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Maharashtra Board Class 10 Solutions for English Chapter 3.4: Let’s March! - PDF


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Maharashtra Board students of Class 10 have a very important chapter in Maharashtra Board syllabus called Let’s March!. The concepts are explained in detail in this chapter. Students can gain more details about solving Let’s March! questions and the different formulas and techniques used for that. In order to delve deeper into the topic, download the practice set Chapter 3.4 Class 10 English

In order to solve the questions of the chapter, students will have to practice a lot and grasp the importance and details of the chapter. This is where the solutions crafted by Vedantu experts can come into action. Students can practice using these solutions, and hence they don’t have to miss out on important details.

Access Maharashtra Board Solutions for English Class 10 Section Three 3.4 Let’s March!

English Workshop

1. Name the following.

  1. The persons to whom Kailash Satyarthi gives the highest credit of his honour -

  2. The greatest personalities from the land of Buddha -

  3. The ‘Daughters’ of Kailash Satyarthi mentioned in his speech-

  4. The foreign activists of equal rights, mentioned in the speech-

Ans: The answers to the above questions are given below: 

  1. Iqbal Masih from Pakistan, Kaalu Kumar, Dhoom Das and Adarsh Kishore from India.

  2. Mahatma Gandhi and Guru Nanak

  3. Shazia, Kayanat and Malala Yousafzai

  4. Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela.

2. Mention the social issues highlighted by Kailash Satyarthi in his speech. One social issue is given for you.

(a) Child labour

Ans: The social issues highlighted by Kailash Satyarthi in his speech are: 

  1. Child labour

  2. Child marriage 

  3. Illiteracy

  4. Sexual abuse 

  5. Slavery

  6. Trafficking

3. Complete the following diagram/chart.

Chart for the aim in the life of Kailash Satyarthi

Ans: The aim in the life of Kailash Satyarthi is that every child is free

  1. To be a child 

  2. To grow and develop

  3. To eat, sleep and see daylight

  4. To laugh and cry

  5. To play and learn

  6. To dream 

  7. To go to school

4. Complete the following web-chart.

Incomplete Web

Incomplete Web

Ans: An appeal of Kailash Satyarthi is- 

  1. Let us march from ignorance to awakening

  2. Let us march from darkness to light

  3. Let us march from mortality to divinity

  4. Let us democratise knowledge

  5. Let us globalise compassion

  6. Let us universalise justice

5. Find out the describing words used for the following nouns and make your own sentences by using any three combinations.

  1.  …………… sacrifice

  2. …………… faces

  3. …………… militia

  4. …………… challenge

  5. …………… globalisation

  6.  …………… agencies


  1. Supreme sacrifice: It would be an appropriate tribute and a constant reminder of their supreme sacrifice to all of us. 

  2. Beautiful faces: We would love to see your beautiful faces if you are a local of the Tri-State region.

  3. Extremist militia: Extremist militia devastated Palestine. 

  4. Great challenge: Climate change is a great challenge that mankind is facing today. 

  5. Rapid  globalization: Rapid globalisation has helped developing countries increase trade across the world. 

  6. Intergovernmental agencies: Various intergovernmental agencies work together to do the needful and assist during disasters.

6. Choose the correct option and write in front of the given word.

  1. Divinity :

           (i) goodness      (ii) godliness     (iii) god-fearing

  1. Extremist : 

           (i) militant        (ii) robber          (iii) spy

  1. Culminate : 

            (i) destroy       (ii) succeed        (iii) rise to a peak

Ans: (a) The correct option is (ii).

Divinity: godliness

(b) The correct option is (i).

Extremist: militant

(c) The correct option is (iii).

Culminate: rise to a peak

7. (A) What will you do in the following situations?

  1. If you see a child working in a restaurant

  2. If you find a child working at a construction site

  3.  If you find a child working at a brickwork site

  4. If you come across a beggar child

Ans: The answers are given below: 

  1. I'll file a complaint with the Child Labor Act of 1986 against the owner.

  2. I'll file a complaint at the neighbourhood police station and persuade them to transfer him to a neighbouring school.

  3. I'll advise his parents to send him to a neighbouring school instead of doing that.

  4. I'll explain to the kid that begging is not good. Along with emphasising the value of education, I will encourage him to attend class.

(B) Write any 2 efforts that you can make to enrol deprived children/ out of school children into a school. One is given for you.

  1. I will persuade parents of such children to send them to school.

Ans: Following are efforts that I can make to enrol deprived children on a school:

  1. To get them help, I would speak with an NGO.

  2. To enrol the children, I would get in touch with the teachers of a nearby school.

  3. I would teach them how to read and write by myself.

8. Today, it is time for every child to have a right to -

education, ……………., ………………..,  ………………..,  ……………….., 

Ans: It is now necessary for every child to have the right to-

  • Education

  • Freedom

  • Equality

  • Dignity

  • Life

  • Healthy environment

  • Safety

  • Peace

9. Make a list of Indian Nobel Laureates.

Ans: A list of Indian Nobel Laureates is given below: 




1. Rabindranath Tagore



2. C. V. Raman



3. Mother Teresa



4. Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar



5. Amartya Sen



6. Kailash Satyarthi



10. Make a list of prestigious awards in India.

Ans: There are two types of awards in India: Civilian awards and Highest gallantry awards. A list of prestigious awards in India is given below: 

Civilian Awards

Highest Gallantry Awards

Bharat Ratna

Param Vir Chakra

Padma Vibhushan

Maha Vir Chakra

Padma Bhushan

Vir Chakra

Padma Shri

Ashok Chakra

11. Make meaningful sentences by using the following phrases.

  1. In the pursuit of 

  2. To be afraid of 

  3. To give up

Ans: Using the given phrases, the sentences are given below: 

  1. The majority of individuals spend a lot of time in the pursuit of making money.

  2. Don't be afraid of expressing what you truly believe.

  3. He finally gave up smoking after his wife convinced him.

12. Write minimum 5 hidden words of more than 4 letters from-‘intergovernmental’

Ans: Five hidden words of more than four letters from the word- ‘intergovernmental’ are: 

  1. Internal

  2. Gentle

  3. Metal

  4. Government

  5. Torment

  6. Intern

13. Imagine your school invites Malala to preside over celebration of ‘Children’s Day’. Draft a welcome speech for this noble young girl. Gather her biodata from the Internet.

Ans: Respected Chairperson, Principal, educators, Malala Didi, our visitor today and all of my good friends.

To honour Children's Day, we have convened at this location. I'd prefer to keep my remarks about Children's Day brief on this momentous occasion. Children are an essential component of society, the family and the nation's future. We cannot overlook their ongoing presence and contribution to the lives of parents, teachers and other associated individuals.

God has blessed children and they win our hearts with their charming looks, innocent play and smile. Without them, life becomes incredibly dull and upsetting. Every year, this day is observed to honour all the children around the globe. On November 14, India honours the distinguished independence fighter and nation's first prime minister, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, who was born on that date. The commemoration of this day serves as a reminder for us to give to the welfare of children, including their health, care and education. It is an opportunity to appreciate aspects of childhood traits. Children are viewed as the foundation of a strong country. They have the power to positively impact the country. They will be tomorrow's law-abiding citizens. They hold the power to direct the nation's progress. The commemoration of Children's Day serves as a reminder of their rights.

Children are the future leaders, thus they deserve respect, particular attention and protection from their parents, teachers and society as a whole. Do they truly appreciate it? In our country, they are being mistreated in a variety of ways by their family members, relatives, neighbours or other individuals. Government should work on it to make it easier for people to live happy lives. A Pakistani activist named Malala Didi campaigns for girls' education. She advocates for human rights, particularly the right of women and children to an education.

She has made us proud. If we follow in her footsteps on this blessed day, no female or kid will be sexually assaulted. She is here with us because she is an amazing inspiration. I believe I should end here since we are excited to hear her important opinions. Happy Children's Day to all of you and good luck in your future endeavours. I appreciate you taking the time to hear what I have to say.

Thank you!

14. Use the same words as a noun and a verb to make meaningful sentences.

March, honour, credit, stitch


  1. March- As a Noun: The workers started their march to show their displeasure with the plant owners. 

As a verb: The pupils were marched to the playground by the physical education instructor. 

  1. Honour- As a Noun: A meal was planned in his honour. 

As a verb: The actor was honoured with the Padma Shri award.

  1. Credit- As a Noun: The bank turned down its request for credit.

As a verb: She has received an incorrect credit as the author.

  1. Stitch-As a Noun: Eight stitches were required for the wound.

As a verb: The clothing was to be immediately stitched by the tailor.

Language Study

1. (a) Match the sentences given in part ‘A’ with the sentences given in part ‘B’.

Note the differences in structure.

‘A’ Part

‘B’ Part

(1) He was kidnapped by an extremist militia.

(a) They forced the child to kill his friends and family.

(2) The child was forced to kill his

friends and family.

(b) An extremist militia kidnapped him.


‘A’ Part

‘B’ Part

(1) He was kidnapped by an extremist militia.

(b) An extremist militia kidnapped


(2) The child was forced to kill his

friends and family.

(a) They forced the child to kill his friends and family.

(b) Observe the following underlined phrases. Here ‘have /has’ are followed by the past participle form of the verb. This construction indicates the perfect present tense. Find more such sentences from the speech.

  1. We have made progress in the last couple of decades.

  2. We have prevented millions of child deaths.

  3. It has happened.

  4. ………………………………………………………………….

  5. ………………………………………………………………….

  6. ………………………………………………………………….

Ans: Some of the examples from the speech are:

  1. We have made progress in the last couple of decades.

  2. We have prevented millions of child deaths.

  3. It has happened.

  4. We have reduced child mortality.

  5. We have utterly failed our children.

  6. I have never thought about it.

(c) In the following sentences the underlined words are called infinitives. Find such examples from the speech and underline the infinitives.

  1. Every child is free to grow.

  2. I refuse to accept that all the laws and constitutions, police and judges are unable to protect our children.

  3. ………………………………………………………………….

  4. ………………………………………………………………….

  5. ………………………………………………………………….

  6. ………………………………………………………………….

Ans: Some of the examples from the speech are:

  1. Every child is free to grow.

  2. I refuse to accept that all the laws and constitutions, police and judges are unable to protect our children.

  3. Every child is free to laugh and cry.

  4. A child is free to dream.

  5. Every child is free to go to school.

  6. Every child is free to grow and develop.

(d) Pick from the lesson, the Antonyms of

  • ignorance X …………..

  • deny X …………..

  • well- known X …………..

  • Immortality X …………..

  • Violence X …………..

  • Slavery X …………..

Ans: The Antonyms are:

  • ignorance X knowledge

  • deny X accept

  • well- known X unknown

  • Immortality X mortality

  • Violence X peace

  • Slavery X liberty

(e) Do as directed.

(i) Make nouns of the following.



















Ans: Nouns are as follows:



















(ii) Make verbs of the following.





Ans: The verbs are as follows:







(f) Change the following sentences to the other Degrees of Comparison, without changing meaning.

(a) The biggest challenge knocking on the doors of human kind is fear and


  1. No other challenge knocking ………………………………………… as big as ………………………………………….

  2. Fear and intolerance are bigger …………………………………………….


  1. No other challenge Knocking on the doors of humankind is as big as fear and intolerance.

  2. Fear and intolerance are bigger than any other obstacle knocking on the doors of humankind

(b) The Nobel Prize is one of the greatest honours in the world.

  1. Very few honours ………………………………………………………….

  2. The Nobel Prize is greater than ………………………………………………………….


  1. Very few honours in the world are as great as the Nobel Prize.

  2. The Nobel Prize is greater than any other honour in the world.

Importance of Maharastra Board textbook Solutions for Class 10 English Let’s March!

The Class 10 Chapter 3.4, titled Let’s March for Maharashtra board students, includes all the important details about number progressions and sequences. Students will learn what arithmetic progressions are and how are they represented. The chapter also provides an introduction to the common difference between the consecutive numbers in the progression. Students will be introduced to the General Form of an Arithmetic Progression. The chapter also introduces the concepts of the First Term to the students.

1. Access to Solutions by Experts: Getting guidance and learning from experts who have curated the answers that focus on learning standards specific to the age group. It also provides well explained and easy to understand solutions for a student.

2. Beneficial for Resolving Doubts: Sometimes, questions asked in the chapter become challenging to comprehend, especially for students who find English difficult. The textbook solutions can present them with elaborative and comprehensive answers or solutions which will benefit them in case of doubts.

3. Learning Through Mistakes: When a student is trying to solve a question, it is often observed that they get the correct answers but do not follow the proper method. In such cases, textbook solutions can help them understand the experts' approach, which they can use while finding the answers.

4. Practice with the Right Approach: Practicing the questions by following correct methods and techniques becomes significant for a student. These practice questions become the building blocks for their further question-solving practice. Hence, it is crucial to solving many questions based on a concept with the right approach.

Benefits of Using Vedantus' PDF Solutions for Class 10 English Maharashtra Board

  • Let’s March! is a chapter that demands a thorough understanding of the concepts and details. With the solutions for the chapter, students can properly understand the chapter and its contents in it.

  • The practice sets and the solutions have been carefully crafted by some of the learned experts at Vedantu, who are well-versed in the concepts of Let’s March!.

  • Students can use the solutions to practice more and gain a better understanding of the chapter. This is also going to be a great help during the examinations, and they can score high marks if any questions are asked from this chapter.

  • The practice set Let’s March! Class 10 English for Maharashtra Board students acts as a fantastic way to revise any concepts that might be doubtful for students. They can solve the questions and easily cross-check if their answers are correct.

Excel in Your Prep With Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Chapter 3.4 Solutions

Download and study from Maharashtra board class 10 English solutions chapter 3.4 Let’s March! and see the benefits. You will gain a deeper understanding of the chapter and its contents. You will also be able to memorize all the formulas and use them to solve problems from the chapter. Download the PDF version from Vedantu right now.

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