How to Write Numbers in Words?
Numbers in words are composed normally with the assistance of the English alphabet. For instance, 10,00,000 or 1,000,000 in words is read as 10 Lakhs or One million. In the early stage, numbers were used using Roman numbers and this was invented by the Romans. For example, the number 1 was represented as I, the number 2 was represented as II, the number 3 was represented as III, the number 4 was represented as IV, and many more roman numbers like M, L, and C were used. Here we will figure out how to compose the numbers from 1 to 100 using words. With the help of this article, kids can start spelling out from numbers 1 - 1000 in words.
Around the world, English is the most well-known language and it is used extensively to educate students. Therefore, in this article, we will be learning the numbers or numerals in English. Aside from English, these numbers could be written in different dialects too - like Hindi, Kannada, Tamil, Gujarati, French, German, etc.
Numbers are the foundation of Mathematics. Every single idea and concept we learn in Mathematics has numbers included in them. They are utilized for different sorts of calculations. There are additionally various kinds of numbers, which are taught in the Number system chapter. These numbers can be spoken to as words, in standard structure, and using their place value form and face value form.
How to Write Numbers in Words?
Before we jump into advanced readings, let’s first learn the basics. Understand and learn the table below:
To compose any number as words, we need to check the place value and understand it. Let us learn bit by bit.
The “ones” place value can hold only one digit. The digits are zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and nine.
Next, the ten’s place. It can hold numbers from 10 - 19. In words, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, and nineteen. The Last number here would be twenty.
After twenty, the number develops from so that they are written in words as thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety.
The former numbers are connected with these words and referenced from one to nine. For instance, twenty-one, twenty-two, and so on.
Let us discover how to compose any given number in words with an example.
Example: Write 42 in words.
The number in one’s place is two. Hence, there are 2 ones.
The number in ten’s place is four. Hence, there are 4 tens.
Therefore, 4 tens and 2 ones = 42. This can be read as forty - two.
Converting Numbers From 1 - 100 into Words.
The Table Below will Help you Learn How to Spell Numbers in Words.

One to Hundred in Words
Previously, we learned how to spell from one to one hundred. Now, to write to one thousand, you need to repeat the terms of every hundredth number. Like 201 is read as two hundred and one and till 299 which is read as two hundred and ninety nine and this continues till nine hundred and ninety nine. Now, after nine hundred and ninety nine comes in 1000. 1000 in words is spelled as one thousand. The table that is given below is a reference table which helps you spell till one thousand.
Question 1: Write 66 in words.
Solution: The number in one’s place is six. Hence, there are 6 ones.
The number in ten’s place is six. Hence, there are 6 tens.
Therefore, 6 tens and 6 ones = 66. This can be read as sixty - six.
Question 2: Write 87 in words.
Solution: The number in one’s place is seven. Hence, there are 7 ones.
The number in ten’s place is eight. Hence, there are 8 tens.
Therefore, 8 tens and 7 ones = 87. This can be read as eighty-seven.
Practice Questions
Q 1. What is the numerical form of “Seven hundred seventy-eight”
Ans: 778
Q 2. Give the Number Name for 562
Ans: Five hundred sixty-two
Q3. Write the expanded form and then name the number 908
Ans: 900 + 8. Nine Hundred Eight.
Numbers in words are written using the English alphabet. Numbers can be expressed both in words and figures. Numbers in words can be written for all the natural numbers, based on the place value of digits, such as ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, and so on. A few, examples are 88 written as Eighty-eight, 56 written as Fifty-six, and so on. In this article, we have simplified all the rules that are to be followed when writing numbers in words.
FAQs on Numbers in Words
1. How to Write Numbers in Words?
We can read and write numbers using number names from one to ten. In order to write a number in words (in English), we need to use the place value of each digit (ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, lakhs, crores, and so on). The Indian place value chart makes it simple to determine each digit's place value depending on its position, and the number can be expressed in words.