CBSE Class 11 NCERT Books for Political Science PDF - Free Download
NCERT Books Class 11 Political Science
FAQs on NCERT Books for Class 11 Political Science
1. Why Should you Study From the NCERT Class 11 Political Science Books PDF?
Instead of resorting to cold facts, and rote learning, the NCERT textbooks for political science are written to encourage students to pay more attention to political affairs in the country. It also deepens their understanding of what the Indian constitution really means and provides. The end of each chapter features interesting puzzles and exercises that are intended to assess students on their knowledge of political science. Solving these exercises on your own will strengthen your grip on the topics and improve your chances of scoring high in your exam.
2. What are Some Important Chapters for the Political Science Class 11 Exams?
Some important chapters of the Political Science syllabus for class 11 are:
Political Theory – An Introduction
Election and Representation
Local Governments
The Philosophy of the Constitution
However, you should not skip any chapter while studying from the NCERT Books for Class 11 Political Science. Your exam question paper comprises a variety of questions based on the topics you have learned throughout the session. That is why you must have a strong grasp of all the chapters and topics covered in your NCERT Books for Class 11 Political Science.
3. How Many Chapters are Covered in the NCERT Class 11 Political Science Books?
The NCERT Political Science books for Class 11 are divided into two parts, dealing with two major themes. The first part, Political Theory, deals with freedom, equality, rights, social justice, and citizenship, while the second part deals with the constitution and its provisions, federalism, the judiciary, and local governments. The two parts consist of 20 chapters in total. If you study and revise all these chapters thoroughly, you will be able to answer any question that comes in your final exam.
4. Is the NCERT Class 11 Political Science Book PDF Available on Vedantu?
All 20 chapters of the NCERT Political Science books are available with Vedantu in easily downloadable PDF formats. Besides these, the site also has sample question papers, notes, and study material to make learning more easy and accessible. All these study resources provided by Vedantu are free to download so that every student can easily access and use them to ace their exams. You can also the mobile application Vedantu and download the free sample papers, revision notes, etc. from there.
5. How to download the NCERT Books for Class 11 Political Science?
The NCERT Books for Class 11 Political Science is available on Vedantu’s official website for absolutely free. You can also download the NCERT Books for Class 11 Political Science from our mobile application that is free to download from the app store or play store. When you explore our website, you will find plenty of study material, such as sample papers, NCERT solutions, important questions, revision notes, and much more. To download the NCERT Books for Class 11 Political Science, you can create an account on Vedantu without paying any registration fee.