Introduction to Median of Ungrouped Data for Kids
The Median of Ungrouped Data is when you have numbers in a list and have to find the middle number. Usually, if there are an even number of numbers, the median is the average of the two in the middle.
Example of Ungrouped Data
The median of ungrouped data is calculated by finding which number falls at the exact centre point in an ordered set. This means that half (or exactly 50% or 0.5) of your data will be on one side and half on the other. Let's see in detail about median and median of ungrouped data with frequency
What is the Median Formula for Ungrouped Data?
Firstly, we have to arrange the given data in order to use the median formula.
Step 1. Arrange the given values in ascending order.
Step 2. Find the number of observations in the given set of data. It is denoted by $n$.
Step 3. If $n$ is odd, the median equals the $\dfrac{(n+1)}{2}^{\text {th }}$ observation.
Step 4. If $n$ is even, then the median is given by the mean of $\dfrac{n}{2}^{\text {th }}$ observation and $[\dfrac{n}{2}+1]^{\text {th }}$ observation.
Median Problems and Median Solutions
To calculate the Median Of Ungrouped Data, data needs to be put in order. Also, one must first group them and find the total number of items in a set. The next step is to add 1 and divide this total by two; the answer is the data point.
i.e., Median = Value of the (\[\frac{n+1}{2}\])\[^{th}\]
Solved Examples
Q 1 The heights (in cm) of 11 players of a team are as follows: 173, 158, 158, 159, 160, 160, 165, 166, 171, 170, 163.
Ans: On arranging the variates in ascending order, we get 158, 158, 159, 160, 160, 163, 165, 166, 170, 171, 173
There are 11 variates, and the number is odd.
Therefore, median = $\left[\dfrac{(11+1)}{2}\right]^{th}$ variate = 6th variate = 163.
Q 2 The median of 17, 13, 10, 15, x is an integer x then find x.
Ans: There are five variates. So, $\left[\dfrac{(5+1)}{2}\right]^{th}$ variate, is 3rd variate when written in ascending order will be the median x.
On arranging the variates in ascending order, we get 10, 13, x, 15, 17.
Therefore, 13 < x < 15.
But x is an integer. So, x = 14.
Q 3 Find the median of the first ten even numbers
Ans: First ten odd integers = 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20
The number of variates = 10
Since n is even, we take two numbers in the middle, add them, and then divide by 2.
So, 10+12=22. We get 11 by dividing 22 by 2. So, the median is 11.
Q 4 Find the median of 1,2,3,4,5.
Ans: n= 5
Since the number of variates is odd, we have to add 1 and divide by 2. Now, n=5, on adding 1, it is 6. On dividing 6 by 2, we get 3, which is the data point. 3 falls on the 3rd point. So, the median is 3.
Q 5 Find the median of the following: 16, 24, 8, 12, 19
Ans: On arranging the data in ascending order, we get 8, 12, 16, 19, 24
There are 5 variates; the number is odd.
Therefore, median = $\left[\dfrac{(5+1)}{2}\right]^{th}$ variate = 3rd
Median = 16
Practice Questions
Q1. Find out the median of the following ungrouped data
Ans: 5
Q2. Find the Median: 36, 44, 86, 31, 37, 44, 86, 35, 60, 51
Ans: 44
Q3. The median of observations 11, 12, 14, 18, x + 2, x + 4, 30, 32, 35, 41 arranged in ascending order is 24. Find the values of x.
Ans: x = 21
Q4. Find whether the data is grouped or Ungrouped. The ages of children at a music show are as follows: 10, 9, 10, 11, 12, 8, 8, 9, 9
Ans: Ungrouped data
Q5. State whether the following is True or False. A list of the heights of every student in a class would be an example of data.
Ans: True
The median of ungrouped data helps to find the middle number in an ordered list or the average of two numbers that are put together. For example, if you have 5 numbers and your data looks like this 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, then you would calculate your mean as 5 because it uses all of your data. Then take these values and divide them by two and one to get your median of 4.6 because it used half of this group and one-half from another group.
FAQs on Median of Ungrouped Data
1. Give 2 Limitations of the Median.
Median needs lower and upper bounds as well as a list of values to sort it. It can be misleading when a single number is used in place of data gathered from multiple categories.
2. What is the difference between grouped and ungrouped data?
The difference between grouped and ungrouped data is that grouped data is all the data that falls under a single group and has been organised in order. On the other hand, Ungrouped data is a simple list of numbers usually collected in an experiment or research.
3. What are the applications of data handling in daily life?
These help in major decision-making within the company, such as what products to release and how much money to spend on a task by analysing trends and patterns. Data handling also allows the ability to see patterns over time, compare them across different data groups, and make predictions about the changes over time.