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NCERT Books for Class 7 Social Science - Social and Political Life


NCERT Books for Class 7 Social Science - Social and Political Life- Free Download PDF

Social Science and Political Life can be a very interesting subject to some while it can be boring to others. It depends on how students find it interesting. The main way to make this subject interesting to study is by relating to the current things happening around you in today's life. Students are introduced to the workings of the social and political setup of our country as well as of others at a basic level. It can get a bit confusing at times though.

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Class 7 Social Science NCERT Books - Social and Political Life

Chapters are as Follows:

  • On Equality 

It talks about equality in general. Equality means providing equal opportunities and rights irrespective of different gender, caste, creed, etc. equality is still in question in the contemporary world.

  • Role of the Government in Health

Health is one of the important factors which contributes to any nation's economic and overall growth. The government’s role in it is described and discussed in this chapter.

  • How the State Government Works

This chapter talks about our understanding of the state government and its working differences with the central government. The power and role of a state government are discussed.

  • Growing up as Boys and Girls

It is a simple chapter talking about the experiences as a boy and girl in their growing years in a country like India. Their rights provided by the law are there to make students aware.

  • Women Change the World

The role of women has been always underestimated by society since the days it transformed from matriarchy to patriarchy. Patriarchy in our country was strengthened after British rule. This chapter reflects on how a woman contributes at different levels in her family’s and a nation's development.

  • Understanding Media

Media is a powerful tool of any country; it holds immense power to make and break the ideologies of the public in general. They are the presenters of truth. Students are supposed to understand what the media is and its workings through this chapter.

  • Understanding Advertising

Advertising is a tool to promote any ideology or a product. We see advertising all around us. This chapter by making students understand the concept of advertising makes them understand the social setting as well.

  • Markets Around Us

Market is one of the spaces of a social setting where the cultures of our country are exchanged and reflected. Students learn about the workings of the market, the producer, seller and consumer.

  • A Shirt in the Market

Shirt is a commodity here in the market and how a commodity originates and is processed to reach till the end of the customer.

Where to Get the PDF For Free?

Vedantu provides NCERT Solutions for all classes on their website. The guidance and material is extremely helpful. Social Science and Political Life is one of the important subjects that teach students about important political issues and concepts. Vedantu has provided perfectly designed solutions of the latest NCERT Books for Class 7 Social Science Social and Political Life so that you can understand the concepts easily and guide you in clearing your doubts. These solutions help you in laying a strong foundation of the subject. Download NCERT Solutions free in PDF format and score better grades in the examination.

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FAQs on NCERT Books for Class 7 Social Science - Social and Political Life

1. What is Social Science?

Social Science in simple terms is the study of society and its components. Human relations, the working of society all come under it. We learn about constitutions such as marriage, family, market, government, health system, law enforcement, etc.

2. How to make SST notes?

Making notes is a good practice to inculcate for students. To make things easier for exams notes should be there and if they are self-made by students then it is all the more good.  Making notes in the form of points is the best way in social studies. Choosing topics as headings and making short and crisp points is t5he right way. Also while making points, students should number them so they can remember how many points or types were there. 

3. Is Social Science important in 7th grade

Subjects like Social Science are introduced in 6th standard to students and are further taught. These subjects act as a base for students in 10thy boards and further if they opt for it. This subject is important to at least make each and every student aware of the basic working of any society as a citizen of the country. The introduction of these subjects is also to make students aware so they can evaluate themselves as to what they would like to study in future as their main subjects.

4. What are the other reference books?

Social Science sometimes is explained in a vague manner in NCERT books. To have a better clarity on the subject, students can refer to other reference books though they have some extra information as well so don’t get confused and only focus on the parts you find in NCERTs. Books like Arihant, Fullmarks, AllinOne are available in the market. Moreover, students can check out Vedantu as they have NCERT Solutions as well as other notes material.

5. Are Revision notes available on Vedantu?

Yes, Revision notes are very much available on Vedantu. The revision notes are well structured and organized. The notes are combined and assimilated by experienced teachers. The main points are beautifully highlighted and mentioned.