CBSE Class 11 NCERT Books for Political Science - India Constitution at Work PDF - Free Download
FAQs on NCERT Book Class 11 Hindi Political Science - India Constitution at Work PDF
1. Why is the NCERT book the best option for Political Science?
NCERT books are considered as the main lifelines for the students of CBSE board. Besides CBSE, these books are now considered as the staple for many other state boards’ students according to the curriculum. NCERT which stands for National Council of Educational Research and Training is an autonomous organization that aims to provide the highest quality education to all the children across India. NCERT textbooks are considered as the best study materials for all the students from Class 11. These are curated by highly qualified subject matter experts following extensive research and in-depth analysis. NCERT books are undoubtedly the best study materials for the Class 11 political science subject. NCERT prepares the syllabus of each standard after thorough research based on the present world scenario. The books are then designed by experienced teachers and experts from the respective fields keeping parity with the syllabus. These are written in a concise and easy-to-understand format so that students of every IQ level can understand these books very easily. This is the reason even mediocre students can understand political subjects which are often considered as a very hard subject by Indian students. NCERT’s political science textbook is quite successful in building strong fundamental values among the students and gathering deep insights regarding the subject.
Providing the online versions of the book has also helped the teachers and experts to keep the book handy and prepare them in such a way that they can easily make the subject interesting and understandable in the Class. Not only for developing a basic clear concept of every chapter given in the 11 Political Science - Indian Constitution at Work syllabus, NCERT book also provides the students with questions, images, and step-by-step explanations of everything bringing confidence among the students.
2. How important is the chapter Indian constitution at work?
CBSE updates their syllabus every year based on the changes in the present political and social world. The political and social world is the most dynamic arena and every year there is a need of collecting more new information. The most important part of the entire syllabus is the Indian constitution at work which basically lays the foundation for developing the whole concept of political science among the students. The curriculum of the different standards is prepared accordingly. This part includes the following units.
Constitution: The unit includes the topics about the constitution and its philosophy, Constitution as a living document.
Rights and Duties in the Indian Constitution
Election and Representation
The Executive
The Legislature
The Judiciary
Local Governments
3. What is the importance of this chapter for Class 11 students?
The Constitution at work is the backbone of the Indian political system. Studying this chapter will help the young students to know their fundamental rights and also the responsibilities they have to take for the nation. This chapter not only develops good citizens but also sharpens the personal and analyzing skills of the future generation. This topic helps to create national unity and tranquillity at home promoting the general wholesome welfare of the nation.
It also helps the students to understand where we stand in world politics and how to promote defense both at the national and international levels. The students should know and develop the values of equality, freedom, sovereignty, republicanism and secularism. Most important of all they should get aware of their individual rights only by growing proper concepts and knowledge of this chapter.
4. What is the philosophy of the constitution?
The Philosophy of the constitution is based on three important pillars of sovereignty, secular, republic and democracy promising its people equality, freedom, justice and secularity. These are the keys to opening the door to a nation of unity and integrity. The philosophy of the constitution needs to be known by every citizen from the school level to understand the actual moral content of the constitution and to determine its claims. The best way to put this philosophy into practice is by giving stress to peaceful and democratic measures. The school-level students need to understand the philosophy of the constitution and put it into practice in their future to bring the best of our constitution in promoting a successful nation.
5. How and why did the constitution of India change?
Changing the constitution means amending the constitution. The amendment is necessary to update the constitution according to the changes in society and politics both at the national and international levels. However, the method of amendment is not very flexible. Introduction of the bill and passing the bill with the two-thirds majority from each house can only make amendments in the constitution. Since the birth of the constitution, India has amended it 103 times and this is needed according to the present scenario.