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NCERT Class 6 Science Book PDF


CBSE Class 6 NCERT Science Books Free Download

Established in 1962, the NCERT advises and assists the state and central governments on educational programs and policies at the school level.  Some of the primary functions of NCERT include ensuring qualitative enhancement of school education, spearhead research in school education-related areas as well as publish standardized textbooks for students. NCERT Class 6 Science book PDF is one of such collaborative efforts, aimed at middle school students studying Science.

With its interactive layout and presentation, NCERT Class 6 Science textbook offers students a chance to broaden their horizons, and ace their end-of-term Examinations. For student reading in schools affiliated to the CBSE, NCERT 6th Class Science book particularly comes in handy, with its well-researched subject matter that adheres to the syllabus prescribed by the CBSE.

Studying from the NCERT Textbook for the subject of Science can be considered as the best way to score the most amount of marks in the subject. It is fairly easy to make sure that students get full marks in their next test by studying the NCERT Textbook very thoroughly. We want students to make sure that there is no gap in their knowledge and the NCERT textbook is a great way to ensure that itself. We recommend giving this book the most attention when it comes to preparing for the Science Exam as this is the most accurate and essential resource that students can find in their Class 6 for their Science Examination. Vedantu wants to make sure that students can access the study material from NCERT at any moment and that is why, this free resource has been uploaded and that too, for free.

These NCERT Solutions aid students in understanding the concept in an extensive way and lead them to get better scores in their Examination.

NCERT Books For Class 6 Science; Free PDF Download

NCERT Books for Class 6 Maths cover diverse topics such as genetics, ecology, human physiology, and biotechnology. The greatest advantage is that these books can be freely downloaded in PDF format, making them accessible to all. You can download the NCERT Book for Class 6 Maths in both English and Hindi Languages. Get the link to download Class 6, Maths NCERT Books from the table below.

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NCERT Books for Class 6 Science PDF - Free Download

NCERT Science Class 6 PDF Download

Every year, tonnes of plastic waste and sewage wash up on the world’s beaches and riverfronts. There is plastic in the seas, plastic in the oceans, and plastic pretty much everywhere around us. 

As you rightly guessed, plastic is harmful to marine life, and so is any kind of pollution. Can you find a way to reverse all this harmful damage? How will you do it? We know for a fact that Bacteria, some of the smallest Microorganisms can easily break down waste such as dead animals and leaves.

To find out, you would have to love Science, and probably become a Scientist. In NCERT Class 6 Science book PDF, you will consider these questions and answer them yourselves. 

The Science book of Class 6th is more than just a collection of facts about life on Earth: it offers students a way of learning about the world, and is designed to test, reason and test again. Students will find how the NCERT 6th Science book explains the world and encourages them to develop ideas of their own. Chock-full of questions that ask for evidence, the books are a wonderful way to learn more about the natural world and the forces in it.

Get into the habit of taking very detailed notes that briefly summarize the idea in these books as only then you will be able to score the best marks. Students are recommended to continue this practice throughout the year and if they do not have this habit, then we recommend it a lot! Note-taking is a great way to understand the Chapter and revise it properly.

Chapter 1: Food – Where Does It Come From?

Many times, you have heard someone saying, " You are what you eat." Is that really true? Yes, it is. What you eat and consume plays a significant role in your good health. Samosas and fried snacks may be delicious, but should you eat them every day? Probably not.

Do some fruits and vegetables really prevent you from falling sick? Maybe not. But they do help you stay healthy. In this Chapter of NCERT Class 6 Science book PDF, you’ll find out the different types of food we eat, where they come from, and how to know what is right for your health.

A Chapter that will be useful in a lot of things in your future. Do not miss out on the essential knowledge that you must get in order to ensure that you are doing great in your upcoming Science Exam.

Chapter 2: Components of Food

Our body needs food for several reasons: to provide energy for all our activities, to provide building material for repair and mechanical strength and to ensure good health. The food we eat consists of several substances called Nutrients, and there are six major types of these. They are, namely, Carbohydrates, Vitamins, Proteins, Water, Fats and Minerals.

The second Chapter of NCERT Class 6 Science book PDF not only talks about the crucial role food plays in our bodies, but also what food is right to eat and how many factors affect the choice of food we eat.

Chapter 3: Fibre to Fabric

When you shop for your favourite dress or a pair of shoes, do you stop to think about what’s in it? A diverse number of materials and substances go into the making of a single dress or shoe. Some of these can be very commonly found, while some may be rare. But all of these are sourced from the surrounding environment around us.

This Chapter of the NCERT 6th Science book talks about the natural sources of fibres, how clothes are made and the use of synthetic fibres to manufacture certain clothes.

Chapter 4: Sorting Materials Into Groups

Take out a tube of colours and mix them all. What do you see? The rainbow of colours you get on your brush is simply a mixture of different paints: Green, Yellow, Orange, Red or Blue. The same applies to most of the things we see around us, and this is explained in this Chapter of the NCERT Class 6 Science book PDF.

Most things and objects around us are made of many different substances, while at times, it may also be composed of a singular material. Most of these materials have distinct properties and can widely differ in the way they look. A necklace made of gold looks distinctly different from a block of wood or a plastic toy. Materials, their various properties and how they can be categorised into different groups is discussed and explained in detail in this Chapter.

Chapter 5: Separation of Substances

A glass of cold Nimbu-Paani can feel extremely refreshing on a scorching hot summer day. This Nimbu-Paani or lemon juice is a mixture of Sugar, Salt, Lemon juice and cold water. So do you know what lemon juice is? Is it an element, a compound or a fibre? Not all substances are fibres or compounds -  some of these, like lemon juice, are mixtures.

Mixtures generally consist of two or more substances combined in varying proportions. Thus to know what, say Lemon juice is made of, you need to separate its components, as described in the fifth Chapter of NCERT Class 6 Science book PDF. Several phenomena, critical to students' understanding of the natural world, such as evaporation and condensation, are also described in detail.

Chapter 6: Changes Around Us

You have often seen people lighting fireworks to celebrate a happy occasion or a grand festival. These are certainly very beautiful to look at, but did you know that fireworks release a lot of gases when they are burnt? What makes the fireworks light up so brilliantly? Well, they are chemical changes.

The sixth Chapter of the Science book Class 6 NCERT introduces the concept of changes to students in Class 6. It explains how different changes around us can be grouped into categories: Reversible and Irreversible changes. Permanent changes such as the curdling of milk to give yoghurt or paneer are also talked about, and the Chapter asks students engaging questions such as: can salt-water be changed to just water again? The Chapter is a brief introduction to more complex ideas that students will eventually learn about in higher Classes.

Chapter 7: Getting to Know Plants

While going to school every day, you notice several trees and plants lined up along the way. You have probably seen flowers too. Flowers, plants and trees are a common sight around us. So why are trees and plants so important? This Chapter of the NCERT Class 6 Science book PDF explains why.

Students are taught what plants are and all the different parts of a plant. They learn that plants, unlike animals, cannot move to find their food. They, instead, make their own food with the help of their leaves and survive wherever they are. Plant parts and structures, such as roots, stems, leaves, flowers and shoots are also discussed, as well as why life on Earth would be impossible without plants.

A Chapter that helps students in realizing the importance of one of the most important natural resources, plants. We highly recommend students to go through all of this Chapter very carefully and relate it to the things that they see in their everyday life. By doing so they will be able to understand their surroundings better.

Chapter 8: Body Movements

Our bodies carry out different movements all the time, which are necessary for us to function well. Even if we sit and try not to move, our eyes continue to blink, our lungs keep taking in air, and our stomachs churn food. And when we move, run and walk, various kinds of bones in our legs, hips and hands facilitate the movement.

Hinge joints in our knees and ball and socket joints are two of the essential bones that aid in our movement. But all animals do not have bones like humans; they have other ways to move, such as in the case of snakes and snails. The 8th Chapter of NCERT Class 6 Science textbook defines the body movements of different animals.

Chapter 9: The Living Organisms - Characteristics and Habitats

Every living being we see around us has specific characteristics, which make them different from one another. Humans are a social creature and have the most developed brains, capable of performing complex activities. While animals and birds may not have such highly-evolved brains, they have their own set of bodily functions to perform, and each of them lives in their characteristic natural habitat.

Different habitats are suited for different types of animals. Animals which live on land (like humans) prefer terrestrial habitats while fish prefer aquatic habitats. Also, living beings are part of the biotic environment while non-living things are essentially abiotic components of the environment. The 9th Chapter of NCERT books for Class 6 Science details the types of organisms which live on our planet. 

Chapter 10: Motion and Measurement of Distances

This Chapter of NCERT books for Class 6 Science introduces students to motion and measurement. The vehicles on which we ride, the fans inside our houses and the birds flying high above are in motion. Motion is the state during which an object moves. When that object stops its motion, it is said to be in a stationary state.

Measurement is the method by which the dimensions of any tangible body can be calculated. There are many units of measurements which are followed by different countries worldwide. Also, there are many devices which are used in measuring. A weighing scale measures weight and a straight ruler measures length. 

Chapter 11: Light, Shadows and Reflections

Light makes everything visible around us. It is another crucial element that contributes to the existence of life on Earth. The primary source of light on our planet is the sun. Due to this reason, planets which are far away from the sun or any major star cannot support life.

An essential Chapter that is very essential and is useful even in the higher Classes. It has some of the most essential principles that need to be taught with a lot of patience and care and therefore needs a lot of observation and a keen will to learn too.

Light is also the reason why shadows and reflections are formed. A shadow is obtained when a solid object obstructs light. And a reflection is formed when light from a body hits a surface such as glass. The 11th Chapter of Science NCERT Class 6 PDF tells us more about light and its importance. 

Chapter 12: Electricity and Circuits

Without electricity, life in the 21st century would be dark. Every gadget we use nowadays is run with the help of electricity. Electricity is related closely with Magnetism, and the movement of charges inside an Electric Field causes Magnetic Fields to form. Various natural events like thunder and lightning and static electricity also involve Electric Charges and Fields.  

Benjamin Franklin and Michael Faraday were the two most famous Scientists who laid down the properties of Electricity and how it can be used for our benefit. When electricity flows through a path, the path is called an Electric Circuit (like a bulb connected to a cell). This Chapter of Class 6 Science NCERT PDF introduces the concept of Electricity to students.

Chapter 13: Fun with Magnets

Magnets exhibit one of the universal physical phenomena called Magnetism, which is in turn controlled by Magnetic fields. All celestial bodies like the Sun, Moon or our Earth have Magnetic fields on opposite poles. There are two major types of materials – Magnetic (iron, cobalt, nickel) and Non-Magnetic (rubber, paper, cloth).

One of the primary uses of Magnets is finding directions. In ancient times, when people only had compasses for navigation, Magnets were extremely essential. Also, an important property of Magnets is attraction and repulsion – similar poles repel and opposite poles attract. The 13th Chapter of NCERT Class 6 Science book PDF conjures different exercises, which helps students understand all the important properties of Magnets. 

Magnets are interesting things that have the potential of being one of the most enjoyable Chapters that you can ever come across too. Use the NCERT activities carefully and let your imagination lose so that you can make the most out of this Chapter.

Chapter 14: Water

Water, along with air, is the most crucial element that makes life on Earth possible. About 71 percent of Earth's surface is filled with water – which includes Oceans, Seas, Rivers, Ponds and Lakes.

Water bodies are the main source through which we receive water in our homes. The production of water is through a cycle, during which water from the surface evaporates, forms clouds and then falls as rain. This Chapter of Class 6 NCERT book Science makes students understand the importance of water and how we can use it wisely. 

Chapter 15: Air Around Us

Air is present everywhere in the Atmosphere. It is a collection of various gaseous Atoms and Molecules, which helps life survive on Earth.

Nitrogen, Oxygen, Water Vapour, Carbon Dioxide, Dust and Smoke are some of the major constituents of air. Other than being a life-giver, air also serves as a medium for sound to travel. The penultimate Chapter of NCERT books for Class 6 Science tells us about the significance of air and how each of its components is essential for life.

Chapter 16: Garbage In, Garbage Out

Garbage includes all the waste products which we do not use and throw away in bins. There are usually government workers who are paid to collect garbage from bins in front of our homes. These are then deposited in dumps in the outskirts of cities to be processed after that.

Due to the sheer amount of garbage produced by a city’s population every day, it often becomes a nuisance if garbage is not thrown away and collected properly. The last Chapter of Science Class 6 NCERT PDF informs students of all the environmental-friendly ways in which garbage disposal can be done to make the world a healthier place.

Why Choose the NCERT Science Book for Class 6?

NCERT textbooks for Class 6 offer a fun and interactive way for students of Class 6 to grasp important concepts of Physics, Chemistry and Life Science. The presentation and eye-catching illustrations allow students to enjoy learning while making ample progress all at the same time. Besides these, NCERT textbooks are the best choice for students for several reasons:

  1. Comprehensive Core Curriculum: Complying with the syllabus prescribed by CBSE, NCERT textbooks offer a complete Science curriculum that wholly correlates to country-wide school standards. Each NCERT textbook features activities that help students refresh their prior knowledge on specific Chapters and therefore learn faster.

  1. Built-in Activities: NCERT Science textbooks feature built-in activities and assignments that make learning fun, and help students to comprehend better. Students pick up essential vocabulary and comprehension skills too, that way, while the activities allow students to truly engage with what is taught.

  2. Sequential Chapters: No Chapter in the NCERT textbooks are out of place. Every Chapter in these books is laid out sequentially and gradually builds on itself. All Chapters are connected in a suggested pattern, and children will find transitioning from one Chapter to the other very simple and easy.

  3. End of Chapter Exercises: Every Chapter features a set of engaging and simple exercises that are self-paced and help children learn. Apart from gaining a thorough understanding of various chemical and physical processes, living organisms and the natural world, these exercises also prevent boredom from setting in. Teachers can keep track of students’ progress by assessing them through these exercises.

Ace Your Exams With Vedantu!

Vedantu offers the most comprehensive tutorials and educational videos for all school standards, that comply with the nation-wide academic curriculum. A broad range of study material, sample papers and reference notes provide information on every component of the school syllabus and helps you stay ahead of the curve.

Vedantu believes in making sure that everyone gets equal resources when they are getting ready for their Exams. This free PDF was a necessary thing that needs to be studied regularly and carefully. We highly recommend the use of NCERT at all points of your preparation.

24*7 access means that at Vedantu, you can look for help, have your doubts cleared or attend demo Classes, anywhere, at any time of the day. Download and install the official Vedantu app or register today for a free live demo Class, and wave goodbye to all your Exam worries!

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FAQs on NCERT Class 6 Science Book PDF

1. Why Should you Study from the NCERT Class 6 Science Book PDF?

NCERT textbooks offer a complete Science curriculum that wholly correlates to country-wide school standards. Every Chapter features a set of engaging and simple exercises that are self-paced and help children learn. All Chapters are connected in a suggested pattern, and children will find transitioning from one Chapter to the other very simple and easy. Further, an electronic version of the same offers a more accessible way of learning. As mentioned above, NCERT has proven time and time again that it is the best resource for students of Class 6 to score the highest marks in their upcoming Science textbook. We recommend that students study the Chapter very carefully and then answer all the essential questions completely.

2. What are Some Important Chapters for the Class 6 Science Exams?

A few important Chapters part of the Science syllabus for Class 6 are:

  • Food – Where Does It Come From?

  • Fibre to Fabric

  • Sorting Materials Into Groups

  • Separation of Substances

  • Body Movements

  • Motion and Measurement of Distances

Not only are these Chapters super essential with respect to the Exam, but also in life. These topics cover some of the most essential ideas and concepts that students of all ages must know and that is why they are some of the most important topics from the textbook.

3. Are all Class 6 Science NCERT Solutions Available on Vedantu?

Yes, solutions to questions and exercises in all 16 Chapters in the Class 6 NCERT textbook for Science, are available on Vedantu. Prepared by some of the finest tutors and educators, the solutions are comprehensive and cover all Chapters part of the syllabus. These are also available in PDF formats that are free for download and can be accessed from all electronic devices. Vedantu is the one-stop solution that is bound to give you the best and free resources that can be used to make sure that there is absolutely no hindrance in your preparation. Visit the official website now to take advantage of these resources.

4. How Many Chapters are there in the NCERT Class 6 Science Book?

The NCERT Class 6 Science book covers sixteen Chapters in total, arranged thematically. All Chapters are connected in a suggested pattern, and children will find transitioning from one Chapter to the other very simple and easy. These Chapters need a good amount of reading and understanding skills so that students can easily score the most marks from them. Class 6 Science is based on real-life application of many topics like electricity, Magnetism, etc. Vedantu suggests that students do not skip any Chapter at all to make sure that they ace their next Exam.

5. How do I score full marks in the next Class 6 Science Exam?

To score full marks in the next Class 6 Examinations, we recommend that students take notes in their Class, revise them immediately, solve the back exercise and the questions in the middle of the Chapter, perform activities and practicals on their own to make sure that there is absolutely no void in their preparation. Once all of these things are done, students can easily score amazing!