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NCERT Class 7 English - The Alien Hand Supplementary Book PDF


CBSE Class 7 NCERT English - The Alien Hand Supplementary Books Free Download

Most of the CBSE textbooks are based off of NCERT material, making NCERT or the National Council of Education Research and Training, the sole publisher of textbooks related to the CBSE board Exams. If you're a CBSE student, you need the NCERT English  The Alien Hand Supplementary Book Class 7 guides.

Our NCERT 7th Class English  The Alien Hand Supplementary Reader Book includes material and subject matter as prescribed in the latest CBSE syllabus, thus ensuring you get a quick overview of key concepts alongside an up-to-date revision. What matters is that you ace your Science Exams and in order to do that, you must understand the subject matter in-depth. Student can download the NCERT English  - The Alien Hand Supplementary Reader Class 7 PDF Download by visiting

Students can also download NCERT Solutions PDFs for their forthcoming Exams.

An overview of Class 7 English An Alien Hand Chapters

  1. The Tiny Teacher: The story is about ants, their lifestyle, how they are born and how they maintain proper discipline in their life along with the reproduction process of ants and their growth. The discipline in an ants life is what the author wants everyone to learn.

  2. Bringing up Kari: the story deals with the author’s experience with an elephant named Kari. The author got that elephant when he was five months old. He brought him up and trained him for several things.

  3. The Desert: this story deals with the life of living beings in the desert and how they adjust to the environmental conditions.

  4. The Cop and the Anthem: This is a story of Soapy who spends the whole year on a bench in Madison Square but it becomes impossible to spend winters on the bench and therefore struggles to find himself a shelter.

  5. Golu Grows a Nose: This is a story of a baby elephant who does not have a nose and how he manages his life experiences with a short nose.

  6. I want something in a cage: the story is actually a conversation between a pet shop owner and a customer. The customer works at a port at a nominal payment and realizes the worth of freedom, therefore, he releases the doves from the cage and sets them free. With this Chapter, the author wants the students to value freedom.

  7. Chandni: The story revolves around a goat named Chandni and her struggle for freedom and fights with a wolf when she is bought by Abbu Khan who keeps goats as pets.

  8. The Bear Story: The story talks about a friendly and polite bear who is kept in chains by a lady and is also mistreated.

  9. A Tiger in The House: The story revolves around a tiger who was bought by the author’s grandfather and how he became dangerous as he grew older and was finally shifted to a zoo.

  10. An Alien Hand: this is the last Chapter of the supplementary book. The story unfolds the experiences of Tilloo when he accompanies his father to Mars.

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FAQs on NCERT Class 7 English - The Alien Hand Supplementary Book PDF

1. How many Chapters are present in NCERT Class 7 English  Alien Hand Supplementary reader book?

NCERT Class 7 English  Alien Hand is a supplementary book for Class 7. This book contains 10 Chapters for the students to read and understand. The Chapters contained in the NCERT book for Class 7 An Alien Hand are entitled The Tiny Teacher,  The Desert, Bringing up Kari, The Cop, and the Anthem,  I want something in a Cage, Golu Grows a Nose, Chandni, A Tiger in the House, The Bear Story,  and An Alien Hand. These Chapters are very interesting for the students and each student will enjoy these Chapters very much.

2. What is present in NCERT Class 7 English  An Alien Hand supplementary reader book?

NCERT Class 7 English  An Alien  Hand Supplementary book contains 10 Chapters and an exercise at the end of each Chapter. These exercises are provided so that students can assess their knowledge. These exercises also help students prepare for different types of questions that are asked in an Exam. The solutions to NCERT are also provided so that the students can clear their concepts and can also learn how they have to attempt questions during their Examination. These exercises help students predict their weak areas so that they can work on them before their Exams.

3. Why is the Class 7 English  An Alien Hand supplementary book added in our course?

English  is one of the most important subjects and students should concentrate on this subject in order to get better marks. This subject requires the student to prepare well for the Exam and have a good grip on the subject. The best way to get a good command of the language is by reading a lot of novels and stories. Therefore, CBSE Board has recommended a supplementary reading book for the students of Class 7 which not only inculcates a reading habit in students but also improves their grammar and vocabulary.

4. How can I ensure a better performance in the Class 7 English  Examination?

Class 7 English  Examination is very essential to build a strong base for the subject during the early life of a child itself. Some of the tips which can help students secure better marks in English  Examination are:

  • Read as much as you can.

  • Try grammar exercises.

  • Understand the stories well so that you can answer questions related to them instantly.

  • Practice previous years’ question papers, mock tests, and sample papers as these will help you understand the pattern of Examination.

  • Get well-versed with the syllabus of English  prescribed by the CBSE Board.

5. What is An Alien Hand supplementary reader of Class 7?

An Alien Hand is a beautiful book that is composed of 10 stories that are selected by the English  experts of the CBSE Board. The Chapters are selected keeping the level and vocabulary of Class 7 students in mind. The Chapters in the book are interesting as well as challenging for the Class 7 students. These stories will enable students to think out of the box. Elements of English  grammar like simile and metaphor are also introduced to the students of Class 7.