“Circle The Correct Number” Worksheets For Kids
This article brings different ideas for the kids to learn to count. Now kids can easily learn counting by using a free printable circle with the correct number worksheets given on this page. In this worksheet, kids will count the objects and circle the correct number that matches the correct quantity. This activity will help kids to develop their counting skills and identify numbers. Download the free printable count the objects and circle the correct number worksheets now and teach your kids identifying and counting numbers.
Numbers are symbols or words that are used to represent the number of people, objects, or units.
A few examples of numbers are:

Numbers can also be represented using words such as
1 - One
2 - Two
3 - Three
4 - Four
And so on….

Download Free Printable Count And Circle The Correct Number (1- 10) Worksheet
Count the number of fruits and circle the correct number that matches it.
Download Free Printable Count And Circle The Correct Number (11- 20) Worksheet
Count the different objects and circle the correct number that matches them.
FAQs on Fun Way To Learn Counting 1-20: Count The Objects And Circle The Correct Number
In the count and circle the correct number worksheets, kids have to look at the pictures of different objects and circle the correct number given on the right side of the picture accordingly. Solving the questions on the count and circle the correct number is a fun and engaging way for the kids to learn counting and develop number recognition skills.
Circle the correct number worksheet can simply be downloaded by visiting Vedantu’s official website or by simply by clicking once on the pdf link given on this page.
It is important for kids to learn counting as it enables them to understand the meaning of numbers. Also counting numbers helps kids to relate other mathematical concepts like matching, estimating, and sorting. Also, learning to count numbers is all about understanding that numbers represent quantity.
Though it seems like children learn counting when they start numbers, in reality, they start learning numbers as soon as they begin to explore the world. According to a recent study, children as young as 12 month can identify how many items are there in a set and can easily identify the different objects up to number three. It is observed children learn counting when they start making connections between the language we use to count.