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Maharashtra Board Class 10 Solutions for English Chapter Number 3.5: The Alchemy of Nature - PDF


Download Free PDF with Solutions of The Alchemy of Nature Class 10, Chapter Number 3.5

The Alchemy of Nature is an essential chapter for Class 10 students in the Maharashtra Board. The chapter introduces students to the concept of The Alchemy of Nature and followed with solved examples and practice questions. In this chapter, students will be able to learn all the methods to solve questions on The Alchemy of Nature. In order to understand the chapter in detail, refer to the PDF where solutions can be downloaded for the chapter.

These solutions for Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Chapter Number 3.5 The Alchemy of Nature have been carefully designed by the subject matter experts at Vedantu who are completely well-versed with the essential topics and sub-topics included in the chapter. Downloading the The Alchemy of Nature Chapter Number 3.5 solutions will help students gain a better understanding of the chapter.

Access Maharashtra Board Solutions for English Class 10 Section Three 3.5 The Alchemy of Nature

English Workshop

1. Go through the text again and complete the web that highlights the various features of the flower of the ‘hibiscus’ plant. One is done for you.



Ans: Characteristics of the hibiscus plant's flowers are:

  1. Throughout the day, smiles at the sun and shifts to the wind.

  2. As dusk falls, the flower begins to wilt.

  3. By the next morning, everything has entirely withered and has become one with the ground.

2. The writer explains the contrasting features of ‘water’ and ‘rock’ in the text. Write all the features of both water and rock in the given table.



Ans: Features of water and rock are given below: 



1. Water is gentle.

1. Rocks are hard. 

2. Water has a powerful nature.

2. A yielding nature exists in the rock.

3. Water persists and perseveres.

3. The rock yields with pressure.

4. Water carves and shapes the rock.

4. Rock is formed and shaped by water.

3. Impossible itself says ‘I M possible’. Do you agree ? Justify your answer by citing some examples from the text and some that you have experienced or heard from someone.

Ans: I do agree that the word "impossible" itself declares "I am possible." In life, we frequently find ourselves in situations that appear unsolvable. There is, however, always a way out. We only need to locate it. For instance, little grass blades manage to emerge through a concrete sidewalk. Although it seems impossible, the grass fragments made it possible. It seems inconceivable for such small ants to transport a fly ten times larger than themselves. But with cooperation, they can succeed. I went for a ride on my bicycle when I was eleven years old. After some time, I realised I was lost and had no idea how to get home. Given that I didn't even recognise the location I was in, I believed it would be impossible for me to navigate my way back. I had no method of getting in touch with my family, and they had no idea where I was. I finally made up my mind, though, and chose to ride home along the same path that I had travelled to get there. I received a lot of helpful directions from friendly folks along the road. I eventually realised that I had taken the wrong route and had become lost as a result. I made it home without incident. That day, I came to the realization that anything we set our minds to and believe is doable, we can do.

4. Find synonyms from the text for the following words/phrases.

  1. Strong feeling of fear or respect

  2. To direct authoritatively

  3. To peer through

  4. Large and impressively beautiful

  5. Easily broken or damaged

Ans: The synonyms of given phases are: 

  1. Strong feeling of fear or respect - awe

  2. To direct authoritatively - command

  3. To peer through - peep

  4. Large and impressively beautiful - majesty

  5. Easily broken or damaged - delicate

5. How can you prove this maxim to be incorrect - ‘Too many cooks spoil the broth’? Write a counterview on the given topic. (Clue -Teamwork)

Ans: Counterview to: 'Too many cooks spoil the broth': 

When we wish to convey the idea that having too many people working on one task at once can only result in chaos, we use the proverb "Too many cooks spoil the soup."

However, there is another saying that goes, "Many hands make light work," which suggests that when people collaborate, the workload is lightened and the work is completed more quickly. Whatever the task, it is critical that everyone involved in it is on the same page and has been assigned a specific portion of it.

There is no way for anything to go wrong once everyone is aware of what they are expected to do. Working in groups is always preferable, whether it be for learning, creating a project, going shopping, or even cooking. The combined efforts of everyone concerned produce an outcome that is superior to what was first anticipated. While various people may have varying points of view, they also have varying levels of experience, which they may use to add to the task at hand and improve the outcome. Thus, it's not necessarily true that "Too many cooks spoil the broth."

6. Make a list of all the words related to the word ‘ocean’.

  • Fishers 

  • Salty

Ans: A list of every term associated with 'ocean' is: 

  •  Fishers

  • Salty

  • Majestic

  • Blue

  • Waves

  • Water

7. The author has very positively described the different things in nature. Discuss with your partner the special features of each one of them. Add on the list.

Part of Nature

Special Feature

Value Learnt

  1. Water

  1. Rainbow

  1. Caterpillar 


Part of Nature

Special Feature

Value Learnt


Continuous efforts, determination and  humility.

(i) Even colossal problems can be surmounted if we persist.

(ii) Learn to adapt to others without any hint of ego.


Cheerful and colorful.

We should spread colors and happiness even when there are problems in our life. 


Becomes a butterfly after going through several stages. This shows patience. .

A wonderful future lies in front of us.


Only exists for a single day. 

We must enjoy every moment, no matter how short it may be.


Obedience to nature and  adjustment. 

We should be adjustable. We should always make an effort to adapt to changing conditions. 

Bits of grass

Optimism and continuous efforts.

Even if it can seem unachievable, there is a hope.

Bare tree

Optimism, faith and believe.

However difficult things are in the present, they will not remain so forever. With conviction, we should remind ourselves that this too will pass. 


They pull objects that are heavier and larger than they are.

No matter how big the challenge, we can overcome it with teamwork and dedication.


A grain of sand is changed into a pearl by oysters. 

To achieve the best things in life,  we need continuously work hard.

Spider webs

Webs look delicate but they are strong in nature. 

We should be well-mannered and kind but strong at the same time. 

8. Your friend has his board exam. He studies for 14 hours a day sitting at one place. Write a letter to him giving him tips to relax and be stress-free.


A/202, Radha Raman Complex,

J.P Nagar,

Kurla (E),

Mumbai-- 400052

 24 January 2021

Hello Ram,

What's up? I am doing fine. The other day, your mother gave me a call. She had an angry tone. She is concerned about the impact 14 hours a day of study will have on your health. I wasn't sure I believed her at first. Two hours of studying would be quite difficult for you to manage! But I was genuinely shocked when I realised that she wasn't exaggerating.

Let me share a fact with you. You cannot afford to get sick as your board examinations draw closer. I am aware that you cannot take these board exams lightly because they are important.

However, spending 14 hours a day in class is not the solution. You must strike a balance between your schoolwork and leisure time. You will benefit much from engaging in your pastime, picking up a sport or just getting outside and some fresh air. It is important to take a gap. It might not be able to remember everything if you keep giving it chapter after chapter. It is preferable to take short intervals in between so that your mind has time to comprehend what you have learned. Before tests, you should unwind and avoid stress because it can harm your academic performance.

I sincerely hope you take my words to heart and refrain from being too hard on yourself. I'm hoping you do well on your exam. You will pass with flying colours, I am confident. I'll be in touch soon. Self-care is important.

Yours sincerely,


9. You have an Environment Protection Week to be celebrated in your school. You have invited an environmentalist. You have to interview him/her about how to save the environment. Frame about 10-12 questions for the interview.


Jai speaks with environmentalist Mr Ali:

Jai: Greetings, Sir. Greetings from our school. To write about you for our school magazine, I would want to ask you a few questions. What do you think of the idea of celebrating "environment protection week," to begin with?

Mr Ali: Although I wouldn't describe it as a "celebration," I think it's a fantastic idea.

Jai: Please explain, sir.

Mr Ali: Well, when you are joyful about something, you celebrate. As an environmentalist, I am not at all pleased with how poorly the environment is protected in our community.

Jai: Could you share some advice on how to save the environment?

Mr Ali: Yes, my dear boy. First and foremost, we should plant more trees everywhere we can. Every factory, office, residential building, etc. should be required to plant trees before work is done.

Jai: Sir, what about the danger posed by plastic?

Mr Ali: Plastic cannot be eliminated, but everyone should be made aware of the thickness of plastic bags and disposal options. Pollution of the air, water, and noise must also be addressed.

Jai: Please elaborate, sir.

Mr Ali: Water bodies need to be kept clean, thus industrial and vehicular pollution must be managed. Rulebreakers must face consequences. The use of loudspeakers must be restricted at night. Oh, numerous tasks need to be completed.

Jai: I appreciate you giving up part of your valuable time for this interview, sir.

10. Write a news report on the ‘Environment Day’ celebrated in your school.


Celebrations of Environment Day

Meghan Suri, School Reporter

Nagpur, June 6, 2022 

"World Environment Day" was formally observed at New Era School with much pomp. The primary goal of the celebration was to raise awareness of the need for an effective method for protecting the environment.

A drive to plant trees in the area officially started the day. Three hundred water-efficient, fast-growing trees were positioned close to the school wall and in the immediate vicinity. Mr A.T. Ali, a renowned environmentalist, gave a speech on environmental protection. Additionally, he evaluated the show "Posters and Photographs" and awarded prizes to the top submissions. Environmentally friendly products were on sale, including bags made from leaf debris, disposable plates and cups made from bamboo and banana stems. Students presented PowerPoint presentations on the environmental threats. The lively discussion on the subject of "Man: The Worst Enemy of the Environment" came last, but certainly not least.

Overall, the day was quite successful and undoubtedly changed how we perceive our world.

11. Develop a story with the given ending. Give a suitable title and moral.

…………………………………………………and so, Aditi decided to plant more trees.

Ans:  Aditi’s Summer Break

Aditi was on vacation at her grandmother's home in Pune over the summer. Every afternoon, she would go play in the woods behind the home. Since it was summer, it was undoubtedly warm, but Aditi didn't mind. She wouldn't have time since she would be too busy chasing butterflies, enjoying the bird sounds, or simply relaxing under the tall trees' shade. Aditi once observed a few woodcutters felling many of the tall trees in the forest. When she told her grandma about it, the latter responded that it occurs a year since wood is required for numerous uses. For the remainder of her trip, Aditi didn't return to the woods. She once watched a programme about the negative consequences of deforestation. She observed how deforestation harms the ozone layer, harms wildlife, contributes to global warming, causes floods, causes soil erosion, and produces air pollution. She reasoned that if nothing else, she could at least plant trees to make even a modest contribution toward reversing the impacts of deforestation. Aditi decided to plant additional trees as a result of the incident and the documentary, which made her consider the environment.

12. Just For Laughs!

l Divide the class into two groups. On 12 to 15 slips of paper, Group A writes

12 to 15 conditional clauses beginning with ‘If’.

(For example, If I work very hard, )

Group B write 12 to 15 main clauses.)

(For example, I would/shall have a pizza.)

Now, one student from Group ‘A’ reads the first conditional clause (possibility) and

one student from Group ‘B’ reads the first main clause. It forms crazy sentences,

just for laughter and fun. ENJOY!


Group 'A'

Group 'B'

If I win the competition

  I will go for a walk in the park.

If I open this tin

I will go bungee jumping

If I go to the zoo

I will be staying there.

If I laugh too hard

I might get to go and play

Language Study

1. Match the pairs of Antonyms



1. gentle



2. impossible



3. colossal



4. short



5. difficult



6. delicate






1. gentle



2. impossible



3. colossal



4. short



5. difficult



6. delicate



2. Complete the table.







2. passion










1. strength




2. passion




3. change




4. organisation




Importance of Maharashtra Board Textbook Solutions for Class 10 English The Alchemy of Nature

The Chapter Number 3.5 of the Class 10 syllabus of English for the Maharashtra Board, The Alchemy of Nature, is quite crucial. The chapter discusses all the important topics. They also get to learn the formulas and its application in real life.

1. Access to Solutions by Experts: Getting guidance and learning from experts who have curated the answers that focus on learning standards specific to the age group. It also provides well explained and easy to understand solutions for a student.

2. Beneficial for Resolving Doubts: Sometimes, questions asked in the chapter become challenging to comprehend, especially for students who find English difficult. The textbook solutions can present them with elaborative and comprehensive answers or solutions which will benefit them in case of doubts.

3. Learning Through Mistakes: When a student is trying to solve a question, it is often observed that they get the correct answers but do not follow the proper method. In such cases, textbook solutions can help them understand the experts' approach, which they can use while finding the answers.

4. Practice with the Right Approach: Practicing the questions by following correct methods and techniques becomes significant for a student. These practice questions become the building blocks for their further question-solving practice. Hence, it is crucial to solving many questions based on a concept with the right approach.

Benefits of using Vedantus' PDF Solutions for Class 10 English Maharashtra Board

  • The solutions for Class 10 Chapter Number 3.5 for the Maharashtra Board Students have been created by Vedantu experts. With amplified knowledge about the concepts, they have left no detail unexplained in the chapter. Students can use elaborate explanations, examples, etc., to gain further understanding of the chapter.

  • Solutions for The Alchemy of Nature will help students understand how to solve complex problems related to the chapter. These solutions have been explained in a way that is easy to comprehend for students.

  • They can prepare properly for their examinations by solving the problems with the help of the solutions. All details about different ways to solve The Alchemy of Nature have been explained. Students can build a strong foundation for the chapter with these solutions.

  • During revision, these solutions and practice sets can come in handy to revisit anything when you are having doubts about your answers.

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