A Little Understanding of Mathematics and its Branches
Mathematics means "knowledge, study, learning". It includes the study of topics such as arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and mathematical analysis. It has no generally accepted definition.
Several civilizations in China, India, Egypt, Central America, and Mesopotamia equally contributed to mathematics. The counting system was first developed by the Sumerians. Mathematicians developed arithmetic, which includes basic operations, like addition, subtraction, multiplication, fractions, and square roots.
As civilizations developed, mathematicians began to work with geometry, which deals with the areas and volumes to make angular measurements. Geometry is used everywhere from home construction to fashion and interior design. Moreover, geometry is that branch of mathematics, which is concerned with spatial relationships among several objects, the shape of single objects, and the properties of space surrounding us. Geometry is considered as one of the oldest branches of mathematics while the term is derived from the Greek language as geo means earth and material means measurement, meaning earth measurement.
However, after a certain point, people began to realize that geometry does not need to be limited to the study of rigid three-dimensional objects or plane and flat surfaces, but can be put to use or represented with the most abstract images and thoughts. Besides, the major branches of geometry consist of analytic geometry, Euclidean geometry, projective geometry, non-Euclidean geometries, topology, and differential geometry. Nevertheless, students do not need to go in-depth about all these concepts.
Now, let’s discuss a bit about Algebra. It is that branch of mathematics where the students usually use symbols, letters of the alphabet to get the solutions to the given problems. Now talking about its history, it can be divided into three parts. The first one is the written stage where just words were used, the second stage included the shortened or syncopated stage where symbols came into existence in the equations. The third stage is the modern or symbolic stage. Moreover, Algebra was invented in the ninth century by a Persian mathematician, Mohammed ibn-Musa al-Khowarizmi. He also developed quick methods for multiplying and dividing numbers, which are known as algorithms. The study of algebra meant mathematicians were solving linear equations and systems, as well as quadratics solutions.
Arithmetics – Numbers and Operations
Arithmetic is one of the first few subjects that you learned in lower grades. It deals with numbers and basic operations on them. It is the foundation for studying other branches of mathematics.
Arithmetic originated from the Greek word arithmos, which is a branch of mathematics that consists of the study of counting numbers and the properties of the traditional operations on them such as addition(+), subtraction(-), multiplication(x), and division(). Arithmetic is an elementary part of number theory.
In addition to basic operations, this subject also includes more advanced operations, such as percentage, square roots, exponentiation, logarithmic functions, trigonometric functions, and many more.
The four basic operations addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are commonly referred to as the four arithmetic operations.
The four main properties of operations are:
Commutative Property
Associative Property
Distributive Property
Additive Identity
The BODMAS or PEMDAS rule is followed for order of operation involved +, −,×, and ÷. The order of operation is:
B:- Brackets
O: -Order
D: -Division
M:- Multiplication
A: -Addition
S: -Subtraction
Geometry is the study of shapes. It is broadly classified into two types: plane geometry and solid geometry. Plane geometry deals with two-dimensional figures like squares, circles, rectangles, triangles, and many more. Whereas Solid geometry deals with the study of three-dimensional shapes like cube, cuboid, cylinder, cone, sphere, and many more.
The study of this shape is needed to find lengths, widths, area, volume, perimeter, and many more terms.
In mathematics, we need specific terms again and again to solve problems. It becomes difficult to write the full terms repeatedly, hence the shortcuts for these terms are discovered and it is called a symbol.
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Algebra is one of the branches of Mathematics that deals with variables and numbers. A combination of constants and variables connected by the signs of the fundamental operation of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division is called an algebraic expression. Various parts of an algebraic expression that are separated by the signs of + or - are called the terms of the expression. An algebraic expression is defined as a sum, difference, product, or quotient of constants and variables.
12x + 50
Here this expression is called an algebraic expression where x varies in values so it is a variable and 50 is constant. 12x and 50 are the terms and they are separated by the sign +. We can write anything a, b, c ….z in place of variables.
Algebra consists of different methods of solving a pair of linear equations:
1. Elimination method
2. Substitution method
3. Cross multiplication method
Let us understand the difference between Arithmetic and Algebra.
Difference Between Arithmetic and Algebra
Differences between arithmetic and algebra will make the arithmetic and algebra concepts more clear.
Let us understand the difference between Algebra and Geometry
Difference Between Algebra and Geometry
Differences between algebra and geometry will make the algebra and geometry concepts more clear.
Fun Facts:
It was Babylonians who came up with Algebra in 1900 BC.
The use of signs addition(+) and subtraction(-) prove to be beneficial in performing algebraic equations. Before that, people used written words to express the functions of addition and subtraction which was a time-consuming process.
Arithmetic is something that is always around you. Just take a look at the ice tray and pick two ice cubes out of it, how many in total are left? To find the answer to it, one must subtract the total number of ice cube slots by 2.
The history of math goes a long way back but most of the mathematical symbols were not invented till the 16th century as equations were written in words before that.
There is no doubt that Greeks were keen, but they used geometry in making artwork like buildings and much more, which gives students another reason to love this subject.
The two of the most important tools of geometry that are considered powerful as they helped in the advancement and construction of the subject are straight edge and compass.
FAQs on Arithmetic, Geometry and Algebra
1. What are the branches of algebra?
The branches of algebra are:
Elementary algebra
Abstract algebra
Linear algebra
Universal algebra
2. Who is the father of arithmetic?
The 7th Century Great Indian mathematician and astronomer Brahmagupta is the father of arithmetic. He was from the state of Rajasthan of northwest India. He is also referred to as Bhillamalacarya, the teacher from Bhillamala. He became the head of the astronomical observatory at Ujjain in central India.
3. What are the geometry applications?
Geometry is widely used in day to day life. It has many practical uses in our daily life. Geometry is used by architects to design blueprints of their sites. They used different terms like angles, length, width, height, area, and many more. Geometry is also used in CAD computer-aided design. It is widely used in designing computer games. The way in which the characters move through their virtual worlds requires geometric computations. A technique that simulates a 3-D world using a 2-D map is used. Geometry is also used in GPS for locating the exact position. Everything around us is in the form of a particular shape.
4. Why is geometry necessary for computers and calculators?
As geometry is becoming modern with each passing day, it is coming up a long way when we talk about its development stages and where it is being used. Geometry is used in areas like raw computing in today’s computer world. Moreover, people need to gain knowledge about this particular subject as it is important for calculators or computer graphics to solve these structural problems. This is the newest and the most modern stage of the geometry era and is quite important.
5. Who is the father of geometry?
Euclid, the renowned Greek Mathematician, is known as the father of geometry due to his great contributions to the vast subject. He did several amazing works that include elements, which used to be part of the books for teaching purposes until the early 20th century. The Greek mathematician lived during 300 B.C. and introduced the subject to us while the geometry principles were used around 3000 B.C. by Ancient Egyptians. They used these to calculate areas of circles using various geometric equations.
6. What are the different stages of algebra?
There are around three distinct stages of algebra that include, symbolic algebra, syncopated algebra, and rhetorical algebra. Following this, during the 16th century, the subject emerged as a complete branch of math with the help of a French Mathematician, known as Francois Viete, who then eventually led to the formulation of algebra. After a while, it was the beginning of symbolic analysis or new algebra. Moreover, even though people think algebra is of no use, it is used in fields like medicine, economics, science, mathematics, and engineering.
7. Is algebra applicable everywhere?
Yes, algebra can be used everywhere, whether it is everyday life, science, analysis, decision making, or even data entry, algebra is something that is a handy tool when it comes to such situations. Moreover, the principles and formulas of this subject are applied and used for better training and understanding by the people in the modern age while several companies wish that their employees to be trained or have knowledge about this subject as well to contribute their best to get a positive result. Hence, it proves that one cannot avoid or get rid of this subject in the class after knowing about its relevance.
8. What are the topics of arithmetic?
The topics in the subject of arithmetic include place values, whole numbers, subtraction, addition, division, multiplication, factoring, decimals, fractions, exponents, percents, scientific notations, word problems, proportions, and integers. Moreover, keeping this in mind, one must know that arithmetic consists of four basic operations that get used for calculation purposes. That includes multiplication, addition, division, and subtraction. For more information and answers, check Vedantu for free study materials available on its app and website.