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NCERT Class 10 English Book PDF


CBSE Class 10 NCERT English Books Free Download

NCERT English Book Class 10 is divided into two, namely First Flight and FootPrints without Feet. With English gaining popularity as a language, students need to be well-versed with its understanding as well as comprehension. The compilation of these two books guides a student towards gaining excellence in the subject. The prose and short stories have also been collected keeping in mind the latest syllabus released by NCERT for CBSE Class 10 Board exams.

We, therefore, bring this PDF compilation to ease a student’s accessibility to study material for exam preparation. These CBSE NCERT books are available for free and can be downloaded from our website at any time and from anywhere. Students can, thus, get quick and easy access to NCERT book of Class 10 English First Flight & Foot Prints without Feet PDF free download and start with their preparation immediately. Given below is the list of chapters you will find as per the latest syllabus in the NCERT books PDF. Students can also download NCERT Solution PDF for all subjects to prepare for their forthcoming exams.

NCERT Books For Class 10 English; Free PDF Download

NCERT Books for Class 10 English cover various aspects of English literature, including prose, poetry, and drama. The best part is that these books are available for free PDF download, making them easily accessible to all. The NCERT books enhance language skills and critical thinking abilities, helping students excel in their English examinations. You can download the NCERT Book for Class 10 English for free from the links given in the table below.

NCERT Books for Class 10 English PDF - Free Download

Vedantu brings you a whole new approach to prepare for CBSE Class 10 board exams in English. The chapters are composed in plain and simple English that is easily understandable, yet giving the students proficiency for English Literature, composition and grammar. The exercises and activities have been compiled with a thought-out plan as per the latest syllabus for a student of Class 10. Looking for NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English?

Apart from the free PDF download of English books, you also get subject-wise books for all classes in PDF format. We ensure quick and easy access to these books by facilitating free downloads of all the books without any registration. So, download the PDFs for CBSE NCERT books online today and start with your preparations.

First Flight


Chapter 1 – A Letter to God

A Letter to God is interspersed with questions that make you think while you are still reading this story. Its end consists of detailed exercises that students can practice to prepare for their exams with the NCERT books download.

Chapter 2 – Nelson Mandela – Long Walk to Freedom

The story carries exercises consisting of questions and grammar. Practising through them can help you have a thorough preparation for the upcoming CBSE Class 10 Board exam.

Chapter 3 – Two Stories about Flying

This short story has a well-thought-out subject activity section that gives enough scope for practice. Our experts in English have compiled them as per the standard followed at present.

Chapter 4 – From the Diary of Anne Frank

Answer the given questions in this chapter of NCERT English book Class 10 to have a proficiency in answering them during your Class 10 exam.

Chapter 5 – The Hundred Dresses – 1

The chapter, detailed with oral comprehension and grammatical exercises, has been included keeping in mind the English learning a student of Class 10 must receive from CBSE NCERT books.

Chapter 6 – The Hundred Dresses – 2

 A continuation of the chapter given above, this 6th lesson of NCERT Textbook Class 10 English maintains this story’s flow. Practice the activities for a better preparation on various parts of speech like adjectives, phrasal verbs, etc.

Chapter 7 – Glimpses of India

You must practice the detailed discussion given in this chapter to understand its theme carefully. Other exercises also help get thorough preparation for your exams.

Chapter 8 – Milbil the Otter

The 8th chapter of NCERT English book Class 10 gives wings to your imaginations through its inquisitive questions about an otter. It also has a few sets of oral comprehension you can practice while studying from the NCERT books online download.

Chapter 9 – Madam Rides the Bus

Have a read through this chapter of the latest NCERT books Class 10 English and answer the questions given to get an insight into different speaking and writing practices.

Chapter 10 – The Sermon at Benares

The chapter from NCERT Class 10 English Book with simple and easy-to-understand English has a range of activities compiled for your practice. Go through its questions and other activities on grammar to excel in your Class 10 exam.

Chapter 11 – The Proposal

The last chapter of First Flight, the NCERT English book Class 10, also has several well-planned activities that help prepare for your exam.


The book ‘First Flight’ also has a collection of poems, written by some legendary poets and interspersed between stories. Make sure to have a good read of these and practice exercises given before appearing for your exam. The list of poems is mentioned below.

1 – Dust of Snow

Dust of Snow is an excellent short sonnet composed by Robert Frost. This sonnet tells that even a basic second has an enormous importance. The writer has referenced crow and hemlock trees in this sonnet. Crow connotes his burdensome and sad temperament and hemlock tree is a noxious tree. Both these connote that the artist was not feeling great thus he portrays the dull, burdensome, and unpleasant side of nature to introduce his comparative state of mind. 

You can likewise download NCERT Solution Class 10 to assist you with reconsidering the total prospectus and score more checks in your assessments. 

The artist says that once he was in a miserable, burdensome mindset and was sitting under a hemlock tree. A crow, sitting on a similar tree, shook off the residue of snow i.e., little particles of snow that stay on a superficial level after the snowfall, on the artist. This straightforward activity changed the writer's state of mind. He understood that he had quite recently squandered a piece of his day apologizing and being lost in distress. In any case, the adjustment of his temperament caused him to understand that he ought to use the remainder of the day in some helpful action. His distress was washed away by the light shower of snow dust. His soul was restored and he prepared to use the remainder of the day.

2 – Fire and Ice

Robert Frost's sonnet Fire and Ice communicates the significant thought that the world would end in both of two different ways, either by ice or fire. Both the parts are contrasted and falling to pieces human feelings: contempt and want. The sonnet, masterfully, supports the way of thinking that we let our feelings rule us and if we don't control them they will obliterate everything around us. Also, he thinks fire and ice, are similarly as skillful in carrying the world to a cataclysmic end.

3 – A Tiger in the Zoo

The sonnet starts with a portrayal of a tiger that is exceptionally lovely and is strolling in his little enclosure. He has wonderful stripes on his skin and has velvet-like delicate paws. Yet, the tiger is troubled and is very furious about being restricted in the enclosure. The writer says that assuming the tiger was not bound to the zoo, he would have been concealing himself behind the long grass close to some water body, to get its prey, that is the deer. Likewise, he would have threatened the occupants of the towns around the woods region. Yet, the fact of the matter is inverse to this. He was bound in an enclosure that was made of solid structure material and he was vulnerable there. He was unable to show his capacity to the guests, subsequently, never attempted to threaten them. The tiger is depicted as being feeble and anguished by the artist. He says that during the night likewise, he is distant from everyone else, hearing the voice of the watching vehicles of police and taking a gander at the stars. The enclosure life has completely changed the tiger's character. The artist is attempting to say that the creature which is renowned for its boldness and opportunity is restricted and miserable because of the individuals who need to determine delight by checking out him in the zoo.

4 – How to Tell Wild Animals

The artist is portraying the different wild creatures in an exceptionally fascinating and strange manner. These creatures are extremely risky, yet the poetess is presenting them individually in an exceptionally entertaining manner. As a matter of first importance, she educates us regarding the Asian lion. She says that assuming you are visiting the wildernesses of the east and there we see a creature that has brownish skin and may thunder that we might cease to exist of dread. It implies we saw an Asian lion. Then, she clarified the Bengal tiger as an illustrious creature that on the double assaults and kills a man. She says in a diverting manner that assuming this excellent dark striped creature kills us and eats, we have certainly met a Bengal tiger. 

After this, she says that assuming we met a creature with dark-spotted skin and it immediately bounces on him, then, at that point, it is a panther. Likewise, she says that assuming one will shout out in torment, then, at that point, it very well might be of no use as the panther won't quit assaulting him. Then, at that point, she presents the bear that she says will embrace firmly. Since in this manner bears might kill an individual by embracing him firmly. 

Further, she poses an inquiry to the perusers that do we know the method of perceiving monsters that chase their prey. Then, at that point, she clarifies about hyenas having a grinning face consistently and the crocodiles who have tears in their eyes. It is very apparent when they are killing their prey. Finally, in the rundown of creatures, she presents the Chameleon. She says that it is a reptile-type animal that does not have ears and wings very much like a reptile. Just this data can assist us with separating between a reptile and a chameleon. She further says that the chameleon has the nature of changing its tone according to the shade of its encompassing and surface.

5 – The Ball Poem

In this sonnet The Ball, a kid loses a ball. He is exceptionally vexed. The ball was not an expensive one and he can buy another ball. Yet, the kid didn't buy another ball. He is in profound distress and pain. In the sonnet, the writer attempts to get what the kid has lost and the experience the kid has learned by losing a ball.

6 – Amanda!

The sonnet is about a young lady, Amanda, who is continually called attention to by her mom for committing errors. Robin Klein has wonderfully communicated the young ladies' sentiments in the sonnet concerning how she is controlled and taught by her mom for little things. The sonnet passes on a significant message that kids ought to never be denied their opportunity. They ought not to feel that for each little thing they do, their folks continually pester them. The guardians must raise their kids so that they comprehend their perspective as opposed to getting disappointed. Kids ought not to feel that a vagrant has more opportunity than them.

7 – Animals

In the sonnet Animals, the artist has portrayed his will to turn into a creature since he thinks creatures are far superior to people. People are avaricious and brimming with envy against one another. Be that as it may, creatures are quiet and independent. The creatures are content with what they have. They never gripe about tragedies and distresses. Then again individuals gripe about their tragedies. They give more significance to the rich and tough individuals, remain anxious given their bad behaviors, and run behind the sumptuous things of this world. Though creatures speak the truth about their relations and don't give significance to a specific class. They carry on with a day-to-day existence that is loaded with trustworthiness and less eagerness and desire.

8 – The Trees

As the title recommends, the sonnet is about trees. It communicates how people have annihilated backwoods and chopped down the trees for their motivation. People have made trees restricted to the four dividers of their homes to satisfy their necessities. The poetess says that the trees live in the woods, so keeping them inside the house is wrongdoing. The sonnet passes on the message that everybody has a profound longing for the opportunity. We should adhere to the guidelines of nature and ought to do whatever it takes not to overrule it.

9 – Fog

The artist says that the haze which is, for the most part, seen throughout the colder time of year is coming towards the city and the harbor like a feline. This implies that it is moving toward the city in an exceptionally quiet way so nobody can see its appearance. He has contrasted its appearance with that of a feline because a feline consistently enters a spot quietly. Next, he says that the haze has covered the entirety of the city and harbor and maybe it is perched by collapsing its legs and glancing around how a feline does when it sits on the hindquarters and glances around. Toward the end, he depicts the flight of the mist which quietly and unusually, once more, like the takeoff of the feline, evaporates.

10 – The Tale of Custard the Dragon

The story of custard the mythical dragon is a ditty. It is a hilarious sonnet about a weak winged serpent named custard. Custard is a pet of Belinda, a young lady who lives in a little white house with her pets. She had a dark cat named ink, a dim mouse named flicker, yellow canine mustard, and a weak winged serpent custard. The artist says that every one of them is exceptionally courageous aside from the mythical serpent. Others were portrayed as bold and contrasted and creatures like bear, tiger, or lion yet the mythical serpent is exceptionally shy. He generally requests a protected spot for himself. The wide range of various characters ridicules him. However, one night they are amazed by the passage of a privateer in the house. Every one of them gets scared and begins stowing away to a great extent. Yet, to everyone's shock, the winged serpent handles him as well as gobbles him up. As every one of them is saved by custard, they say thanks to him. Yet, toward the end, they understand that they used to ridicule the mythical serpent given his being hesitant. Along these lines, every one of them abruptly begins saying that they are more daring and might have taken care of the circumstance in a vastly improved manner. Here the writer has attempted to say that occasionally a meek individual is a genuine saint in the hardest circumstances of life.

11 – For Anne Gregory

The sonnet is essentially a discussion between the writer, Yeats, and a little youngster named Anne Gregory. The artist tells her that assuming she finds a little fellow who becomes miserable on account of her dismissal, it doesn't imply that he was a genuine sweetheart. He might have been infatuated with her in light of her excellent yellow hair. This implies that the kid may be enamored with her due to her appealing looks. He says that a genuine darling will be the person who will adore her for her internal characteristics and not her looks. To this, Anne says that she will change her looks by passing on her hair into another shading. She will turn out to be less appealing and afterward, perhaps, she will track down a genuine romance for herself. Along these lines, finally, he discloses to her that the earlier evening, he had heard some strict man saying that main God loves us for what we are. This implies that God never cherishes us for our searches yet for our internal excellence.

Footprints without Feet

Chapter 1 – A Triumph of Surgery

The second book of the latest NCERT books Class 10 English starts with ‘A Triumph of Surgery’ which brings along several activities to carry out.

Chapter 2 – The Thief’s Story

Strengthen your vocabulary by learning words from its glossary section and find out the questions given in your free PDF download.

Chapter 3 – The Midnight Visitor

This chapter from NCERT English book Class 10 brings along a compilation of activities and exercises for your practice. Solve them through your NCERT solution before sitting for your exam.

Chapter 4 – A Question of Trust

This chapter starts with two questions that you may keep in mind while reading it. Its ‘think about it’ exercises given in the end help a student learn comprehensive skills thoroughly.

Chapter 5 – Footprints without Feet

With a carefully chalked out study plan for the entire book, our subject experts have created exercises for this chapter that you must go through to prepare for your exam.

Chapter 6 – Making of a Scientist

The 6th chapter brings with it questions to help you understand and remember this chapter better. It ends with practice exercises to prepare for your CBSE Class 10 board exam.

Chapter 7 – The Necklace

Revolving around borrowing and losing a necklace and the consequences that follow, the chapter also brings with it a set of questions and other activities on grammar.

Chapter 8 – The Hack Driver

The comprehensive questions given at the end of this chapter make you think deeply over the story, thus leaving you with a long-lasting impression that will help answer your exam questions.

Chapter 9 – Bholi

Revolving around a child called Bholi – the innocent one, the 9th chapter of this NCERT English book Class 10 comes with detailed questions that force the mind to ponder deep into the subject matter.

Chapter 10 – The Book that Saved the Eart

This last chapter of CBSE NCERT books completes the latest syllabus in English for Class 10. Studying it with free PDF download also ensures you have a thorough preparation for your exam.

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FAQs on NCERT Class 10 English Book PDF

1. From where can I download free Class 10 English NCERT textbooks PDF?

There are many platforms that offer Class 10 English NCERT textbook free PDFs. One such platform is Vedantu, India’s most trustworthy ed-tech solutions. You can download the free PDF version of NCERT textbooks for CBSE Class 10 English. Download the PDF so that you can use it anytime, anywhere. This reduces the need for carrying the books. You can find online NCERT textbooks for Class 10 English (First Flight and Footprints Without Feet Supplementary Reader) on Vedantu. These are helpful during studies and exam preparation.

2. Where can I find NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English free PDFs?

Many online sites provide NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English free PDF. However, Vedantu is a popular choice among students for NCERT Solutions for English, Maths, Science and other subjects. These solutions include an easy and comprehensive explanation to exercise questions. Vedantu caters to chapter-wise NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English available in the form of downloadable files. These are designed by subject matter experts. They are appointed at Vedantu to meet the requirement of study materials during exams. Students can find the answers to all the prose and poems included in Class 10 English textbooks in the free PDFs of Class 10 English NCERT Solutions. You can also download the textbook online.

3. What are the two textbooks included in Class 10 English CBSE syllabus?

Class 10 English CBSE syllabus includes two textbooks. The main textbook is First Flight and the other is Footprints without Feet Supplementary Reader. Both the textbooks are equally important from an exam perspective. Hence, students must thoroughly read all the chapters of both books. You can download the ebooks on Vedantu, India’s most trusted online learning website and app.

4. Why should I choose Class 10 English books online PDF textbook?

Students must develop a practice of studying from online textbooks as these are an eco-friendly and economical alternative. Online textbooks are gradually becoming a trend among students. The prime reason behind it is that PDF textbooks are easily accessible and can be used anywhere. Class 10 English e-textbooks can be availed on Vedantu at absolutely no cost. Students can download online textbooks for Class 10 English chapters on their smartphones or other devices like laptops, PCs, etc. and use them conveniently.

5. Explain the summary of the poem Fire and Ice.

Fire and Ice is a short sonnet composed by Robert Frost. The sonnet communicates the possibility that the world will end sometime in the not so distant future, either by Fire or by Ice. Here, the writer has contrasted Fire and Ice and the falling to pieces feelings of people. The fire and ice sonnet perfectly portrays how people let their feelings rule over them. They have zero commands over their longings. They run after accomplishing their longings, however, the more they work, the more they get caught in them. In this manner, they never feel fulfilled and annihilate their life. Likewise, the artist feels that fire and ice will prompt the annihilation of the world.