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NCERT Books for Class 10 Social Science - India and the Contemporary World 2 PDF


Class 10 NCERT Books for Social Science - India and the Contemporary World II Free PDF Download

Social Science , as a subject, covers a lot of aspects. There are several concepts, ideas, subject matters, historical events and changes that contributed to the formation of society as we know it. Thus, this NCERT textbook Class 10 Social Science  India and the Contemporary World 2 covers many such events in our history that led to the formation of our modern society.

With the NCERT Solutions provided in these books, you can prepare for your Class 10 Board Exams. These Exercises, given at the end of each Chapter, are the right way through which you can assess yourself and know how well prepared you are for your upcoming Exams.

Our books are prepared by subject experts who take it in their stead to simplify each Chapter. With the help of these books and some effort on your part, it can become effortless to score well in your upcoming Exams.

Learning Gains a New Approach with Free NCERT Books from Vedantu!

Our NCERT books PDF Class 10 Social Science  India and the Contemporary World 2 are easily downloadable and free of cost. Our books, available for every subject and containing NCERT solutions, provide the much-needed support for your Exams. Accessing these books is convenient because there are no registration hassles or payment procedures for downloading them.

Furthermore, the PDF format of our books enables you to carry them wherever you want. You can thus enjoy the liberty of studying even when you are travelling. So, if you are looking for books that will help you prepare for your upcoming Exams with least hurdles, our free PDF books are the ones to go for. So, download them at the earliest to start with your Exam preparations. We provide subject wise books for all Classes.

This NCERT textbook Class 10 Social Science  India and the Contemporary World 2 is divided into several sections and comprises five Chapters. Following is a general overview of the CBSE NCERT books and its contents.

Chapter 1 - The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

The first section of this book deals with various events and processes of World history. Chapter 1, for instance, is all about the rise of nationalism in Europe. The contents of this section include the French revolution Circa 1789 and eventually goes on to explore events like making of Europe’s nationalism, Age of Revolutions between 1830-1848, making of Germany and Italy, etc.

In this Chapter, you will learn about visualisation of a nation. At the end of this Chapter, there are exciting Exercises which will provide you illustrations with accompanying questions. By solving these Exercises in the NCERT textbook Class 10 Social Science  India and the Contemporary World 2, you will be able to gain a more in-depth knowledge of this subject.

Chapter 2- Nationalism in India

The second Chapter of NCERT textbook Class 10 Social Science  India and the Contemporary World 2 gives an account of the emergence of Nationalism in India. It was a direct result of anti-colonial movements in the form of Civil Disobedience and Non-Co-operation Movements.

This Chapter in NCERT books download contains details of World War I, Khilafat and Non-Cooperation movements, Civil Disobedience, etc. It also discusses the origins of a sense of collective belonging within Indians. At the end of this Chapter, you will find some questions and a project that will help you prepare better for your upcoming Examination.


Chapter 3- The Making of a Global World

Chapter 3 of the latest NCERT books Class 10 Social Science  India and the Contemporary World 2 marks the beginning of this book’s second section (Livelihood, Economies and Society). This Chapter discusses the evolution of human beings and society through pre-modern World and Nineteenth century (1815-1914).

It also paints a picture of the World economy during war and how it was rebuilt in the post-war period. Some sections included in this Chapter are Bretton Woods Institutions and post-war settlement, decolonisation and independence of countries post World War II, etc.

When you solve the Exercise at the end of this Chapter, you will find many interesting facts about the topics mentioned above that will help you prepare better for your Exams. With the type of questions presented in these Exercises, you will know what to expect during Examinations.

Chapter 4- The Age of Industrialisation

Chapter 4 is all about the Industrial Revolution. In this Chapter, you will learn about the period before the Industrial Revolution, factors that ushered in this revolution and eventually the post-revolution period. This Chapter contains various sections like the coming up of factories, life of workers before the revolution etc.

It further forays into industrialisation in British colonies, keeping India in focus. In this NCERT textbook Class 10 Social Science  India and the Contemporary World 2, you will learn about small- scale industries as well as trends of industrial growth. It also introduces you to the concept of a market for goods.

In an Exercise at the end of this Chapter of NCERT Books download, given questions help prepare answers regarding detailed descriptions of the events of Industrial reforms around the World. If you solve these questions, you will be able to ace your Board Exams as well.


Chapter 5- Print Culture and the Modern World

Chapter 5 is the final Chapter that forms a third section of NCERT textbook Class 10 Social Science  India and the Contemporary World 2. This last section, named- Everyday Life, Culture and Politics, deals with the modern World. As the name of this Chapter suggests, it discusses the importance of print media and materials in our modern World.

In this Chapter, you will learn about the first printed books, how print was introduced in Europe, the print revolution and how it impacted society etc. This Chapter presents an account of how printed media affected people’s lives. It also talks about India and its contribution to the print revolution.

Thus by solving questions of this final Chapter in CBSE NCERT books, you can learn more about the importance of print media in our lives. Answering these questions also gives you an idea about what questions to expect from your Boards. 

Class 10 Social Science  NCERT Book - India and the Contemporary World 2: At A Glance

The NCERT Books for Class 10 Social Science  - India and the Contemporary World 2 tests the students on various key competencies. The remembering and understanding ability of students is tested by asking questions on the basis of previously learned material by remembering terms, answers, facts, and basic concepts. It also enables students to understand facts and ideas by comparing, organizing, interpreting, translating, stating, and describing main ideas. The students are also tested on their ability to solve problems in new situations by applying acquired facts, knowledge, techniques, and rules. It also helps students formulate, analyze, evaluate, create and Examine information into different parts. It also enables students to compile information together or combine elements in different ways. It also facilitates students to judge information and validate ideas or quality of work based on a set of criteria.

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FAQs on NCERT Books for Class 10 Social Science - India and the Contemporary World 2 PDF

1. What all is present in NCERT Books for Class 10 Social Science  - India and the Contemporary World 2?

NCERT Books for Class 10 Social Science  - India and the Contemporary World 2 contains three sections, that is, section I events and processes, section II Livelihoods, economies and societies, and section III, that is, everyday life, culture, and politics. Section I contains three Chapters which are The Rise of Nationalism in Europe, Nationalism in India, and The Nationalist Movement in Indo-China. Section II also contains three Chapters, that is, The Making of a Global World, The Age of Industrialization and Work, Life and Leisure. Unit III of NCERT Books for Class 10 Social Science  - India and the Contemporary World 2 contains two Chapters: Print Culture and the Modern World and Novels, Society and History.

2. What are the learning objectives of section I of NCERT Books for Class 10 Social Science  - India and the Contemporary World 2?

The main learning objectives of section I of NCERT Books for Class 10 Social Science  - India and the Contemporary World 2 are:

  • It makes students learn and identify the development of nationalism and the formation of nation-states in Europe in the post-1830 period.

  • It helps the student establish the relationship and difference between European nationalism and anti-colonial nationalism.

  • It helps students understand the emergence of nationalism.

  • It helps students understand the formation of nation-states in Europe.

  • The section will help students understand the characteristics of Indian nationalism through a case study of the Non-Cooperation and Civil Disobedience Movement.

  • The section will help the students analyze the nature of diverse social movements.

  • It will help students get familiarized with the writings and ideas of different political groups.

  • It will help students promote the idea of Pan Indian belongingness.

3. What are the objectives of section II of NCERT Books for Class 10 Social Science  - India and the Contemporary World 2?

Section II of NCERT Class 10 India and the Contemporary World 2 deals with livelihoods, economies, and societies. The main learning objectives of section II are:

  • The section teaches students about the history of globalization.

  • The section also enables the students to analyze the implication of globalization for local economies.

  • It will also help students analyze globalization in different groups.

  • It will help students get familiar with the pro to industrial phase and the early factory system.

  • It will also make students familiar with the process of industrialization in the colonies with reference to textile industries.

4. What are the objectives of section III of NCERT Books for Class 10 Social Science  - India and the Contemporary World 2?

Section III of NCERT Books for Class 10 Social Science  - India and the Contemporary World 2 deals with concepts of everyday life, culture, and politics. The main objectives of section III dealt in the NCERT textbook are:

  • Section III of NCERT Books for Class 10 Social Science  - India and the Contemporary World 2 identifies the link between print culture and the circulation of ideas.

  • This section familiarizes the student with important issues and events through pictures, cartoons, extracts from propaganda literature, and newspaper debates.

  • The section also enables students to understand the history of forms of writing and how they reflect historical changes within society and shape the forces of change.

5. What are the benefits of NCERT Books for Class 10 Social Science  - India and the Contemporary World 2?

NCERT Books for Class 10 Social Science  - India and the Contemporary World 2 is a very crucial textbook for Class 10. The book is informative and self-explanatory. It is a very handy textbook for students and students can revise the book easily just before the Examination. Students can also analyze their performance themselves with the help of books and study material. The NCERT book increases the knowledge of the main topics. Homework and assignments given in Class 10 CBSE Board are in accordance with NCERT textbooks.