A subtraction issue is a three-part arithmetic operation: the minuend, subtrahend, and difference. The minuend is the starting point, the subtrahend is the subtraction from the minuend, and the difference is the final result.
You can find the missing part if you know two of the three pieces. Below are three distinct calculators that we have made. The difference is calculated in the first, the minuend is calculated in the second, and the subtrahend is calculated in the third.
The minuend is derived from the Latin word "minuendus," which means "to diminish or lessen in value." In subtraction, it is the quantity from which another quantity is to be subtracted. The minuend in the equation a - b = c is a. The initial integer from which a value is removed or decreased is called the minuend in subtraction. The first digit of a subtraction equation. The number that will be deducted from another number (the Subtrahend).
What is a Minuend?
Even in the most advanced mathematical theories, the four fundamental mathematical operations - addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division - are applied. Thus, one of the keys to understanding math and, especially, algebra is to master these mathematical operations. The opposite of addition is subtraction. We're separating one quantity from another instead of adding two quantities (numbers). Subtraction can also represent the elimination or decrease of physical and abstract quantities using various types of artifacts, including negative numbers, fractions, irrational numbers, vectors, decimals, functions, and matrices, while mainly associated with natural numbers in arithmetic.
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What are the Three Sections of Subtraction?
There are three sections of a subtraction equation- the minuend, the subtrahend, and the gap.
Minuend - The minuend definition is, it is the highest number, or the sum, from which a component would be subtracted or deducted.
Subtrahend - The meaning of subtrahend is the portion of the minuend that is excluded. The amount you want to subtract. Subtrahend is the second number in a subtraction phrase. The difference is deducted from the minute to obtain the result. The amount above the gap is deducted in the vertical or column way of subtraction. In the column subtraction operation, the subtrahend is usually smaller than the minuend.
Difference - This is the section that after subtraction is left-over. The difference is the product of subtracting one integer from another. Although we often talk about differences in how things look, sound, and even taste, math demonstrates how much two numbers differ in quantity.
Minuend − Subtrahend = Difference
Example- The quantity that will be deducted from another quantity, the subtrahend. The minuend in the equation 50 16 = 34 is 50.
Define Minuend
Minuend has been taken from the Latin word “ minuendus” which means a value that has to be diminished or lessened. It is the quantity from which another quantity is to be deducted, in subtraction. In equation: a - b = c, the minuend is a. In subtraction minuend is the first number from which a value is subtracted or lessened.
53247 - 823, where 53247 is the minuend.
34 - 12, in this case, 34 is the minuend.
x - y, in this case, the first number “x” is the minuend from which “y” is being subtracted.
Since we know what is the first value in subtraction known as. Let us find out what is the second value, that is the value being subtracted known as.
Meaning of Subtrahend
The number that you want to deduct. The second number in a subtraction sentence is Subtrahend. To get the difference, it is subtracted from the minute. In the vertical method of subtraction or the column method, the amount above the gap is subtracted. The subtrahend is normally smaller than the minuend in the column subtraction process.
53247 - 823, where 823 is the subtrahend.
34 - 12, in this case, 12 is the subtrahend.
x - y, in this case, the first number “y” is the subtrahend which is subtracted from “x”.
Since we have understood subtrahend and minuend meaning, let us attempt some examples, to understand the topic properly.
Solved Examples
Find the minuend in 43 - 5.
Ans: According to the minuend meaning, the value that comes first in subtraction or the value from which deduction is done is known as minuend.
Therefore, 43 is the minuend.
Find the subtrahend in 534 - 432.
Ans: According to the definition of subtrahend, the value that comes second in subtraction or the value which is deducted is known as a subtrahend.
Therefore, 432 is the subtrahend.
Find the minuend and subtrahend in 1000 - 909.
Ans: According to the definitions of both minuend and subtrahend, 1000 is the minuend, the value from which subtraction is done is 1000, and 900 is the subtrahend, the value deducted.
Word Problems
Subtract 24765 from the total of 48876.
Solution: Subtract as normal by arranging the digits of the minuend and subtrahend in columns.
48876 → Minuend
-24765 → Subtrahend
24111 → Difference
24111 is the difference.
Subtract 54874 from the total of 86246.
Solution: Subtract as normal by arranging the digits of the minuend and subtrahend in columns.
86246 → Minuend
-54874 → Subtrahend
31372 → Difference
31372 is the difference.
Jenny's bank account held USD48389 dollars. She took out USD39498. What is the balance of her bank account?
Solution: $48389 was the amount she had in her bank account.
She withdrew $39498 from her bank account.
$ 8891 is the amount she has left in her account.
As a result, the balance in her account is $ 8891.
Fun Facts about Subtrahend
The word subtrahend comes from the Latin word subtrahend, which means "to take away." It was first used in the late 17th century.
If the value of the subtrahend is unknown but the minuend and difference are known, we can get the subtrahend by subtracting the difference from the minuend in a subtraction phrase. For example, in 56 – _____ = 34; the subtrahend is 56 – 34 = 22.
FAQs on Minuend
1. What is the main minuend subtrahend difference?
The result of the subtraction of one number from another is the difference. Although we sometimes speak about variations in how things look, sound, or even taste, it reveals in math how much two numbers vary in quantity from each other. So, the difference, when subtracted from another, is what is left of one number. There are four main parts of the subtraction sentence: the subtrahend, the minuend, an equal sign, and the difference.
The major subtrahend minuend difference is the value that undergoes subtraction is minuend and subtrahend is the value that is being subtracted from the minuend.
2. What does difference mean in the case of Mathematics?
The product of the subtraction of one number from another is the difference. Although we sometimes speak about variations in how things look, sound, or even taste, it reveals in math how much two numbers vary in quantity from each other.
So, the difference, when subtracted from another, is what is left of one number. Three components occur in a subtraction equation:
The minuend (the number being subtracted from)
Subtrahend (the number being subtracted)
The Difference (the result of subtracting the subtrahend from the minuend)
It would look like this if it were written in the form of a subtraction equation:
Minuend - Subtrahend = Difference
3. How to write a subtraction sentence?
A subtraction number sentence is an equation that shows a number with a final answer, like the example above, being subtracted from another number. The first number in the sentence for a subtraction number is the minute. Subtrahend is the second number in a subtraction number phrase. The solution to a problem with subtraction is called the difference. We use the subtraction symbol '-' to write subtracts in math. The subtraction symbol is also often referred to as a minus sign, meaning that we deduct the number on the right from the number on the left. The start of our number phrase can be written as '8-3', which is faster than saying 'eight subtract three'.