We all know that there are existing symbols that help us decide between two quantities. The basic Mathematical symbol that represents inequality between two values is the greater symbol. The symbol that is used extensively to represent this symbol is “ > ”. This symbol which is adopted globally is represented by two strokes of lines meeting at an acute angle. The greater-than sign is usually used to compare two values or numbers and it points out at the greater number. The greater than sign is something similar to the closing angle bracket.
Greater Symbol Example
6 > 3: 6 is greater than 3.
2.3 > 1.9: 2.3 is greater than 1.9
0 > - 1: 0 is greater than -1.
- 0.5 > - 0.9: -0.5 is greater than - 0.9
There are more symbols other than the more than symbol or greater than sign. They are listed below with their meanings and examples:
How to use the Greater than Sign?
The most ideal approach to recall the greater than symbol is the crocodile strategy. When you analyze two values, think about the crocodile strategy. We realize that the crocodile’s mouth is constantly pointing towards the biggest value as it can eat as much as its mouth can fill. So as to signify the greater value by using greater signs the crocodile mouth always opens to one side which is the left side.
To illustrate the greater value by analyzing two different numbers, the crocodile's mouth is consistently pointing towards the bigger value. To signify the differences between two numbers like 3 and 2, it can be written in two unique ways like:
3 > 2 (or)
2 < 3
In the end, both of the above statements mean that 3 is greater than 2.
The alternative terminologies for greater than sign are - more than a symbol, greater sign, more than sign, greater symbol, or greater than symbol.
How to Solve Greater Sign Word Problems?
Before solving the greater than symbol word numerical, consider the tips given below to understand the problem and solve it better:
Analyse the whole problem
Highlight the significant keywords to solve the issue
Figure out the variables
Note down the expression or the equation
Solve the equation and find out the result.
Compose the solution in a complete sentence.
Give reasons for your answer.
Solved Problems
Question 1: John has 300 rupees in an investment account toward the start of the winter. He needs to have at least rupees 100 in the account before the end of the winter. He pulls back rupees 10 every week consistently. Find the inequality equation that currently explains John’s situation.
Highlight the important keywords
“At least” is the keyword in the problem statement
Figuring of the variables
Let us consider the number of weeks to be = x
Now, the equation:
300 - 10x ≥ 200
Question 2: Alex has 14 apples. Blair has 12 apples. Find out who has the most number of apples.
Alex has 14 apples.
Blair has 12 apples.
Number 14 is greater than 12. 14 > 12.
Hence, Alex has more apples than Blair.
Question 3: Alex sleeps for sixty-five minutes in the afternoon. Blair sleeps for eighty-five minutes in the afternoon. Find out who has the most amount of sleep in the afternoon.
Alex sleeps for sixty-five minutes in the afternoon.
Blair sleeps for eighty-five minutes in the afternoon.
We know that, 85 > 65. 85 is more than than 65.
Therefore, we can say that Blair sleeps more than Alex.
Question 4: Alex has 10 balls. He gives away 2. Blair has 12 balls. She gives away 7. Who has the most number of balls after giving away?
Alex has 10 balls. He gives away 2.
So after giving away, he has 10 - 2 = 8.
Blair has 12 balls. She gives away 7.
So after giving away, she has = 12 - 7 = 5.
We know that 8 > 5. 8 is greater than 5.
Therefore, Alex has more balls than Blair.
Question 5: Alex has 8 sums left to complete for homework. He solves 4. Blair has 5 sums left to complete for homework. She solves 2. Who has the most number of sums to solve?
Alex has 8 sums left to complete for homework
So after solving 4, he has 8 - 4 = 4.
Blair has 5 sums left to complete for homework.
So after solving 1, she has = 5 - 2 = 3.
We know that 4 > 3. 4 is greater than 3.
Therefore, Alex has more sums to solve than Blair.
FAQs on Greater Than Symbol
1. Define Greater than Symbol.
The basic Mathematical symbol that represents inequality between two values is the greater symbol. The symbol that is used extensively to represent this symbol is “ > ”. It is represented by two strokes of lines meeting at an acute angle. The greater than sign is usually used to compare two values or numbers and it points out at the greater number. The most ideal approach to recall the greater than symbol is the crocodile strategy. When you analyze two values, think about the crocodile strategy. We realize that the crocodile’s mouth is constantly pointing towards the biggest value as it can eat as much as its mouth can fill.
2. What are the steps you should Consider when Solving a Greater than Sign Problem?
The steps to consider while solving a greater than sign problem is:
Analyse the whole problem
Highlight the significant keywords to solve the issue
Figure out the variables
Note down the expression or the equation
Solve the equation and find out the result.
Compose the solution in a complete sentence.
Give reasons for your answer.