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CBSE Class 11 NCERT Books for Business Studies PDF - Free Download


Class 11 NCERT Books Available For Free Download on Vedantu

The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) was set up by the Government of India in 1961. The organisation has its headquarters in Sri Aurobindo Marg in New Delhi. The NCERT council conducts various research and experiments to improve the quality of education in India.

The idea is to promote a uniform pattern of school education throughout the country. Marching towards this goal, NCERT has been publishing textbooks for Classes 1 to 12. NCERT books for Class 11 Business Studies comply with the syllabus enlisted by CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education). NCERT drafts books for all streams. Books like NCERT Business Studies book Class 11 provide a thorough analysis of all Chapters included in the syllabus.

NCERT Books For Class 11 Business Studies; Free PDF Download

NCERT Books for Class 11 Business Studies cover various topics such as principles of management, marketing, and financial management. The NCERT books provide a strong foundation in business studies and help students excel in their examinations. You can download the NCERT Book for Class 11 Business Studies in both English and Hindi Languages. Get the link to download Class 11, Business Studies NCERT Books from the table below.

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NCERT Books for CBSE Class 11 Business Studies PDF Free Download

Chapters Comprised in NCERT Business Studies Book for Class 11

There are a total of eleven Chapters in the NCERT Business Studies textbook for 11th standard students. The first six Chapters of the book form Part 1 of the book, which is ‘Foundations of Business’. These Chapters discuss Business, its forms, modes, and social aspects. Chapters 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 constitute Part 2 of the NCERT book Business Studies Class 11.

It is about ‘Corporate Organisation, Finance, And Trade’, and talks about further intricacies involved in a Business. The formation of a Business and how finance is arranged is explained in these lessons. NCERT Business Studies (BST) book also includes Chapters on Trade and International Business.

Chapter-Wise Analysis of the NCERT Book of Class 11 Business Studies

Chapter 1: Business, Trade and Commerce

History of Trade and Commerce is the initial part of Chapter 1. Detailed explanation about the indigenous Banking system of early times is followed by a note on ‘Rise of Intermediaries’.

Chapter 1 of Business Studies Class 11 book NCERT also briefs students about the following topics adhering to the History of trade in India-

  • Transport

  • Merchant Corporations

  • Major Trade Centres (Pataliputra, Peshawar, Taxila, Indraprastha, Mathura, Varanasi, Mithila, Ujjain, Surat, Madura, Broach, Kaveripatta, and Tamralipti)

This Chapter proceeds to talk about the position of the Indian subcontinent (from 1 AD to 1991) in the World Economy. Other contents included in the 1st Chapter of NCERT Business Studies book Class 11 are-

  1. Concept of Business

  2. Characteristics of Business

  3. Comparison of Business, Profession and Employment

  4. Classification of Business Activities

  5. Industries

  6. Trade and Commerce

Business risks and objectives of a Business are discussed towards the end of this Chapter.

Chapter 2: Forms of Business Organisation

Various forms of Business organisations include Sole Proprietorship, joint Hindu family Business, partnership, cooperative societies, and Joint-stock companies. Chapter 2 of the Business Studies Class 11 NCERT textbook explains the different features of all these Business forms. This Chapter also includes a detailed analysis of the merits and demerits of each Business form.

A company can be of two types. It can either be Private or Public. In this Chapter, students learn about how each of the functions. The factors which influence the choice of Business organisation form are also elaborated. They are-

  • Cost and ease of setting up an Organisation

  • Liability

  • Continuity

  • Management ability

  • Capital considerations

  • Degree of control

  • Nature of Business

A list of important terms related to the Chapter comes at the end of the Chapter.

Chapter 3: Private, Public, and Global Enterprises

Introduction to the Private and Public sector an Economy appears in the 3rd Chapter of NCERT books for Class 11 Business Studies. It explains the features, merits, and demerits of both the sectors. The lesson briefs about Statutory Corporations or Public enterprises. These are enterprises which have been established through a Special Act of the Parliament.

Chapter 3 explains the changing role of the Public sector in an Economy. Global enterprises and their features are also discussed. Another important topic in Chapter 3 is Joint ventures. There are two different types of a joint venture. They are- 

  • Contractual Joint Venture (CJV)

  • Equity-based Joint Venture (EJV)

Examples, features, and benefits of a Joint venture are included here. Towards the end, the Chapter has a note on Public-Private Partnership (PPP)

Chapter 4: Business Services

Class 11 BST NCERT book in its 4th Chapter discusses the nature of Business services. This is also known as the 5 Is of services. They include-

  • Intangibility

  • Inconsistency

  • Inseparability

  • Inventory

  • Involvement

Different types of services are Business service, social service, and personal service. Here in this Chapter, all these services are explained. Chapter 4 also carries the difference between goods and services.

This Chapter provides a detailed study of different types of Bank, including-

  • Commercial Banks

  • Cooperative Banks

  • Specialised Banks

  • Central Bank

E-Banking is a crucial topic in Chapter 4 of NCERT Business Studies book Class 11. In the context of Insurance, the following have been discussed-

  1. Types

  2. Principles

  3. Functions

The Chapter concludes with a note on communication services, including postal and telecom services.

Chapter 5: Emerging Modes of Business

Chapter 5 in Business Studies book Class 11 NCERT teaches about the latest modes of Business activities. It can be termed as e-Business. This Chapter provides a detailed discussion of the scope of e-Business in today's World. Benefits of e-commerce have been listed down, both in terms of the Business organisation as well the society.

On the contrary, limitations of e-Business are also mentioned. There is a chart in this Chapter that points to the difference between traditional Business and e-Business. Chapter 5 also mentions the resources which are required for the successful implementation of e-Business.

Outsourcing is another topic in this Chapter of BST NCERT book Class 11. The various needs and concerns relevant to outsourcing have been detailed.

Chapter 6: Social Responsibilities of Business and Business Ethics

The concept of social responsibility with reference to Business is what Chapter 6 is about. The lesson explains the need for corporate social responsibility. A detailed guide of arguments for and against social responsibility has been incorporated in Chapter 6. Arguments in favour of social responsibility include the following points-

  1. Justification for existence and growth

  2. The long-term interest of the firm

  3. Avoidance of government regulation

  4. Maintenance of society

  5. Availability of resources with Business

  6. Converting problems into opportunities

  7. A better environment for doing Business

  8. Holding Business responsible for social problems

Arguments against social responsibility include-

  1. Violation of profit maximisation objective

  2. Burden of consumers

  3. Lack of social skills

  4. Lack of broad Public support

Chapter 6 of the NCERT Business Studies book Class 11 also briefs about the reality of social responsibility and its kinds. Discussion on environmental pollution and the role of Businesses to protect the environment is also included.

Chapter 7: Formation of a Company

Chapter 7 elaborates the ins and outs of forming a new company. One of the important aspects in the formation of a new company is its promotion. The lesson teaches about the various functions of a promoter.

The different documents which are required to be submitted to form a company have been mentioned and discussed in Chapter 7. This Chapter of the BST Class 11 NCERT book explains the other formalities of company formation. These formalities include-

  • Incorporation

  • Capital Subscription

The difference between Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association in terms of objectives, position, relationship, validity and necessity is included in Chapter 7.

Chapter 8: Sources of Business Finance

The 8th Chapter in NCERT book of BST Class 11 is about the meaning, nature, and significance of Business finance. Multiple financial needs of a Business have been categorised in Chapter 8. It includes-

  1. Fixed capital requirements

  2. Working capital requirements

This is followed by a Classification of the sources of funds in the form of a chart. Sources of funds can be Classified based on the period, ownership, source of generation, etc. Different sources of finance are explained, along with their merits and limitations. The sources mentioned are-

  • Retained earnings

  • Trade credit

  • Factoring

  • Lease financing

  • Public deposits

  • Commercial paper

  • Issue of shares

  • Debentures

  • Commercial Banks

  • Financial institutions

International Finance is discussed towards the end of this lesson.

Chapter 9: Small Business

Chapter 9 of CBSE Class 11 Business Studies NCERT book informs about the different types of small-scale Business. Manufacturing and services are explained in detail. The main three types of manufacturing and services are-

  1. Micro-Enterprise

  2. Small Enterprise

  3. Medium enterprise

The Chapter has notes on village and cotton industries as well. It elaborates the role of small Business in India, specifically rural India.

Chapter 9 also Talks About The Government's Assistance in Backing Small Business units. Some of These Measures Include-

  1. National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD)

  2. Rural Small Business Development Centre (RSBDC)

  3. National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC)

  4. Rural and Women Entrepreneurship Development (RWED)

  5. Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional Industries (SFURTI)

  6. District Industries Centers (DICs)

The 9th Chapter of NCERT Business Studies Book Class 11 explains Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and its importance.

Chapter 10: Internal Trade

In this Chapter, students learn about wholesale trading. Here are some of the services provided by wholesale manufacturers-

  • Facilitating Large scale production

  • Bearing risk

  • Financial assistance

  • Expert advice

  • Help in a marketing function

  • Facilitate production continuity

  • Storage

The services offered by manufacturers to retailers include-

  1. Availability of goods

  2. Marketing support

  3. Grant of credit

  4. Specialised knowledge

  5. Risk sharing

Next, in this Chapter of NCERT Business Studies book Class 11, retail trading has been discussed. Services of retailers consist of the following-

  1. Help in the distribution of goods

  2. Personal selling

  3. Enabling large-scale operations

  4. Collecting market information

  5. Help in promotion

Chapter 10 also explains the mechanism of Goods and Services Tax (GST).

Chapter 11: International Business

This Chapter clearly explains the meaning of International Business. It gives a detailed study of the reasons behind International Business. Chapter 11 also describes how international Business differs from Domestic Business.

Modes of entry into an international Business are also discussed in this lesson. These include the following-

  • Exporting and importing

  • Contract manufacturing

  • Licensing and franchising

  • Joint Ventures

  • Wholly owned subsidiaries

Chapter 11 of NCERT Business Studies book Class 11 gives detailed information regarding the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, popularly known as the World Bank. Other vital topics in this Chapter are the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Trade Organisation (WTO). 

Why are NCERT Books Considered Best for Exam Preparations?

Over more than three decades, NCERT books have maintained the reputation of providing the best possible guidance to CBSE students. NCERT Books for Class 11 commerce Business Studies and all other Publications are now available on the official website. Students can download the PDFs to read the Chapters anytime from any place.

There are numerous reasons as to why NCERT textbooks have been reviewed the best by students. Here are some of those reasons-

Vivid Analysis of All Topics- Every topic of the CBSE-enlisted syllabus is explained vividly in the NCERT books. Detailed knowledge about all topics helps students answer their Exams better. Proper analysis of all concepts ensures that students understand the fundamentals of every Chapter completely.

Lucid Language- The NCERT textbooks have been drafted in a transparent and straightforward language pattern. The reason behind this is to help students understand the Chapters faster. Books written in a complex language often puzzle students, and they fail to comprehend the lessons. The plain format of NCERT books assists pupils to understand the Chapters better and retain the lessons for a longer span.

Key Facts and Terms- Crucial facts and phrases related to a particular Chapter are listed down in the NCERT books. This is to make sure that students put more focus on those terms and concepts. Questions are most likely to be asked on these very terms.

Important Concepts Backed with Examples and Diagrams- For better understanding, the Chapters comprise diagrams, charts, tables and Examples. All these help students to comprehend even difficult Chapters easily. Any sort of doubts while studying the text is eliminated once a student goes through the Examples, diagrams or charts.

Systematic Approach- NCERT books like NCERT Business Studies book Class 11 does not rush through the CBSE syllabus. It explains all the concepts in a step-by-step manner, just like how a teacher would explain it in the Class. Topics in each Chapter have been arranged systematically so that one concept leads to another.

Drafted by Experts- All the NCERT books have been prepared and compiled by subject-experts and experienced professors. Their profound knowledge of each subject is incorporated in the textbooks.

Interesting and Gripping- NCERT books are formatted and designed in a student-friendly way. This aspect prevents books from being monotonous and boring. Students find studying their Chapters from NCERT books interesting nature. It keeps them glued and builds the keenness in them to read and learn more.

All the NCERT books, irrespective of subject and standard, possess the above-mentioned qualities.

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Tips for Attempting the Paper

To score well in this test, you should have a strong group on the syllabus and a faint idea of how you would like to tackle the paper. The following are some test tips on the best way to conquer the paper.

1) A 15-Minutes Understanding Time: In the test, students get 15 minutes of understanding time. Thus, completely read the question paper in this allocated time. Scan the question paper carefully, particularly HOTS, Value-based, Case Study-based questions and plan on how to give the best response.

2) Answering Inquiries According to the Allotted Marks: In the test, you will get 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 mark questions. While composing answers, strictly stay with the word limit. For 1 mark, compose your reply in a single word or one sentence. For 3 marks, compose 3 main points with the legitimate clarification. For 4 marks, compose 4 main points with legitimate clarification. Also, 5 markers ought to have 5 main points and 6 markers ought to have 6 with the appropriate explanation.

Always remember that adding extra information to the paper won't get you additional marks, however will just waste your time.

3) Giving Examples: Cite Examples whenever possible as marks are apportioned for it. You can give it in the inquiries of standards of the board, components of Business climate, sorts of plans, formal and casual association, preparing strategies and components of promoting mix.

4) Presentation: A decent show joined with the required substance can assist you with scoring full checks in the paper. You should Underline significant parts, catchphrases in the answers and headings of answers or use a highlighter. You want to do it at the same time and not leave it for the end.

Proper space must be given between the answers. You should leave one line after each point. If possible, offer the diagram representation of answers. For instance, you can outline Scalar Chain, Communication Networks, Controlling Process, Functional Structure and Divisional Structure.

5) Word limits: The CBSE requires brief and to the point replies, so try not to compose long replies. You don't get more points by composing long answers, but you do waste your time. Split your time between exceptionally short and long answers so you don't use up all available time while pursuing the last questions.

6) Attempt all the questions: You ought to compose and answer whatever you know instead of leaving the question completely. This is because you will get a few marks for composing something, however assuming the answer and not attempting it will not fetch you any marks.

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FAQs on CBSE Class 11 NCERT Books for Business Studies PDF - Free Download

1. How many chapters are there in NCERT book business studies class 12 PDF?

NCERT book of Business Studies for class 11 contains eleven chapters in total. The first six chapters of the books form Part 1 and are about 'Foundations of Business'. The next five chapters form the second part of the book. These five chapters are related to 'Corporate Organisation, Finance, and Trade’.

2. How much of the CBSE syllabus does NCERT Business Studies book cover?

The NCERT Business Studies book for class 11 covers the entire syllabus prescribed by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). Each chapter of the CBSE syllabus is detailed in the NCERT textbooks.

3. Where can I find NCERT Business Studies Class 11 PDF?

NCERT textbook, study materials as well as Chapter notes are now available on the official website of NCERT. However, students can also access NCERT solutions from other sources. These solutions provide precise answers to the questions given at the end of every Chapter in the NCERT textbooks and PDFs.

4. Which chapter in NCERT book for Class 11 Business Studies explains GST?

Chapter 10 of the NCERT Class 11 Business Studies books consists of a detailed analysis of Goods and Services Tax (GST). It explains the features, mechanism and application of GST in Business. Information about the GST Council is also included in Chapter 10. There is a gist provided on how GST is supposed to benefit and empower Indian citizens.

5. What can be the few pointers to score well in Business Studies?

Here are a few tips to assist you with answering questions in an ideal way:

  1. Use the initial 15 minutes (understanding time) in the best way. Examine what you know the best and read the entire question carefully.

  2. Feature the primary concerns of each question and read the question correctly.

  3. Compose your answers in points only - this is the most ideal method for introducing your answer well and surely assists you with good marks.

  4. Present your answers with the help of outlines like diagrams, charts and kid's shows. This would give a superior impression and assist you with introducing your replies in a superior way.

  5. Try not to broaden word limits while replying, because putting primary concerns forward is important.

  6. Underlining the central issues or catchphrases is one of the most helpful tricks to highlight key points to the teachers. Continuously underline to feature central matters of your answers.

  7. Ensure you answer all questions. Regardless of whether you are uncertain of any reply, there may be a chance of getting a few points rather than not endeavouring it at all

  8. Use Examples where necessary.

  9. Continuously ensure you endeavour to be recognized with the assistance of basis.

  10. Don't neglect to compose processes in grouping likewise take the help of a FLOWCHART consistently to clarify any process.

  11. Attempt to compose sub headings as given in NCERT book.

  12. For questions identified with extricate, quote the given concentrate in the inquiry for clearness.