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Maharashtra Board (MSBSHSE) Previous year Question Paper for Class 12 Physics 2016


Maharashtra Board HSC Physics Class 12 Previous year Question Paper 2016 with Solutions - Free PDF Download

At Vedantu, we believe that the more you practice, the better you perform in the exams. That’s why we have provided the Maharashtra Board (MSBSHSE) Physics Class 12 Previous Year papers 2016 PDF here so that you become thorough with the question paper pattern. Practicing Maharashtra Board HSC Class 12 Physics previous year question papers has many advantages. One of the most important factors these papers address is the management of time. We have seen that many students would have studied hard and learned the concepts well, but still, struggle to finish answering the paper. 


Solving Physics 2016 previous question papers for class 12 familiarizes the student with the format of the paper beforehand. Students who struggle to finish on time are advised to start solving these papers at the earliest so that they don’t lag behind. Our highly qualified teachers have curated these Maharashtra Board Physics Class 12 past years’ question papers and have developed a set of sample papers in PDF format that are available for free download.

Competitive Exams after 12th Science

Evaluation criteria for Maharashtra Board (MSBSHSE) Physics Class 12 Question Paper 2016

The average of the top three performing subjects in Class 10 of the board examinations will be used to evaluate a student's performance in college-based assessments in Class 12 and 11 internal exams, as well as the average of the best three performing subjects in Class 10 of the board exams. The best three performing subjects in Class X board examinations, as well as scores in college-based assessments in Std 12 & Std 11th exams, will be evaluated for an objective and accurate depiction of a student's performance. Scores in one or more (unit test/first-semester examinations/practice exams) theory papers from Class 12 will count for 40% of the total, whilst marks from the final exam from Class 11 and the average of the highest three performing theoretical papers from Class 10 will count for 30% each. The overall evaluation will be based on a student's performance in theory papers, orals, and practical assessments.


Things Included in Maharashtra Board (MSBSHSE) Physics Class 12 Question Paper 2016 

The notion of a perfect gas, Kinetic theory assumptions, Path of least resistance, The pressure of a gas may be calculated using this formula. Degrees of liberty, Boyle's law was deduced in this way. Thermodynamics: Thermal equilibrium and temperature definition The first law of thermodynamics, the second law of thermodynamics, the third law of thermodynamics, the fourth law of thermodynamics, the fifth law of thermodynamics, the Refrigerators and engines that generate heat Black body radiation is a qualitative concept. Wein's law of displacement, Stefan's law, the greenhouse effect Distribution of Maxwell, Application of the law of energy equipartition to specific heat capacities of gasses.


Syllabus of Physics Class 12 Maharashtra Board (MSBSHSE)

Circular Motion

The angle of displacement Angular acceleration and angular velocity The relationship between linear and angular velocity, Circular motion that is consistent, Acceleration in all directions, Forces of centripetal and centrifugal motion Road resurfacing, Because of the gravitational pull of the earth, there is a vertical circular motion. The equation for velocity and energy at various vertical circular motion points. In the same way that linear motion has kinematic equations, the circular motion also has them.



Newton's gravitational law, Satellite projection, Time that repeats itself, The laws of motion as stated by Kepler, A satellite's binding energy and escape velocity In orbit, there is a state of weightlessness. Altitude, latitude, depth, and velocity affect 'Gyration Satellite communication and its applications.


Rotational Motion

The motion of rolling, M.I. has a physical significance. Gyration radius, gyration radius, gyration radius, gyration radius Torque, The parallel and perpendicular axes principle, M.I. of various regular-shaped entities centered on specific axes The conservation of angular momentum.



Linear S.H.M. differential equation U.C.M. projection on any diameter S.H.M. phase, K.E. and P.E. in S.H.M., Composition of two S.H.M.s with the same period and running in the same direction. Damped S.H.M. simple pendulum. 



An overview of the elastic property, Deformation, Plasticity The terms "stress" and "strain" are defined as follows: The law of Hooke, The Poisson's ratio is a measure of how likely something is to happen. The elastic energy, The relationship between elastic constants, 'Y' determination, Metal wire behavior under increasing loads, Elastic behavior of materials are used in various applications.


Surface Tension

Based on molecular theory, surface tension Energy at the surface, Capillarity and capillary action, surface tension, and angle of contact Surface tension is affected by impurities and temperature.


Wave Motion

Simple harmonic progressive waves, transverse and longitudinal wave reflection, phase change, wave superposition, beat formation, Doppler effect in sound 8. Waves that remain stationary Formation of stationary waves on a string, Study of vibrations in a limited medium The study of air column vibrations, including free and forced vibrations, as well as resonance.

Stationary Waves

Vibrations in a limited medium are studied. On a string, stationary waves form. Vibrations of air columns are studied. Vibrations, both free and forced Resonance.

Kinetic Theory of Gasses and Radiation

The notion of a perfect gas, Kinetic theory assumptions, Path of least resistance, The pressure of a gas may be calculated using this formula. Degrees of liberty, Boyle's law was deduced in this way. Thermodynamics: Thermal equilibrium and temperature definition The first law of thermodynamics, the second law of thermodynamics, the third law of thermodynamics, the fourth law of thermodynamics, the fifth law of thermodynamics, the Refrigerators and engines that generate heat Black body radiation is a qualitative concept. Wein's law of displacement, Stefan's law, the greenhouse effect Distribution of Maxwell, Application of the law of energy equipartition to specific heat capacities of gasses.

Wave Theory of Light

The lightwave hypothesis, The Principle of Huygens, Wavefront construction, both planar and spherical The front of the wave and the normal of the wave At a planar surface, there is a reflection. At a planar surface, refraction occurs. Polarization, Polaroids, Polarization, Polarization, Polarization, Polarization, Polarization, Polarization, Polarization, Polar Light that is polarized in a plane, The law of Brewster, In light, there is a Doppler effect.

Interference and Diffraction

Light interference, In order to produce a stable interference pattern, the following conditions must be met. In the experiment of Young, Interference bands are subjected to analytic analysis. The wavelength is measured using a biprism experiment. Rayleigh's criteria, diffraction owing to a single slit A microscope and telescope's resolving power. There is a distinction between interference and diffraction.

Electrostatics Gauss’

Proofs of theorems and their applications Mechanical force on a charged conductor's unit area, a medium's energy density, Electric polarization and dielectrics Condenser concept, Parallel plate condenser capacity, Dielectric effect on capacity, Charged condenser energy, Van-de Graaff generator, series, and parallel condensers.

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FAQs on Maharashtra Board (MSBSHSE) Previous year Question Paper for Class 12 Physics 2016

1. How do Vedantu Aid Students in Maharashtra Board (MSBSHSE) Physics Class 12 Question Paper 2016 Preparation?

If you're studying for the MSBSHSE test, you might be seeking a place where you can get answers to all of your questions swiftly. You could anticipate a simple website where you don't have to go from one page to the next to find all of your answers, i.e., a single window where you can find all of the dependable materials you need to prepare for the MSBSHSE test. You have reached the end of your quest. Each MSBSHSE test question paper is updated based on the most common questions asked. The most significant questions are highlighted. Our dedicated professors have produced answers to all previous year's papers in accordance with MSBSHSE requirements. The solutions are so brief and simple to grasp that they will take you no time at all.

2. How does the Maharashtra State Board function?

MSBSHSE's role is to execute and develop particular rules and regulations in accordance with the management, which is defined by Maharashtra as well as the Central Board. The board is also responsible for developing and administering the Maharashtra Board Books' curriculum and syllabus, as well as exam dates. MSBSHSE is also in charge of administering tests equitably, preparing textbooks, and so forth. The test is held twice a year by the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education. Every year, around 14 lakh students take the HSC test and 17 lakh take the Maharashtra SSC Board exam, all of which are administered by MSBSHSE. Maharashtra's 9 Divisional Boards conduct the exams in Latur, Amravati Ratnagiri, Aurangabad, Kolhapur, Pune, Mumbai, Nasik, and Nagpur.

3. What is the marking scheme of Maharashtra Board (MSBSHSE) Physics Class 12?

While studying for the test, students should look through the exam pattern since it will help them improve their time management abilities. They should practice previous year's question papers to get a better understanding of the Maharashtra HSC exam pattern. Each course has a 100-point exam, with 80 points for theory and 20 points for practicals, oral presentations, and projects. The theoretical test is for 70 points and the practical/oral/project is worth 30. To pass a test, each student must have a score of 35% on each topic.