Download JEE Main 2022 July 26 Morning Chemistry Question Paper Solutions PDF
FAQs on JEE Main 2022 July 26th Shift 1 Chemistry Question Paper with Answer Keys and Solutions
1. What is the right approach for studying Organic Chemistry in JEE Main 2022?
JEE Main aspirants generally believe that Organic Chemistry requires extensive memorization of reactions. However, this is not entirely true. Organic Chemistry is quite logical and does not depend on rote learning. To be able to address JEE Main Organic Chemistry questions, you should refer to some good books for thorough study. You can start by practicing the mechanisms and visualizing the chapters. Make an attempt to understand the mechanisms of the reactions, especially the important ones. Use a flowchart of reactions and take a look at them regularly so that you can memorize the chart easily.
2. Mention a few good books for JEE Main Organic Chemistry 2022?
Below is a list of some of the best JEE Main Chemistry books that will help you clear your concepts and prepare well for the Organic Chemistry questions that can be asked in JEE Main.
Organic Chemistry by OP Tandon
Organic Chemistry by Morrison & Boyd
Modern Approach to Chemical Calculations, R. C. Mukherjee
3. What was the overall difficulty level of JEE Main 2022 26 July Morning Shift question paper?
The JEE main paper of 2022 was moderately difficult. The maths was moderately difficult whereas the questions of chemistry and physics were comparatively the easiest. The weightage was almost equally divided between the syllabus of classes 11 and 12. The questions were direct and formula based. Most of the questions were based on the concepts taught in NCERt textbooks.
4. What are some of the important topics of mathematics in JEE Main 2022 26 July Morning Shift question paper?
The following are some of the most important sections covered in the JEE Main 2022 26 July Morning Shift question paper:
Mathematical reasoning
Straight line
Limit and function
5. What are some of the important topics of Chemistry in JEE Main 2022 26 July Morning Shift question paper?
According to the question paper analysis of the JEE main 2022 question paper, the Chemistry section was the least challenging. The questions were conceptual and derived from the NCERT textbooks. The important topics included: electrochemistry, organic chemistry, chain reactions and name reactions. Biomolecules, Polymers and Environmental chemistry besides the prior mentioned topics were also covered in the examination.