermodynamics?
Here we can classify a few important topics for JEE Advanced Thermodynamics section:
Chemical thermodynamics,
Chemical bonding and molecular structure,
General organic chemistry,
Coordination Compounds,
Atomic structure,
p-Block Elements,
haloarenes and Phenols,
Biomolecules and Polymers, etc.
3. How many laws are studied for thermodynamics?
There are three essential laws of thermodynamics chemistry. The first law is about the heat that is added to a system via an external source. The second law is the complete change in the entropy in any provided system plus its surroundings would always increase in the ongoing process. The third law is about the temperature around a perfect crystal turning to zero.
4. How can I get to know the general equation of a hyperbola in thermodynamics?
Conic sections standard forms of equations are:
Circle | (x-h)2+(y-k)2=r2 |
Hyperbola with horizontal transverse axis | (x-h)2(a)2−(y-k)2(b)2=1 |
Hyperbola with vertical transverse axis | (y-k)2(a)2−(x-h)2(b)2=1 |
Parabola with horizontal axis | (y-k)2=4p(x−h) , p≠0 |
Parabola with vertical axis | (x-h)2=4p(y−k) , p≠0 |
5. Can I expect to clear the thermodynamics subject for JEE Advanced with the help of NCERT only?
No, NCERT is solely not sufficient for completing the syllabus of thermodynamics for JEE Advanced. The reason is JEE Advanced appears with conceptual concepts and questions of such level that you cannot expect to clear with the help of merely NCERT. It is suggested to go for a source like Vedantu as here you will get detailed material for your preparation.