CBSE Class 10 NCERT Social Science Books Free Download
FAQs on NCERT Book for Class 10 Social Science
1. How can I get the free PDF of Class 10 Social Science NCERT textbooks?
You can avail the free PDF version of Class 10 Social Science NCERT textbooks available on e-learning platforms like Vedantu. Vedantu is one of the most trustworthy platforms among students where one can get the free PDF files of NCERT textbooks for Class 10 (all subjects). E-books for Class 10 Social Science as well as other subjects can be downloaded by students to study anytime, anywhere. These are an affordable alternative to physical books. You can find online NCERT textbooks for Class 10 Social Science (History, Geography, Political Science and Economics) on Vedantu. These are really helpful in studies and exam preparations.
2. What are the benefits of choosing textbooks PDFs for Class 10 Social Science?
Online learning is gradually becoming a preferred mode of learning among students. With this, online textbooks are becoming a more conventional choice. There are many perks of downloading online textbooks for Class 10 Social Science. Firstly, these are available for free on Vedantu’s site. Secondly, PDF textbooks are easily accessible and can be used anywhere. Students can download online textbooks for Class 10 Social Science subjects on their computers or mobile phones. This eliminates the need to carry physical books. With these objectives, Vedantu provides the free PDF downloadable files of Class 10 Social Science textbooks.
3. Where can I avail NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science textbooks?
There are many websites that provide NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science textbooks. Vedantu is a popular name for NCERT Solutions as it offers authentic and 100% accurate solutions for Class 10 subjects. Vedantu caters to chapter-wise NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science in the free to download PDF format. Designed by subject matter excerpts, these solutions help greatly in exam preparation and learning. These are prepared to meet the requirement of study materials during exams. Students can find the solutions to textbook exercise questions in the free PDFs for Class 10 Social Science. With the help of the online NCERT Solutions, students can boost their performance in the Class 10 board exam.
4. As per the CBSE NCERT syllabus, how many textbooks are there for Class 10 Social Science?
As per the CBSE syllabus, there are four NCERT textbooks available for Class 10 Social Science dedicated to all the four subjects- History, Geography, Political Science and Economics. Following are the prescribed NCERT textbooks for Class 10 Social Science:
Understanding Economic Development (Economics)
India and the Contemporary World - II (History)
Democratic Politics (Political Science)
Contemporary India–II (Geography)
These textbooks are available for free PDF Download on Vedantu. Students can also avail NCERT Solutions for these books where one can find chapter-wise explanations to the textbook questions.
5. Can students depend on Class 10 Social Science NCERT books and solutions provided by Vedantu?
Vedantu provides online study materials like NCERT textbooks for different Social Science subjects. Along with that, it also delivers NCERT topic-wise questions and exercise-wise questions that are prepared by experts to help students with their studies. Moreover, these solutions will assist students to understand concepts in a better way and fetch more marks in their Social Science Class 10 board examination. The aim of these solutions is to strengthen concepts in students' minds for a long time. Additionally, these solutions can also be used for a quick revision during exam times.