How to Count and Write?
I am sure you might have many chocolates kept in your fridge but what if I give you a few more? Suppose you have 5 chocolates in your fridge and I give you 5 more. Can you tell me how many chocolates you will have? Do you know how to count? Do you know why counting is necessary? If you know how to count, you can keep a track of your chocolates, your toys, your books, and your other belongings.
Below are some count and write worksheets with the help of which you can count and write the numbers.
Count and Write the Number Worksheets
In this worksheet, you have to count the object and write the number in the box. Let’s start.




Now that you have finished the count and write worksheet, let us check if all your answers are correct or not. Let us have a look at the answers.
That was so much fun, isn’t it? So, let’s engage ourselves a little more and do another worksheet and this time, we will count and match the chocolates.
Counting Kindergarten Math Worksheets: Match the Following
You have already done the “count the object and write the number” worksheet. So, here is another fun activity for you. Now, you have to count and match the numbers.
Taadda!!! It’s time to check your answers. Let’s have a look.
Wow! You have done a wonderful job. Keep it up. Now, that you have become a champion, here are a few words for your parents.
Importance of Counting Maths Worksheet for Nursery
Count and write worksheets are very important for children for various reasons. Some of the benefits of solving count and write the number exercises are as follows.
Counting is important because the meaning associated with it serves as the foundation for all other number ideas.
These ideas create the foundation for children to eventually learn how numbers are related to one another in a variety of ways.
Counting to solve numerical problems shows to children that counting can be applied to a variety of contexts. This allows children to see counting as more than a physical procedure.
Counting to combine and separate groupings of objects enhances children's grasp of addition and subtraction procedures. Children learn that when groups are combined, the count increases, whereas when groups are separated, the count decreases.
It enables the use of numbers to describe and compare sets.
Tips for Parents to Enhance Children’s Counting Skills
Counting can be taught to the students anytime anywhere. Here are a few tips on how you can make them count numbers and enhance their skills.
Make them count steps while walking.
Buy them a colourful abacus.
They can count the number of birthday candles.
Make them count the number of their toys and arrange them in various groups.
They can be encouraged to play hopscotch.
They can learn the dance steps by counting.
They can be given a piggy bank and they can count the coins collected in their piggy bank.
So here we have gone through counting kindergarten math worksheets. We also have gone through a few tips for the parents on how they can enhance their children’s counting skills. We also learned about the various benefits of learning to count numbers.
FAQs on Can You Count and Write the Number?
1. How can I teach my child to count numbers?
There are different ways of teaching children how to count numbers. A few of the ways are:
Teach them number rhymes
Relating their daily activities with numbers
Dictating the number and making them draw that quantity
Make them draw with the help of connecting number dots
Counting steps while walking
2. What number rhymes can I teach my child?
Here are two number rhymes that can be taught to your child.
One, two buckle my shoe
Three, four knock on the door
Five, six pick up sticks
Seven, eight lay them straight
Nine, ten a big fat hen!
1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
Once I caught a fish alive,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
Then I let it go again.
Why did you let it go?
Because it bit my finger so.
Which finger did it bite?
This little finger on my right.