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NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Practical Work in Geography PDF


CBSE Class 11 NCERT Books for Geography Practical Work in Geography PDF - Free Download

The autonomous educational organization of the country, NCERT, was set up in 1961 for the development of India’s education system. It publishes textbooks for all subjects as per the CBSE curriculum. NCERT books for Class 11 GeographyPractical Work in Geography Is one of such books that are mandatory for students who opt for this discipline.

The Practical Work in Geography NCERT book is specially designed for the CBSE board and sticks by the syllabus. Its lucid language and series of exercises have made it a preferred recommendation from teachers.

NCERT book for Class 11 Geography Practical Work in Geography Provides the conceptual understanding of the subject matter to students and helps in convenient comprehension. Students can also download the book as a PDF and start with their exam preparation without any hassle.

NCERT Books Class 11 Geography Practical Work in Geography PDF Download










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NCERT Class 11 Geography Practical Work in Geography Book

Practical Geography Is a part of the subject’s learning that teaches the usage of various tools and devices involved in various measurements, analyses and comparisons. It provides a methodical approach and presents different techniques of cartography and surveying by analyzing through statistical and mathematical methods.

NCERT books for Class 11 Geography Practical Work in Geography Introduces students to all these methods of the subject’s study. They should know and improvise these concepts to use them in their future learning. Practical Work in Geography Class 11 textbook also unveils the entire CBSE syllabus for the subject in the most comprehensible manner so that students do not face any difficulties while preparing the Chapters.

Following is a Chapter-wise description of Practical Work in GeographyClass 11 NCERT book. Let’s take a look!

Qualified experts have compiled this practical work textbook following extensive analysis and research. This book comprises eight Chapters in total as per the CBSE board curriculum.

Chapter 1: Introduction to Map

While learning Geography or any other subject in social science, students are familiar with maps or any specific part of the globe. A map refers to a more comprehensible depiction of the entire planet or a part of it. With the help of a map, features of a large area can be shown within a smaller frame. In this Chapter of Practical Work in Geography Book for Class 11, students can learn essential features of map drawing like -

  • Scale

  • Projection of map

  • Generalization of map

  • Construction and production of a map

  • Map design

Moreover, students also get to know different types of maps depending on scale, i.e., large-scale and small-scale maps, and on function, i.e., physical and cultural maps. A map is an important pictorial tool used by geologists, scientists, and planners for research and fieldwork. So, in this Chapter, students can learn about how to use it to determine direction, area, and distance.

Chapter 2: Map Scale

In the previous Chapter of Geography Practical Work in Geography Book of Class 11, students came to know about the term ‘scale’, which is a fundamental element of every map. So, it is crucial to maintain a standard scale for the polygons and lines sketched when preparing a map.

This Chapter unveils the meaning of a map scale, its different ways of representation, and its usefulness. Every map includes a scale bar directing equal divisions reading in miles or kilometers. These divisions help a map reader to comprehend the original ground distance. So, students need to learn standard methods of scale representation like –

  • Scale statement

  • Graphical scale

  • Representative fraction

For a better learning process, this Chapter also shows numerical problems of conversion of scale so that students can gain a grasp of basic map-to-ground measurements.

Chapter 3: Latitude, Longitude and Time

Due to the difference in the polar and equatorial radius, the earth’s shape is not round but spherical. Hence, it becomes difficult to mark a position due to the lack of referral points. Therefore, scientists and geologists have sketched out a network of imaginary lines on maps to mark locations of various places.

In this Chapter of NCERT Class 11 Geography Practical Work in Geography Book, students can learn these longitudinal and latitudinal lines and can also learn how to study these lines to locate a place. Moreover, different places on the earth come under various time zones.

However, if students can consolidate the concept of latitude and longitude, they can easily calculate such time differences. This topic also provides a series of numerical problems related to latitude, longitude, and time which helps students to practice and score better in their exams.

Chapter 4: Map Projection

Map projection in the NCERT book for Class 11 Geography Practical Work in Geography Suggests a method of converting the longitudes and latitudes on plane surfaces. A globe can represent the most accurate size and shape of the oceans and continents. Moreover, it can also present the distance and directive accurately.


The fourth Chapter of NCERT books for Class 11 Geography Practical Work in Geography Thus provides in-depth knowledge about the map projection. Through this method, students can transform the spherical surface of a globe onto a plane.


Students also need to understand the systematic representation of longitude and latitude to convert them on a plane surface conveniently. Other than this, they even learn about the Rhumb line, the great circle, homolographic and orthomorphic projection as well.

Chapter 5: Topographical Maps

Maps are mostly categorized based on functions and scale. Topographical maps are regarded as maps for general purposes. Moreover, these maps are sketched at comparatively large scales. Topographical maps represent vital cultural and natural features like vegetation, settlements, cultivation, water bodies, mountains, etc. The national Mapping Organization of every nation draws and publishes these maps.

In this Chapter of the Class 11 Geography Practical Work in Geography Book, students get to know that Indian topographical maps are created in two formats. They are –

  1. India and neighboring countries

  2. The international map

This Chapter also provides elaborate information about contours, contour interval, cross-section, and hachure.

Chapter 6: Introduction to Aerial Photograph

Students are mostly familiar with images that provide a similar perspective that they view with their own eyes. These are known as horizontal perspectives. However, while studying geography, students should also be accustomed to photographs from a high altitude up in the air. They look like a ‘bird’s eye view’ of such objects that can usually be seen from a horizontal perspective. It is known as an aerial perspective of an image.

In the sixth Chapter of the Practical Work in Geography Class 11 NCERT book, students can learn about aerial photography and its interpretation. This image interpretation is a process of identifying an object and its relative significance.

Chapter 7: Introduction to Remote Sensing

In the previous Chapter, students were introduced to aerial photography. Also, they understood that aerial photography enhances humans’ capabilities of observation and recording. Nowadays, remote sensing tools have been developed for a wider range of projection, absorption and transmission of such topography.

Chapter seven of NCERT Geography Practical Work in Geographybook Class 11 unveils an elaborate discussion on remote sensing. Students can obtain knowledge about electromagnetic radiation and its importance on remote sensing, greyscale, digital image, false color composition, etc.

Chapter 8: Weather Instruments, Maps, and Charts

In geography, studying weather is one of the most crucial aspects. The weather suggests the atmospheric condition of a specific place at a given time. Its elements can include pressure, temperature, cloudiness, and humidity. Every day, the meteorological department of a concerned country publishes a weather map for that specific day.

In the last Chapter of the Geography book Class 11 Practical Work in Geography, students can obtain knowledge about the observation process of various weather elements and data collection for forecasting. Weather prediction helps individuals plan their daily life as per prevailing and forecasted atmospheric conditions. Moreover, for professionals like aircraft or ship crew, fishermen, etc. weather forecasting is vital for their safety.

Why Should Students Opt for Practical Work in Geography Book of Class 11?

NCERT books are the most popular among students as they provide a simple way of learning. Moreover, teachers also prefer these books due to their use of inclusive language as well as visual tools. NCERT books for Class 11 Geography Practical Work in Geography Also fulfill all curricular requirements for students, as it is vital for them to develop a strong base and gain conceptual clarity.

NCERT book of practical Geography Delivers the complete syllabus in a package of fun learning. Here is some features of NCERT books that have made them most preferable to others -

  • Simple and Lucid Language

NCERT books are compiled with the most lucid language that is easy to comprehend. Practical Geography Is a subject that comes with various mathematical problems. So, it is important to understand the concept from the beginning. Also, it helps students to improve their thinking that can be beneficial for their higher studies.

  • Concise Delivery of the Curriculum

When students start referring to NCERT books, they can find a sequential process of learning. In other words, the topics are indexed in a way that creates a systematic method. For example, Chapter six is about the aerial photograph, and the next Chapter presents remote sensing. These two Chapters are linked with each other in various aspects.

NCERT has curated this Geography Practical Work in Geography Book of Class 11 in a way that students can relate one topic with another. This way, it also becomes easy for them to understand and memorize the entire syllabus conveniently.

  • Solved Numerical Problems 

In geography, students have to solve various numerical problems related to time zone, longitude, latitude, map scaling, etc. In this NCERT book, they can find several examples of different questions with their answers. It helps students to learn how to solve these problems within lesser time as well as with accuracy.

  • Illustration through Diagrams and Tables

NCERT books also deliver content with relevant diagrams, images, charts, and tables. Such visual content assists students to comprehend the subject matter conveniently. Moreover, students can also easily memorize the details given in a tabular or diagram format.

Importance of NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Practical Work in Geography PDF Free Download 

The NCERT Book for Class 11 Geography Practical Work in Geography Is an essential part of your syllabus. It is the textbook recommended by CBSE for all the Class 11 students. Below are some reasons why learning from the NCERT Book for Class 11 Geography Practical Work in Geography Is important: 

  • The NCERT Book for Class 11 Geography Practical Work in Geography Provides detailed explanations of each topic covered throughout the session. 

  • The NCERT Book for Class 11 Geography Practical Work in Geography Contains illustrations and examples to help you learn complex topics with ease. 

  • Once you have completed studying the Chapter from the NCERT Book for Class 11 Geography Practical Work in Geography, you can use the questions at the end of the Chapter to practice and see where you stand. 

  • Each Chapter in the NCERT Book for Class 11 Geography Practical Work in Geography Teaches you a variety of topics, such as Map Design, Aerial Photograph, Remote Sensing, etc. that will surely come in handy in subsequent Classes. 

  • All the questions in your exams will come from the concepts covered in the NCERT Book for Class 11 Geography Practical Work in Geography.
    That is why it is necessary to read and understand every topic from this reliable PDF file.

How To Revise With The Ncert Book For Class 11 Geography Practical Work In Geography?

Class 11 Practical Work in Geography Is a subject that requires hours of revision to master the concepts. You will need a plethora of questions to practice to ace your Geography Exam. The NCERT Book for Class 11 Geography Practical Work in Geography Will provide you with significant assistance to help you understand the concepts easily and maintain a strong grasp of every topic. 

  • Always read the entire Chapter from the NCERT Book for Class 11 Geography Practical Work in Geography Thoroughly. It will give you a better understanding of the topics and improve your knowledge. 

  • Don’t forget to note down the important points while studying a Chapter from the NCERT Book for Class 11 Geography Practical Work in Geography. These notes will be quite helpful in revisions and you won’t have to go through the entire textbook again. 

  • After completing a Chapter, go through the questions at the end and try to write their answers. These questions can be a test for you to know whether you have clearly understood the concepts or not. 

  • Underline or mark the important concepts of a Chapter so that you can come back to them during your revisions. 

  • Use examples and illustrations available in the NCERT Book for Class 11 Geography Practical Work in Geography To understand a topic. 

  • Find and solve as many questions as you can to strengthen your knowledge of the concepts covered in the NCERT Book for Class 11 Geography Practical Work in Geography.

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FAQs on NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Practical Work in Geography PDF

1. Why Should you Prepare with NCERT Books for Class 11 Geography Practical Work in Geography?

The NCERT textbooks are recommended for students who are undergoing their CBSE exam preparations. The lucid language and chart diagrams of these books help students to understand any complicated concepts or terms easily. This book can also be beneficial for learning how to solve numerical problems in geography. Also, it gives a new perspective and thinking so that students can utilize their knowledge in real life. With pictorial illustrations and practical questions at the end of every Chapter, the NCERT Books for Class 11 Geography Practical Work in Geography Make the learning process smooth and steady.   

2. What are the Important Chapters for Practical Geography?

 As per the CBSE board syllabus, NCERT compiled the practical Geography Book. This book contains eight Chapters that provide knowledge about applications of Geography In real life. Moreover, all these Chapters are related to each other in a way that students learn them easily to understand the concept of the contents better. It is necessary to study these Chapters in the correct order to move in the right direction of learning.  Therefore, to score better marks in the exam, it is advised that students do not skip any Chapter during preparation. 

3. How Should You Prepare for the Practical Geography Examination?

For starters, students should gain a complete idea about what the syllabus comprises. It helps them to know the number of Chapters and create a study plan accordingly. Students can assign a certain time for each Chapter and try to finish it in time. This systemic approach can be beneficial for students to complete the syllabus before time, and they can revise it too.  Also, they need to practice numerical problems as much as possible to gain accuracy. Lastly, with multiple mock tests, students can conclude self-analysis and put effort accordingly.

4. What is the Fundamental Concept of Practical Geography?

Practical Geography Is a systematic study that involves different techniques for relevant data collection through statistical and mathematical analysis. It also explains various tools and devices that are useful to collect these data accurately. You will get to learn the techniques of cartography and surveying that are used widely to collect data. Moreover, with the help of practical geography, scientists can use their geographical study for humanitarian aid. They can use the data to predict and prevent a disaster.  

5. From where can I get access to the NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Practical Work in Geography PDF Free Download? 

You can get access to the NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Practical Work in Geography PDF Free Download from Vedantu’s website or mobile application. To download the PDF file, you can create an account on and get free access to the NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Practical Work in Geography. Apart from this PDF, you will find an unlimited stock of study material that you can use to prepare for your exams. We provide sample papers, revision notes, NCERT solutions for all the Class 11 subjects free of cost.