Download JEE Main 2022 July 26 Evening Physics Question Paper Solutions PDF
FAQs on JEE Main 2022 July 26th Shift 2 Physics Question Paper with Answer Keys and Solutions
1. What are some of the important topics for the JEE Main Physics 2022 Question Paper?
Physics is regarded as the toughest subject when it comes to JEE Main. However, it is also the key subject of the engineering entrance examination. Physics questions can be tricky and you need to be sufficiently prepared to be able to apply the laws, concepts and formulae of Physics while writing the Physics JEE Main paper to score well. Given below are some of the important topics in view of JEE Main 20222.
Oscillations And Waves
Rotational Motion
Atoms And Nuclei
Current Electricity
Magnetic effect of Current and Magnetism
Centre of Mass, Momentum, and Collision
Rotational Dynamics
Simple Harmonic Motion
Fluid Mechanics
Bernoulli’s Principle
Heat and Thermodynamics
2. Which chapters can be skipped for JEE Main Physics 2022?
As mentioned earlier, Physics is a major subject in the perspective of JEE Main exam. You need to have a good score in JEE Main Physics and a solid foundation of the concepts of Physics to be able to pursue the desired engineering course in a prestigious NIT, IIT, IIIT, CFIT, or others. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you do not leave out any chapters from the Physics syllabus of JEE Main. You can lay more emphasis on certain topics based on their weightage in JEE but leaving out a topic entirely would be an unwise decision.
3. What was the overall difficulty level of the Physics questions in JEE Main July 26, 2022, Shift 2 paper?
Analysing the first reaction of the students, JEE Main July 26, 2022, Physics questions were deemed to be easy to moderately challenging. Questions were also based on the NCERT books. There were a good number of numerical based questions and formulae ones too.
4. Mention a few topics that were covered in the JEE Main July 26, 2022, Shift 2 Physics paper.
The JEE Main Physics question paper for July 26 2022 Shift 2 had a good number of question from the topics of Mechanics, Wave & Sound, Rotational Motion, Heat & Thermodynamics, Kinematics, Electrostatics, EM Waves, Current Electricity, AC Circuits, & Communication Systems.
5. Did the Physics Question Paper of JEE Main 26 July 2022 Evening Shift have more numerical questions or fact-based questions?
The JEE Main 26 July 2022 Evening Shift Physics section of the question paper had more numerical based questions than fact-based or theoretical questions. Moreover, the numerical questions were moderate to easy in terms of difficulty.