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Maharashtra Board Class 12 Solutions for Physics Chapter 3 Kinetic Theory of Gases and Radiation - PDF


Maharashtra Board Class 12th Solutions for Physics Chapter 3 Kinetic Theory of Gases and Radiation – Download PDF with Solutions

Kinetic Theory of Gases and Radiation is the third chapter of the Maharashtra Board Class 12 syllabus. This chapter mostly discusses the molecular matter, behaviour of different gases, ideal gases, kinetic theory of gases, and many other interesting topics. In order to perform well in their exams and score good marks, students will have to develop a good understanding of this chapter. That is why students should download the Kinetic Theory of Gases and Radiation Class 12 PDF.

Students will be able to gain a better understanding of the chapter using the important solutions and notes provided by Vedantu. The expert scholars provide clear and concise explanations of different concepts and questions related to the chapter. Download the Kinetic Theory of Gases and Radiation Class 12 important questions and include this in your study materials today.

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Importance of Maharashtra Board Physics Class 12 Chapter 3

In the chapter on Kinetic Theory of Gases and Radiation, students will be able to get into a number of detailed concepts and topics which are helpful in the study of Physics. The chapter introduces students to the concept of the behaviour exhibited by gases in general. Students will learn about the ideal gases, kinetic theory, equipartition of energy, heat capacity, mean free path and much more. Also, the chapter deals with the microscopic and macroscopic properties of gases which includes different quantities such as pressure, kinetic energy, speed, temperature and much more.

Furthermore in the chapter, students will learn about the Law of Equipartition of Energy, Maxwell’s Distribution of Molecular Speed, Degrees of Freedom, etc. Such details in the chapter are explained with the help of examples, explanations, definitions, and much more to ensure that students are able to develop a sound understanding of the chapter.

Downloading the Physics Class 12 Chapter 3 Exercise solutions and practising them can help the students cement their knowledge about the concepts related to the chapter. Students can easily solve numerical problems and answer elaborative questions based on their understanding of the chapter.

Benefits of MSBSHSE Class 12 Physics Chapter 3 Solutions

  • The subject matter experts at Vedantu have offered the solutions of Kinetic Theory of Gases and Radiation for students. These solutions have been explained in a step-by-step method, with crisp explanations to ensure that students are able to learn easily. 

  • Repeatedly practising the solutions and referencing the notes will help students understand all the concepts and theories related to the chapter. With the knowledge of these theories and principles, students can confidently solve questions in their exams. 

  • One of the main benefits of downloading the solutions for Kinetic Theory of Gases and Radiation from Vedantu is that students can use the solutions as references to clarify any doubts about the chapter.

Complete Your Syllabus With MSBSHSE Class 12 Physics Chapter 3 

Learn how gases behave and much more with Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 3 Kinetic Theory of Gases and Radiation. Students can download the solutions for free and in PDF format from the official website of Vedantu.

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FAQs on Maharashtra Board Class 12 Solutions for Physics Chapter 3 Kinetic Theory of Gases and Radiation - PDF

1. What does the Kinetic Theory aim to explain?

The Kinetic Theory explains gaseous behaviour on the basis of the idea that gases mostly consist of rapidly moving atoms and molecules.

2. Define real gases. 

Surface tension can be defined as the force that acts on a unit length of a line which is imagined to be drawn tangentially anywhere on any free surface of a liquid that is in the state of rest.

3. What are real gases?

The gases that tend to show some kind of deviation from the properties of the ideal gases are known as real gases.

4. How can ‘mean energy’ be defined? 

The kinetic energy of 1 mole of gas can be called the internal or mean energy and is denoted by U.

5. What is the degree of freedom? 

The degree of freedom of a system can be defined as the total number of independent ways in which the position, as well as the configuration, can change for the system.