Maharashtra Board Class 12th Solutions for Accountancy Chapter 2 Accounts of Not for Profit Concerns – Download PDF with Solutions
FAQs on Maharashtra Board Class 12 Solutions for Accountancy Chapter 2 Accounts of Not for Profit Concerns
1. What is an NGO or a Non-Profit Organization?
A Non-Profit Organization can be defined as an organization that doesn’t have any intention to make profits from the business. Such organizations are exempted from paying taxes.
2. What are the various sources of income for Non-Profit Organizations?
The source of income for non-profit organizations includes membership fees, sponsorships, government grants, and individual donations.
3. What are the main features of an NGO?
The main features of an NGO are:
Separate legal entities such as a charitable society
Service-based operations
Source of income from donations and memberships
4. What financial statements does an NGO have?
The different financial statements of an NGO include a receipts and payments account, an income and expenditure account, and a balance sheet.
5. What are revenue receipts?
All the receipts which are recurring in nature and manage to represent the regular flow of income of concern can be defined as revenue receipts.