Learn Differentiation Formulas with Vedantu
Functions are usually categorized under calculus in two categories, namely:
Linear functions.
Non-linear functions.
A linear function varies by its domain at a constant rate. Therefore, the overall rate of feature shift is the same as the level of function change in any situation.
Nevertheless, in the case of non-linear processes, the rate of change ranges from point to point. The variation's existence is dependent on the function's design.
The frequency of function change at a given point is known as a derivative of that function.
What is Differentiation?
Differentiation can be defined as a derivative of independent variable value and can be used to calculate features in an independent variable per unit modification.
y = f(x) be a function of x.
Then, the rate of change of “y” per unit change in “x” is given by,
\[\frac {dy} {dx}\]
If the function f(x) undergoes an infinitesimal change of h near to any point x, then the derivative of the function is depicted as
\[\lim_{h\rightarrow 0} \frac{f(x+h) - f(x)}{h} \]
When a function is depicted as y = f(x),
Then the derivative is depicted by the following notations:
D(y) or D[f(x)] is called Euler's notation.
\[\frac {(dy)} {(dx)}\] is known as Leibniz’s notation.
F’(x) is known as Lagrange’s notation.
Differentiation is the method of evaluating a function's derivative at any time.
Differentiation Rules:
Some of the fundamental rules for differentiation are given below:
Sum or Difference Rule:
When the function is the sum or difference of two functions, the derivative is the sum or difference of derivative of each function, i.e.
If f(x) = u(x) ± v(x), then f’(x) = u’(x) ± v’(x)
Product Rule:
When f(x) is the sum of two u(x) and v(x) functions, it is the function derivative,
If If f(x) = u(x) x v(x),
Then f’(x) = u’(x) x v(x) + u(x) x v’(x)
Quotient Rule:
If the function f(x) is in the form of two functions u(x) / v(x), the derivative of the function can be expressed as:
If f(x) = \[\frac {u(x)} {v(x)}\],
Then f’(x) = \[\frac {u'(x)\times v(x)-u(x)\times v'(x)} {[v(x)]^2}\]
Chain Rule:
If y = f(x) = g(u),
And if u = h(x)
\[\frac {dy} {dx}\] = \[\frac {dy} {du}\] X \[\frac {du} {dx}\]
Here is a differentiation theorem collection of students so that they can turn to them to solve differential equations related problems. Higher level mathematics is one of the most important topics. The general depiction of the derivative can be expressed as \[\frac {du} {dx}\].
This list of formulas contains derivatives for constant, polynomials, trigonometric functions, logarithmic functions, hyperbolic, trigonometric inverse functions, exponential, etc. There are a number of examples and issues in classes 11 and 12 courses, which can be easily addressed by students.
Differentiation Formulas:
Differentiation is a method to find the rate of change of a function depending upon its variable or in brief the derivative of the function which is the frequency of change of function. These functions can be either linear or nonlinear depending upon the nature of slope between the points.In linear ones the slope is constant but in nonlinear ones it varies.
Let, y = f(x) be a function of x.
Then, the rate of change of “y” per unit change in “x” is given by, \[\frac {dy} {dx}\]
The differentiation formulas are those which help in solving all problems related to differentiation and its equations which may include derivatives of trigonometric functions, logarithmic functions to basic functions. They form the basis of the most important section of mathematics which is calculus. This is an easy scoring chapter. It lays the concrete foundation for the vast and advanced concepts of calculus. This concept not only helps the students to score high marks in maths but also in physics and chemistry as well.
The differentiation formulas are based on a set of rules. They are sum or difference rule, product rule, quotient rule, chain rule. Separation formulas are some of the most important differentiation formulas. Few important ones are enlisted below:
If f(x) = tan(x), then f’(x) = sec²(x)
If f(x) = cos(x) , then f’(x) = - sinx
If f(x) = sin(x) , then f’(x) = cosx
If f(x) = ln(x) , then f’(x) = \[\frac {1} {x}\]
If f(x) = ex(x) , then f’(x) = ex(x)
If f(x) = xn, then f’(x) = nxn−1
Where n is any fraction or integer.
If f(x) = k , then f’(x) = 0
Where, k is a constant.
Differentiation Formulas for Trigonometric Functions:
The definition of trigonometry is the interaction of angles and triangle faces. We have 6 major ratios here, for example, sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent, secant and cosecant. Based on these ratios, you must have learned basic trigonometric formulas. Now let's see the equations of trigonometric functions derivatives.
\[\frac {d} {dx} \](sin x) = cos x
\[\frac {d} {dx} \](cos x) = - sin x
\[\frac {d} {dx} \](tan x) = sec²x
\[\frac {d} {dx} \](cot x) = - cosec²x
\[\frac {d} {dx} \](sec x) = secx tanx
\[\frac {d} {dx} \](cosec x) = -cosecx cotx
\[\frac {d} {dx} \](sinh x) = coshx
\[\frac {d} {dx} \](cosh x) = sinhx
\[\frac {d} {dx} \](tanh x) = sech²x
\[\frac {d} {dx} \](coth x) = - cosec²x
\[\frac {d} {dx} \](sech x) = sec²x tanhx
\[\frac {d} {dx} \](cosech x) = - cosechx cotx
Differentiation Formulas for Inverse Trigonometric Functions:
Inverse equations of trigonometry are reversed proportions of trigonometry. Look at the equations of derivatives of the inverse trigonometric function.
\[\frac {d} {dx} \] \[\ [\sin^{-1} x] \] = \[\frac {1} {\sqrt{1-x^2}}\]
\[\frac {d} {dx} \] \[\ [\cos^{-1} x] \] = \[\frac {1} {\sqrt{1-x^2}}\]
\[\frac {d} {dx} \] \[\ [\tan^{-1} x] \] = \[\frac {1} {\sqrt{1+x^2}}\]
\[\frac {d} {dx} \] \[\ [\cot^{-1} x] \] = -\[\frac {1} {\sqrt{1+x^2}}\]
\[\frac {d} {dx} \] \[\ [\cos^{-1} x] \] = -\[\frac {1} {\mid x\mid\sqrt{x^2 -1}}\]
\[\frac {d} {dx} \] \[\ [\cos^{-1} x] \] = -\[\frac {1} {\mid x\mid\sqrt{x^2 -1}}\]
Differentiation Formulas List:
In all the formulas below, f’ means
\[\frac {d[f(x)]} {dx}\] = f’(x) and g’ means \[\frac {d[g(x)]} {dx}\] = g’(x).
Both f and g are the functions of x and differentiated with respect to x.
We can also represent the above equation as:
\[\frac {dy} {dx} \] = Dx y
Some of the General Differentiation Formulas are:
Power Rule:
\[\frac {d} {dx} \] xn = n xn-1
The derivative of a constant, a:
\[\frac {d} {dx}\] a = 0
Derivative of a constant multiplied with function f:
\[\frac {d} {dx}\] (a.f) = af’
Sum Rule:
\[\frac {d} {dx}\] (f ± g) = f’ ± g’
Product Rule:
\[\frac {d} {dx}\] fg = fg’ ± gf’
Quotient Rule:
\[\frac {d} {dx}\] \[\frac {f} {g}\] = \[\frac {gf'-fg'} {g^2}\]
Other Differentiation Formulas:
\[ \frac {d} {dx} \] \[ [a^x] \] = ax lna
\[ \frac{d}{dx} \] \[ [e^x] \] = ex
\[ \frac{d}{dx} log_{x}^{a} \] = 1/(Ina)x
\[\frac {d} {dx}\] (ln x) = \[\frac {1} {x} \]
Chain Rule:
\[\frac {dy} {dx} \] = \[\frac {dy} {du} \] X \[\frac {du} {dx} \]
\[\frac {dy} {dx} \] = \[\frac {dy} {dv} \] X \[\frac {dv} {du} \] X \[\frac {du} {dx} \]
Access all the differentiation formulas in the form of a pdf on our official website.
FAQs on Differentiation Formulas
1. What are the fundamental rules of differentiation?
The basic differentiation rules are explained as follows:
Sum and Difference Rule is the rule which is used to determine the sum or difference of two functions. The derivative or differentiation of sum is basically the sum or difference of the individual functions.
Product Rule: The rule which determines the product of the two functions. The result is basically the product of the first function by the derivative of the second plus second function is multiplied by the derivative of the first.
Quotient Rule: The derivative of a function can be the outcome of the ratio of two differentiable functions.
Chain Rule gives the formula for computing the derivative of the composition of two or more differentiable functions in terms of the derivatives.
2. What role do differentiation play in real life?
Importance of differentiation in day-to-day life can not be ignored. It solves many calculations in daily life. It is used to find the maximum and minimum values of certain quantities which are referred to as functions like cost, profit, loss etc. To instantly calculate and determine the speed or acceleration of a moving vehicle we need simple differentiation. It serves as a support to calculate many problems arising in the field of science and engineering. It is through differentiation only we can even measure the distances between the stars, planets and satellites and how they move with respect to each other.
3. What are the tips to master the topic of differentiation?
Differentiation is the basic foundation of calculus. If one can master the topic then he or she can be confident enough to face any competitive exam of any level. Clear concept on differentiation means they are ready for higher level calculus involved in maths and physics. A few important tips can help them to master the topic. They can be clubbed as follows:
First of all understand the concept behind the definition of differentiation.
The basic rules and formulas are very important in differentiation so practice and revise them regularly.
A clear concept about the nature of functions need to be established
Understand the logic behind the application of derivatives.
Revising the differentiation formulas regularly is essential.
4. What are the interesting facts about differentiation?
Differential formulas and equations are quite interesting. Differentiation has the potential to make science more descriptive and not a difficult empiric one. Advanced high level science and engineering has been simplified with the concept of differential formulas. The strange thing about it is that there are many important differential equations which do not have any formula to reach a solution. It is however quite interesting to learn that even though they do not have formulas for solutions, they can draw rough graphs to predict the solutions. Chaotic systems can only be defined by starting from differential formulas and equations.
5. Which books are best for differential equations?
Ordinary Differential Equations by Tenenbaum is the best book to start with since it not only uses an easy approach to make the concept lucid but also costs less than the other books. However the best book for any kind of differential equations and formulas is Differential Equations With Applications andHistorical Notes by George Simmons. It makes maths interesting with easy and interactive examples. The book is clearly written with fascinating examples making reading differential equations quite interesting. Differential equations often get mundane to study but this book is sure to give you an easy interesting path with sophisticated examples to understand the concepts of differentiation.