An Introduction to Maths with 11 to 20 Spellings for Kids
Numbers are the fundamentals of Maths. All the number names that are known as spelling represent the numerical value and word format. As earlier, you have read 1 to 10 spelling words in numerical form. So accordingly, you all know what the numbers are. And here, we all take one step ahead and learn 11 to 20 spelling in words and in numerical form.
Number in Words
The numbers eleven to twenty are a little bit different from one to ten. From the number thirteen to nineteen a pattern continues that is the number + teen. Moreover, the numbers eleven, twelve, and twenty are varied.
Importance of Knowing the Spelling of Numbers
Numbers play an important role in Mathematics. All Mathematical operations are based on numbers. Learning how to pronounce numbers is an important part of Mathematics, pronunciation, and writing. We have to learn the spelling of every number so that we can spell them correctly. Given below are 3 major benefits of spelling numbers.
It helps to develop good reading and writing skills.
Anyone can explain any problem sum more clearly with the help of number spellings.
It helps to build up the learning experience.
Ways to Learn the Spelling of 11 to 20
1. We can learn by uttering each number 10 times. For example
11 spelling is eleven
12 spelling is twelve
13 spelling is thirteen
14 spelling is fourteen
15 spelling is fifteen
16 spelling is sixteen
17 spelling is seventeen
18 spelling is eighteen
19 spelling is nineteen
20 spelling is twenty.
By doing this activity and speaking every line 10 times, we can learn these spelling very easily and the second easiest way to learn these spelling is number song.
2. Number Songs of 11 to 20
How to spell the number 1
Here comes the number 1
You can spell e-l-e-v-e-n
You will be very happy
When you learn to spell eleven.
T-w-e-l-v-e t-w-e-l-v-e
That's what we called twelve.
Thirteen spells t-h-i-r-t-e-e-n
Repeat many times for learning.
Fourteen comes after thirteen
Four + teen
That's how we learn fourteen
And that's how we can learn these spellings.
Rules to Write Number Names From 11 to 20
While writing the spellings of the digits from eleven to twenty, some rules have to be followed. Numbers are always expressed in words. That's why it is important to learn to spell. Here are some tips and rules regarding numbers as follows:
Begin by learning the names of 11 and 12, that is, eleven and twelve.
Now write the numbers from 13 to 19 and add “teen” to the numbers in words.
Let's take an example for better understanding:
The number 14 is written as four + teen = fourteen.
Number Names 11 to 20 with Examples
Solved Examples on Number Names from 11 to 20
Example 1: Write the number names for the given numbers.
1. 11
2. 20
3. 12
Solution: The names are:
1. Eleven
2. Twenty
3. Twelve
Example 2: Write the number of names which are made of using the suffix “teen”.
Solution: The number names which have the suffix “teen” are the following.
Let’s Summarise
After learning the rules, importance, and the spelling of numbers, we can say that spelling a number correctly is not that much difficult. We have to regularly practice spellings to retain them in our minds. We can practice by reading them and listening to them on a regular basis for better understanding and practice.
FAQs on 11 to 20 Spelling for Kids - Number Names for Kids
1. What are the rules which should be kept in mind while writing the 11 to 20 spellings?
It will be easy for us to write the spelling of the number if we know some tricks and rules and the rules that should be kept in mind are:
Begin by learning the names of 11 and 12, that is eleven and twelve.
Now write the numbers from 13 to 19 and add “teen” to the numbers in words.
Let's take an example for better understanding:
The number 14 is written as four + teen = fourteen.
For the last number, i.e 20 add “ty” to the number name.
2. How many objects are there in the picture? Write in numerical form with their spelling. Also, explain the importance of spelling numbers.
By learning the spelling of numbers we can express them in writing. It is very important to learn the spelling of numbers to develop good reading and writing skills. Anyone can explain any mathematical operation more clearly with the help of spelling. It also helps to build up the learning experience.
There are 15 stars in the above picture.
The spelling of 15 is Fifteen.

There are 12 apples in the above picture.
The spelling of 12 is twelve.