Square and Square Roots
The square of a number is the number that we get by multiplying it with itself. For example if
a* a = b,
Then b is the square of a.
The square root is the opposite concept of the square. For example in the above equation, b is the square of a and a is the square root of b.
For example: if we have to find the square of 2. Then, we can get it by multiplying by itself.
Square of 2 = 2*2 = 4
And hence, 2 is the square root of 4.
Square Root of 4
The square root of 4 is simply just 2 or in other words, 4 = 2. It is one of those numbers which we can call a perfect square number. Since it is a perfect square number, 4 can be found easily. It is a positive number and also the value of 4 when multiplied by itself, gives you composite number 4. In case the square root of the number isn’t the perfect one, the end result is going to be an irrational number. The roots of √4 can either be positive or it can be negative. Or in other words, we can state that every number has two roots: positive and negative. Therefore, the value of √4 can be either -2 or it can be + 2 or it can also be represented as ± 2.
Properties of Square Numbers
A square number has only 0,1,4,5,6,9 at the end.
A square number has always numbers 0,1,4,5,6, and 9 in the end. But remember that it is not compulsory that a number which has these digits at the end will be square numbers. However, all the square numbers end with the 0,1,4,5,6, and 9 at the end.
If we take the example of the square of the first ten natural numbers, then these are 1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81, and 100. All of these numbers end with 0,1,4,5, and 6.
The number of zeros in a perfect square number is always even.
All the numbers ending with the 0 digit have to satisfy this condition. Only it can be a perfect square if it has the number of zeros even. Otherwise, it can't be a perfect square number. For example, 100 is the square of 10 while 1000 is not the square of any number.
The square of an even number is always even. Similarly, the square of an odd number will always come out odd.
Perfect and Imperfect squares
Perfect squares are those numbers that have one of the square roots of a whole number. While imperfect squares are those numbers that do not have their square root a whole number. For example, the square root of 4 is 2. Also, the square root of 9 is 3. We know that 2 and 3 are whole numbers. So, 4 and 9 are called perfect squares. The square root of 3 is 1.732050. So, 3 is an imperfect square.
The square root of a number is the inverse of squaring a number. The square of a number is the value of the number multiplied by itself to get the original number, whereas the square root of a number is the number multiplied by itself to get the original number.
FAQs on Square Root of 4
1. What is the square root of 4?
The exact value of √4 is equal to 2. Now the roots of √4 can either be positive or it can be negative. Or in other words, we can state that every number has two roots: positive and negative. Therefore, the value of √4 can be either -2 or it can be + 2 or it can also be represented as ± 2. The square root of any number can be figured out using a calculator too.
2. What are perfect and imperfect squares?
A perfect square is a number that has a whole number as it's one of the square roots. For example, 4 has 2 as it's the square root. Similarly, 9 has 3 as the square root. So, 4 and 9 are perfect squares.
While imperfect squares are the numbers that do not have a whole number as it's one of the square roots. For example, the square root of 3 is 1.732050…, which is a fraction. So, 3 is an imperfect square.
3. What are the methods to find the square root of any of the numbers?
We can use four methods to find the square root of numbers and those methods are as follows:
Repeated subtraction method of square root
Square root by prime factorization method
Square root by estimation method
Square root by long division method