What are the Ordinal Numbers?
Ordinal numbers is a generalisation of the natural number concept which is commonly used to describe a way by which you can arrange a collection of objects in order of one after another.
They are those numerals that will help you to find and identify the position of objects or people. This is the reason that they are commonly referred to as positioning numbers. If there is a specified list of persons or objects, then the position of each object or person can be determined by using ordinal numbers. The ordinal numbers can be written using numerals as prefixes and adjectives as suffixes, for example, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and so on. The main element by which you can easily identify an ordinal number is that it talks about positioning, like if we say "bring me the box of cookies lying on the 3rd shelf". Here the ordinal number is 3 which informs one about the position of the cookie box.
Use of Ordinal Numbers
If we want to know about the order of dates and order of something, then using ordinal numbers is the best option. Remember that ordinal numbers are only used when you are provided with the data and want to put it in order.
For example, we say that the one who attempted the paper is an excellent and skilful way to secure the first position. The one who did better, but not as good as the first one, secured the second position, while the one who did the worst stood last in the class. This is what ordinal numbers are used for. This article will help you to get a brief knowledge about the topic of ordinal numbers.
Ordinal numbers can be used for identifying the position of certain objects or persons from a specified list. For example, we can use ordinal numbers in the following ways;
Rita always comes 1st in the class.
Here 1st is the ordinal number that tells you about the position that Rita secured.
Raju is standing in 4th place in the queue.
Hereby the ordinal number 4th, we understand about the position of Raju in the queue.
Ritu came 2nd in the race.
Here 2nd is the ordinal number which tells you about the place that Ritu has secured in the race.
The 8th table is reserved.
Here, 8th refers to the table reservation that is made.
Ordinal Numbers Chart
The representation of Ordinal numbers in the form of a chart is known as the Ordinal Chart. A list of Ordinal Numbers charts with pictures is given below for a better understanding. The list below represents the ordinal numbers both in numerals and in words from 1 to 10.
We have often observed that students are quick in acquiring information from charts so for ordinal numbers the below-mentioned chart is there that will help the students to know about these ordinal numbers in detail.
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Example: How to write the ordinal numbers from 1 to 100?
So, here is the answer, we have added the list of ordinal numbers 1 to 100, and you can see from here how to write ordinal numbers 1 to 100, and you can see from here how to write ordinal number 1 to 100, and for better understanding, we have segregated the chart on ordinal numbers into two parts, one part has ordinal numbers from 1 to 50, and the other chart consists of ordinal numbers 51 to 100.
Ordinal Numbers 1 to 50 List
Students often find it difficult to learn all the 100 ordinal numbers simultaneously so for your convenience we have segregated the table into two parts of 50 each, so it will be easy for you to learn, accompanying the two charts. The first part has an ordinal number from 1 to 50 while the other chart has the ordinal numbers from 51 to 100.
Other Types of Numbers
There are other types of numbers also they are:
Cardinal Numbers
Nominal Numbers
Cardinal Numbers
Cardinal Numbers are those types of numbers that are used for counting the number of objects or persons in a specified list. Cardinal Numbers are used for representing the cardinality of the number of elements in a set.
Here cardinality means to know about the number of elements in a set or other grouping, as their property.
For example, cardinal numbers can be; one, two, three, four, five and so on.
Nominal Numbers
Nominal Numbers are a set of numbers that are used as labeling of certain items or places so that they can be identified easily.
Nominal numbers are used to identify the item uniquely. These numbers if they represent the actual value of then it is very less relevant because this is just going to give information about location and not about its quantity, quality etc. Nominal numbers can be used as area codes, on number plates of vehicles, etc. Any operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are meaningless on nominal numbers.
FAQs on Ordinal Numbers
1. What is the Difference Between Ordinal Numbers and Cardinal Numbers?
The Difference between ordinal numbers and cardinal numbers is as follows:
Ordinal Numbers are those kinds of numbers that are used to rank or arrange different sets of objects in order. These numbers are used in identifying the position of various objects or persons from a specified list. Cardinal numbers are those numbers that are used in counting the number of objects or persons. Cardinal numbers are also called counting numbers. Examples of Ordinal Numbers are 1st or First, 2nd or Second, 3rd or Third, 4th or Fourth, 5th or Fifth, etc. Examples of Cardinal Numbers are One, Two, Three, Four, Five, etc.
2. Why are these numbers referred to as cardinal numbers?
As compared to ordinal numbers that are first, second, third and so on. there are cardinal numbers that are one, two, three and so on…. They are opposite to the ordinal numbers. Cardinal numbers are main numbers or you can say them to be the principle numbers because the numbers such as that of ordinary numbers are dependent upon these cardinal numbers. Cardinal numbers are independent while whole ordinal numbers are dependent.
3. What is the ordinal number for 10?
If we talk about the ordinal numbers for the first 10 numbers then one is called as first, two as second, three as third, four as fourth, five as fifth, six as sixth, seven as seventh, eight as eighth, nine as ninth and ten as tenth. the number 10 is referred to as the tenth. Thus, if we say that Raju's score is less than nine people in the class, it means that Raju has secured 10th position in the class. This is what the ordinal numbers are all about.
4. What are ordinal number examples?
The numbers such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th,5th and so on refer to the position of the children that are standing in a row. Here starting from 1st, 2nd and so on. All are the Ordinal Numbers that can give you information about the position of the children that are standing in a row. The detailed information you have got from this article that is provided to you by the Vedantu will help you to understand it well and thus you can secure good scores in your examination.