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NCERT Class 3 EVS Book PDF


CBSE Class 3 NCERT EVS Books Free Download

NCERT or National Council of Educational Research and Training is a public body in India who is working in coordination with different educational committees of the Indian Government. Their goal is to create a curriculum and study materials that enhance the quality of learning among CBSE students. Developing NCERT class 3 EVS book PDF is a part of that process.

NCERT books for class 3 EVS is designed to offer a comprehensive overview of environmental science as a discipline. This book will help students to gather more information and awareness about their surroundings and the environment.

Students can easily download EVS NCERT book class 3 from the official NCERT website.

NCERT Books For Class 3 EVS; Free PDF Download

NCERT Books for Class 3 Environmental Studies (EVS) cover a wide range of topics related to the environment and basic scientific concepts. The greatest advantage is that these books can be freely downloaded in PDF format, making them accessible to all. You can download the NCERT Book for Class 3 EVS in both English and Hindi Languages. Get the link to download Class 3, EVS NCERT Books from the table below.

Introduction to EVS

Environmental Science or EVS is one of the main subjects and also the most scoring subject. This subject basically provides you with the study about the environment, human relationships with the environment, the need to preserve this environment and so on.

To create the awareness of our environment among the youngsters and students the subject such as environmental science is included in their syllabus. So that they can know about the environment, man and man's relationship with the environment.

Importance of Studying Environmental Science From NCERT 

  • NCERT is a book that provides you with brief information on all the topics and subjects.

  • This book provides you only with the necessary information, not the unnecessary or the detailed explanation of every topic. That is the reason this book is preferred for you to study environmental science.

  • Studying any topic from NCERT is very important from an examination point of view also because this is the book considered by the CBSE bird to set your examination of environmental science.

  • NCERT not only will help you to score well in the environmental science examination but also will provide the students with the knowledge of how the environment plays a role in human life and how human activity affects the environment directly or indirectly.

  • Not only this, besides all this it will provide you with the information about what kind of methods or measures you should use to preserve our environment.

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FAQs on NCERT Class 3 EVS Book PDF

1. What is NCERT?

NCERT or National Council of Educational Research and Training is an independent council set up by the Government of India to improve the quality of education in this country. They are responsible for creating curriculum and publishing books for CBSE.

2. Why should I follow NCERT books?

You may follow NCERT books to enhance your exam preparations. These books are known for being comprehensive and reliable in terms of information. Moreover, the exercise section is helpful for your exam preparations.

3. What is the importance of NCERT class 3 EVS book PDF?

The NCERT class 3 EVS book PDF allow students to get acquainted with the basic concepts of environmental sciences. It helps students to notice their surroundings and understand their values in society.

4. How many chapters are there in NCERT class 3 EVS book PDF?

There are a total of 24 chapters in NCERT class 3 EVS book PDF. With the help of this book, students will develop and inter-related understanding of nature. It attempts to understand every aspect of the environment against their physical, cultural, and social context.

5. What is the benefit of having the PDF of the Environment Science of NCERT book?

NCERT book is a book that will provide you with basic as well as brief knowledge of the environmental science subject. There can be times that you need the book for any kind of reference but it is not available to you at that time. These PDF versions stored on your phone will help you. You can get access to the book at any particular time and the candidates get the information that you want.

6. What basically is environmental science all about?

Basically, environmental science is a study that involves the branch of science that deals with the study of the environment and human behaviour. Like what affects the environment has on the behaviour of a human being and what kind of benefits we, humans feet from the environment not oy this it provides us with the information that what kind of harm the human activities are doing to the environment. What are the methods that are used to protect and preserve our environment and all such information?

7. Is it necessary to have a PDF for the NCERT of Environmental Science?

NCERT is the book that will explain to you the whole environment Science in brief and if you are the one who wants to score high in the exam or score a good percentage then you should revise your whole chapters from this book as this book is preferred by CBSE for setting the examination. If you have access to the PDF of this book then it is best as you can open it anytime anywhere and can just refer to whichever topic you want.

8. Is environmental science an important subject in class 3?

Yes, environmental science is definitely an important subject because it only teaches you about the importance of the environment but also helps you to score well. This is quite a scoring subject. If you have scored well in this subject, it is sure that you will get a good rise in your percentage. You can only refer to NCERT as mostly this book is referred for setting examination by examiners and students can only score well by studying through NCERT.

9. Should I refer to other reference books along with NCERT for the preparation of Environmental Science in class 3?

It is not necessary for you to prefer other reference books for environmental science as mostly this subject is a general topic that we have discussed previously also. So if you only use NCERT then also you will get a good score as mostly this book is considered for your school examination by the examiners as this book gives you the knowledge of important topics as well as the latest CBSE syllabus.