Multiply Using Pictures and Games
Students of third grade are well known with the concept of Multiplication as repetitive addition. Multiplication using pictures is a fun element in contrast to the regular worksheets and thus is essential to help students understand the concepts effectively and quickly. Multiplication with pictures makes the learning process fun, and thus, students are more focused on the concepts. Students get to see the specified number of copies of the group of items or some people, and they can either count the actual objects or multiply the groups by the number of items in each group. This makes the entire process more visualized. This article contains a brief understanding of the concept of Multiplication and problems to multiply using pictures.
A Brief on Multiplication
Multiplication is one of the elementary arithmetic operations of mathematics and is very useful in various mathematical and real-life problems and scenarios. We represent the multiplication operator using ‘x’ or ‘*’ based on various instances and our needs. Multiplication has three major properties, which are as follows:
Multiplication satisfies the commutative property, meaning a * b = b * a.
Multiplication satisfies the associative property, meaning a * (b * c) = (a * b) * c.
Multiplication is distributive over addition and subtraction, meaning a * (b + c) = (a * b) + (a * c) or a * (bc) = (a * b) - (a * c)
Solved Examples For Multiplication Using Pictures
1: Which Multiplication Sentence Does the Given Array of Stars Indicate?
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Ans. Since there are 25 stars, thus we need to find the multiplication sentence giving 10 as the answer. Therefore, starting with every sentence:
5 x 5 = 25 => This sentence is the correct representation for the array of stars.
4 x 4 = 16 => Not the array representation.
4 x 5 = 20 => Not the array representation
5 x 6 = 30 => Not the array representation
Therefore, the first multiplication sentence, i.e., 5 x 5, is the correct representation for the stars' array.
2: Complete the Multiplication Equations With the Help of the Given Arrays:
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Ans. Here are the solutions for both the problems:
Since the result is 9, and one of the numbers is 3, we find the other number using the diagram. The figure represents three arrays. Thus, the number to be included in the equation is 3, which will give 3 x 3 = 9.
In this problem equation, the result is ten, and one of the numbers is 5, and we find the other number using the figure, which represents two arrays of stars. Thus the number to be included in the equation is 2, which will give 5 x 2 = 10.
3: Multiply the Numbers and Find the Missing Digit Out of the Given Fish Images.
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Ans. Here, the problem is 632 x 4, and the solution is 2_28. We must fill the blank with the appropriate answer. Now, 632 x 4 = 2528. Therefore, the second fish from the left represents the answer to fill the blank for the correct product.
4: Solve the Following Using the Given Grid:
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5 x 5
4 x 8
9 x 7
Ans. Here, using the grid,
For the 5th row and 5th column, the answer is 25. Therefore, 5 x 5 =25.
For the 4th row and 8th column, the answer is 32. Therefore, 4 x 8 = 32.
For the 9th row and 7th column, the answer is 63. Therefore, 9 x 7 = 63.
5: Solve 3 x 5 Using a Number Line.
Ans. Using the number line, as it is given 3 x 5, we will take three jumps of five numbers each,
[Image will be uploaded soon]
The answer is 3 x 5 = 15.
Fun Facts:
William Oughtred, an Anglican Clergyman and an English Mathematician introduced the symbol ‘x’ for Multiplication.
Multiple came from two Latin words, ‘multus’, meaning ‘multi’ and ‘plex’, meaning ‘fold’.
Multiplying any number of arrays by 1 gives the number or the array itself.
Multiplying a number by zero gives a 0.
If we multiply any number by 10, we need to add a 0 in the result after the given number.
FAQs on Multiply Using Pictures
1: What are Some Common Types of Problems that the Students Can Practice With Multiplication Using Pictures?
Ans. There are several types of problems that the students solve with the technique to multiply using pictures, making the learning process more exciting and engaging. Here are the top 5 types of problems that are most commonly used in several worksheets of Multiplication using pictures to clear the concept and make learning more engaging for the students:
Multiplying the objects to get an array of elements or identifying which multiplication problem represents a given array.
Multiplication using array interpretation.
Spotting the solution from some given images or icons.
Making use of a grid of tables to perform Multiplication.
Making use of a number line to perform Multiplication using the concept of jumps.
And there are many more problems, including pictures, to get multiplication solutions.
2: Why is it Essential to Include Multiplication Using Pictures in the Curriculum and Teach Students With it?
Ans. Using the concept to multiply using pictures and adding it to the curriculum is very important because:
As the concept of fundamental multiplication problems and their understanding is for the junior school kids. They are more influenced and drawn towards studies when taught using some fun elements.
This concept of using pictures in the problems and solutions is helpful to keep the students focused on the learning modules.
Furthermore, if the students learn using some cartoons and drawings, they are more likely to remember the concepts and become skilled.
This also helps increase the kids' speed in solving the problems by making picture interpretations.
Adding some fun elements to the basic learning module is essential to enhance the learning capabilities and make the students creative.