FAQs on Square Root of 120
1. How to Find Square Root by Repeated Subtraction?
Answer : We know that by the property of square numbers, if a natural number is a square number, then it has to be the sum of successive odd numbers starting from 1. We will be using this property to find out the square root of a number by repeated subtraction method.Therefore, you can find the square root of a number by repeatedly subtracting successive odd numbers from the given square number, till you get zero.
For Example : how to find the square root of 81 by repeated subtraction method.
81 - 1 = 80
80 - 3 = 77
77 - 5 = 72
72 - 7 = 65
65 - 9 = 56
56 - 11 = 45
45 - 13 = 32
32 - 15 = 17
17 - 17 = 0
Here we got the result 0 in the 9th step, so the square root of 81 is 9 i.e √81 = 9.
2. What is the Opposite of Square Root?
Answer: The square root of a number, is that number which when multiplied by itself gives the number itself. That number is called a perfect square. We calculate the area of a square as a product of side i.e side2, but if we have to calculate the side of a square we need to take the square root of the area. Thus we can say that the square root is the inverse operation of squaring a number. Hence square of a number is the opposite of square root of a number.
For Example : square root of 100 is 10 while the square of 10 is 100.