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NCERT Books for Class 7 all subjects


CBSE Class 7 NCERT Hindi Books Free Download

Ever since its establishment in 1961, the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) promoted academic training and quality learning. The idea behind these initiatives is to build a uniform and standard pattern of education across India. Presently, NCERT is headquartered at Aurobindo Marg in New Delhi.

NCERT prepares, publishes, and reviews various textbooks for school-going students. Hindi book class 7 and all NCERT books predominantly follow the curriculum assigned by the Central Board of Secondary Education or CBSE. From classes 1 till 12, NCERT books are available for all subjects. Class 7th Hindi books and other subject books are known for their precise approach. Vedantu brings you the standard NCERT solutions, designed by our subject experts to facilitate smooth and easy understanding of concepts.

Citing e-learning as the future of education, NCERT books now also come in PDF. This allows students to access their study materials from all places. They can download Class 7 Hindi book PDF as well as other PDFs from the website.

NCERT Books For Class 7 Hindi; Free PDF Download

NCERT Books for Class 7 Hindi help students improve their reading, writing, and comprehension skills, with their well-structured chapters, clear explanations, and ample examples. The greatest advantage is that these books can be freely downloaded in PDF format, making them accessible to all. You can download the NCERT Book for Class 7 Hindi. Get the link to download Class 7 Hindi NCERT Books from the table below.

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NCERT Books for Class 7 Hindi PDF - Free Download

Chapters in the NCERT Hindi books for Class 7

There are three Hindi books which NCERT publishes for 7th standard students. These books are named Vasant, Durva, and Mahabharat. The content in each of these books is different from each other.

The first book, Vasant class 7 is a compilation of stories and poems by famous personalities. It contains 20 chapters in total. The next textbook, Durva, includes folktales, translated excerpts, stories, poems, informative chapters, and so on. There are 18 lessons in the Durva book.

The final Hindi book class 7 is Mahabharata. It unfolds the great epic written by Ved Vyas, the son of Maharishi Prashar. Every chapter in NCERT books comprises some vital textual questions which students need to solve accurately.

Chapters Provided in the NCERT Vasant Textbook for class 7

Chapter 1: Hum Panchee Unmukt Gagan Ke

The first lesson in the Hindi Vasant Class 7 textbook is a beautiful poem written by Shivmangal Singh Suman. Through this poem, the poet speaks on behalf of birds. He tells how birds are meant to fly free in the high sky. They are not meant to be caged by human beings. Being caged will only kill them. Sufferance from hunger and thirst will make them miserable.

The Almighty has blessed them with wings so that they can freely fly in the sky. The poet urges us not to interfere in their freedom. They must be set free. 

Chapter 2: Dadi Maa

Chapter 2 in Vasant book class 7 tells students an affectionate story. It has been written by Shiv Prasad Singh. This lesson brings out the lovely bond between the author and his grandmother. He presents his grandmother as an epitome of love and mercy. She was always there to help the author and other family members. At all times, everyone could rely on her. 

The story describes how she looked after the author even when she was ill. He shares the fond memories of his childhood. It is evident that he misses his grandmother. He goes on to tell that the memories of his grandmother will always be fresh in his heart. This story stresses the importance of elders in all our lives.

Chapter 3: Himalaya Ki Betiya

This chapter in Vasant Class 7 book has been authored by Nagarjuna. Through this lesson, children learn about the different rivers originating from the great Himalayas. The Himalayan mountain range has been portrayed as a father figure in this chapter. The rivers emanating from the range are daughters of Himalaya. The sea where all these rivers merge has been depicted as the son-in-law. The personification of nature by the author makes the chapter very engaging for students. This lesson also teaches about the significance of rivers.

Chapter 4: Kathputli

‘Kathputli’ in NCERT Hindi Vasant book class 7 is a poem composed by Bhawaniprasad Mishra. This poem is about puppets, their lives and emotions. The poet writes from a perspective of the lifeless puppets. In this poem, students learn how these puppets are unhappy with their lives. They want to be free and are struggling to get independence from humans. To escape this misery, one of the puppets sets a revolt. This poem depicts how this puppet urges the other puppets to support him. Everyone else is equally zealous about independence. However, they lack confidence.

Chapter 5: Mithaiwala

This story by Bhagwatiprasad Vajpayee forms the 5th chapter of NCERT Vasant class 7 textbook. It revolves around a man who sells sweets and toys for small kids. Through this, he draws immense happiness. Seeing the joy on the children’s faces on getting his sweets and toys makes him extremely happy. He sells these things at very low prices. This incites doubt in the minds of other people. The story later reveals the reason why he sold the items at a low price. He had lost his wife and children. Thus, now he sells these things to bring joy to the faces of the kids. 

Chapter 6: Rakt Aur Hamara Sharir

Chapter 6 in this Hindi book class 7 is an informative lesson on blood and its function in the human body. The author of this lesson is Yatish Agarwal. In this chapter, students learn that blood is made up of numerous living cells. It is a liquid tissue of our body, which supports our life system. It also explains the functions of two different types of blood cells, which are white blood cells and red blood cells. White blood cells prevent infection, whereas red blood cells carry oxygen from our lungs to the rest of our body. Here students get to learn a great deal about blood circulation too.

Chapter 7: Papa Kho Gaye

This chapter in Vasant Hindi book class 7 is a story authored by Vijay Tendulkar. It is about a cruel man who kidnaps children. He lacks sympathy and emotions. On the contrary, the inanimate objects around him seem to have more emotions and feelings in them. This story depicts a particular incident when a little girl is kidnapped by this man. The story unfolds how the various non-living objects around help her to escape from the hands of this selfish man. 

Chapter 8: Sham- Ek Kisan

The 8th lesson in Vasant Hindi Class 7 book is a poem by Sarveshwar Dayal Saxena. Here the poet describes a winter evening. The evening has been portrayed as a farmer. In his imagination, the lofty mountains are resting like a farmer does. The sky is pictured like a cloth tied around his head. A river flowing by the side is presented as a bed sheet which lies on the farmer’s knees. This imagination of the poet is disturbed when someone calls ‘sunte ho?’ from behind. The events take a turn, and suddenly there is darkness all around.

Chapter 9: Chidiya Ki Bachi

This lesson in Vasant Hindi class 7 is an amusing story authored by Jainendra Kumar. It is about a tiny birdling. One day, she mistakenly comes out of the nest when her mother is not present. This is when the owner of that garden spots her. Overwhelmed by the beauty of this little bird, he wishes to cage her in his house. He tries to lure the bird but fails to trap her. On understanding the evil intentions of Seth, she flies away to the nest. This chapter teaches students to be aware of their surroundings at all times. There might be people with ill intentions around. Students are advised not to get into their trap.

Chapter 10: Apoorv Anubhav

Chapter 10 in NCERT Vasant class 7 textbook is a story written by Tetsuko Kuroyanagi. It has been translated to Hindi by Purva Yagnik Kushwaha. This is a story about two kids who live in Tomoye, located in Japan. In this place, every child owns a tree. They treated their trees like prized possessions. Toto-Chan’s tree was near the Kuhonbutsu road. Another kid, whose name was Yasuki-Chan, suffers from polio. She is unable to climb a tree because of her disability. Both the kids plan to climb a tree together. The story unfolds the events which follow and whether they succeed in climbing a tree.

Chapter 11: Rahim Ke Dohe

Chapter 11 in this Hindi book class 7 presents some of the couplets or ‘dohe’ preached by the famous poet Rahim. Abdul Rahim Khan-I-Khana was a poet in the court of the great Mughal emperor, Akbar. The dohe given in this chapter teaches students to be aware of life’s reality. They are taught to remain calm and composed in all situations. This chapter explains the true role of a friend. He gives the example of fish and water to portray this message. When a fish is taken out of the water, it dies because of water's absence. On the other hand, water remains unaffected by this.

Chapter 12: Kancha

‘Kancha’ is a story by T.Padmanabhan in the NCERT Hindi Vasant book class 7. It revolves around a boy who loves Kancha or marbles. He sees these small and colorful glass balls for the first time. He is amused by its beauty. On seeing these marbles kept in a jar, the boy travels into a dreamy world through his imagination. The author beautifully brings out the imagination of a child. It portrays how children are distant from the real world and are happy to live in their own imaginary world.

Chapter 13: Ek Tinka

The 13th lesson in Vasant Hindi book class 7 is a poem by Ayodhya Singh Upadhyay. The poem teaches students not to underestimate anyone in life. It sends out this message through an incident. One day, when the poet was standing with pride, a tiny particle or ‘tinka’ fell into his eyes. His eyes start to water because of irritation. It eventually turns red. He never knew that such a small particle could affect him so much. He realizes his mistake and changes his opinion. Through this chapter, students learn that everyone deserves respect.

Chapter 14: Khan Paan Ki Badalti Tasveer

This chapter in NCERT Vasant class 7 textbook has been authored by Prayag Shukla. He talks about the various food cultures in our country. Students learn about food habits in different regions. People also adapt to the food habits of a new place owing to job transfers or higher studies. Apart from regional food items, it also mentions western food like burgers and pizza. This lesson teaches a lot about the mixed culture catering in India. It also reveals the food habits which people follow abroad.

Chapter 15: Neelkanth

Chapter 15 in NCERT Hindi book class 7 is an amusing story written by Mahadevi Verma. The author is an outright animal lover. In this story, she shares how to get a peacock and a peahen. The author named the peacock Neelkanth and the peahen Radha. Neelkanth is of fearless and courageous nature. This is why he manages to become the author's favorite. 

Unfortunately, Neelkanth has an untimely death. This happens because of Kubza Morni’s arrival. The story beautifully brings out the mutual love which exists between humans and birds.

Chapter 16: Bhor Aur Barkha

‘Bhor Aur Barkha’ by Mira Bai contains lines about Lord Krishna. In this chapter of Vasant class 7 textbook, students see how Yashoda tries to wake up Lord Krishna early in the morning. Whole of Gokul wakes up, while Krishna is still asleep. The chapter also reveals how Mira is elated in the month of Savan or monsoon.

Chapter 17: Veer Kunwar Singh

Lesson 17 in Vasant Hindi class 7 book is about the great freedom fighter of India- Veer Kunwar Singh. He was born in 1782 in the Jagdishpur village, which is located in Bihar. He was the son of a landlord. His father had to go through a lot of struggles to attain this status. In this chapter, students learn about the noble deeds of Veer Kunwar Singh. This chapter also explains how he fought bravely for our country.

Chapter 18: Sangharsh Ke Karan Mein Tunukmizaz Ho Gaya Dhanraj

This chapter in NCERT Vasant class 7 book is in a dialogue form. It is a conversation between the famous hockey player Dhanraj Pillai and Vinita Pandey. At this point, he was 35 years old. Dhanraj Pillai came from a middle-class family who did not have enough money. He could not afford a hockey stick. However, even after all these obstacles, he makes his way to this game. Through his hard work and passion, he excelled in the sport. Eventually, this improved his economic condition as well.

Chapter 19: Ashram Ka Anumanit Vyay

Chapter 19 in this Hindi book class 7 narrates how Mahatma Gandhi used to look after the economy and finance of his ashram. It is all about how he sufficed various requirements with the available money. He mentions the needs for three kitchens along with libraries and almirah in the ashram. He was of the opinion that all the expenses of the ashram must be taken care of by the people of Ahmedabad.

Chapter 20: Viplav Gyan

The 20th chapter in Vasant Hindi book class 7 is a poem written by Balkrishna Sharma ‘Naveen’. In this poem, he stresses the need for progress. He teaches how we all need to make way for progress in our country. No hindrances or challenges should stop us from achieving viplav. Only through progress or viplav can we bring about a change.

Chapters included in Durva Hindi book class 7

Chapter 1: Chidiya Aur Churugan

The first lesson in this NCERT book for class 7 Hindi is a poem written by Harivanshrai Bachchhan. It depicts how children always have numerous questions running through their head. Just like how a bird teaches its offspring to fly, our parents also help us at every step. The poet sends away a message which asks students to share everything with their parents like churugan does. This would prevent them from walking in the wrong path or taking any bad decision.

Chapter 2: Sabse Sundar Ladki

Chapter 2 in this Hindi book class 7 is a beautiful story written by Vishnu Prabhakar. It has three children named Harsh, Manjiri, and Kanak. Both Manjiri and Kanak were friends of Harsh. Manjiri was scared of the sea and did not quite like the bond between Harsh and Kanak. With a turn of events, Manjiri’s feelings for Kanak change. This happens when she saves Manjiri’s life. Through this story, the author also throws light on the importance of the sea.

Chapter 3: Main Hun Robot

This chapter in NCERT 7th class Hindi book was written by Rajiv Garg. It teaches students about robots, their emergence and functions. He tells how the world is developing each day with new innovations in technology. Robots have the capability of performing any and every human work. He also shares an interesting fact that the maintenance cost for robots is far less than human salary. So, the poet predicts that in near future robots might take over this world. Robots would turn into the most important creatures eventually.

Chapter 4: Gubbare Aur Cheetah

The 4th chapter in 7 std Hindi textbook is a story written by the famous author Premchand. ‘Gubbare Aur Cheetah’ is a story about a boy whose name is Baldev. He wants to go to the circus even after his headmaster asks him not to do so. He disobeys the headmaster. Later, Baldev gets into big trouble. He only manages to get out of the problem after a lot of struggle. Through this lesson, students learn that they must always obey their elders. Otherwise, they could also end up in deep troubles like Baldev. 

Chapter 5: Thodi Dharti Payu

This chapter in Hindi book class 7 is a poem composed by Sarveshwar Dayal Saxena. Through this poem, the poet stresses the significance of trees in our lives. He dreams of growing a beautiful garden if he owned a small piece of land. However, he realizes that he might not be able to fulfill this wish. This is because urbanization is a huge issue these days, and there is hardly any plot left for gardening. Students get to know the ill-effects of deforestation and urbanization. 

Chapter 6: Garo

Chapter 6 in NCERT 7th class Hindi book is a folktale which originated in Meghalaya. It revolves around the history and emergence of the Garo tribe. It describes how the Garo tribe arrived in India and made their presence felt. Previously, they used to reside in the beautiful valleys of Tibet and China. Due to the food crisis and other difficulties, they took shelter in India. Today, this tribe is one of the most significant tribes of our country.

Chapter 7: Pustake Jo Amar Hai

The 7th chapter in class 7 Hindi book PDF is a story written by Manoj Das. It has been translated to Hindi by Balakram Nagar. In this lesson, the author discusses the importance of books in our lives. Students get to know how books used to be written in ancient times. Writers of the early times wrote books on stones and woods. This chapter also talks about the Nalanda University and the library in Sikandra.

Chapter 8: Kabuliwala

Chapter 8 in this Hindi book class 7 is a famous story written by Rabindranath Tagore. The story is about Kabuliwala and a little girl named Mini. Kabuliwala is of Pathani origin, while Mini belongs to a Hindu family. They both share a beautiful bond irrespective of caste barriers. Kabuliwala treated Mini like a daughter and she too has a lot of affection for him. This lesson teaches love, compassion, and brotherhood.

Chapter 9: Vishweshwarya

This lesson in Hindi NCERT book class 7 is a story by R.K Murti. It has been translated to Hindi by Suman Jain. He dedicates this story to his own creation Abhiyanta and Rajnayik sir Mokshagudam. The story gives a brief summary of their childhood. Vishveswaraya was bright and hard working ever since childhood. He was keen to learn new things and had great curiosity regarding them. His inclination to learn has given birth to several methodologies later on.

Chapter 10: Hum Dharti Ke Lal

Chapter 10 of this Hindi book class 7 is a poem written by the renowned poet Sheel. In this poem, he gives an idea of the ideal world. This utopian world is free of problems and stress. It respects efforts and gives a fair chance to all. Everyone in this world is on the same line with equal rights. There is no caste discrimination, and everyone holds equal power irrespective of their financial status. Corruption is nowhere to be found in this world.

Chapter 11: Pongal

This chapter in NCERT class 7th Hindi book talks about the popular festival Pongal celebrated in the southern part of India. It is related to agriculture and farmers. It is celebrated for a stretch of four days. All the four days of Pongal celebration have different names. They are Bhogi Pongal, Pongal, Matt Pongal, and Kudum Pongal.

Chapter 12: Shaheed Jhalkarbai

This lesson in NCERT books for class 7 Hindi has been presented in a dialogue format. It talks about the brave freedom fighter named Jhalkari Bai. It is set in 1857 when the freedom riots were taking place in India. Jhalkari Bai was a courtier of Rani Laxmi Bai. She overcame the cruelty of the British government and fought courageously against them. 

Chapter 13: Nartyangna Sudha Chandran

The 13th chapter in this Hindi book class 7 is dedicated to the work and achievement of the famous actress and dancer Sudha Chandran. Her journey to success has been extremely challenging. She had faced an accident early in her childhood in which she lost her left leg. Even after this, she never gave up on her dreams. She danced with a prosthetic limb and achieved the impossible.

Chapter 14: Paani Aur Dhoop

Chapter 14 in Hindi NCERT book class 7 is a poem written by Subhadra Kumar Chauhan. It carries a note of patriotism. The poem reveals the atrocities of the British government on Indians.

Chapter 15: Geet

The writer of this chapter in NCERT 7th class Hindi book is Kedarnath Agarwal. This lesson traces the development of education. He feels that education is the key to progress for our country. The writer considers illiteracy as the prime cause behind poor people’s misery.

Chapter 16: Mitti Ki Murti

The 16th chapter of this Hindi book class 7 describes the importance of soil. It explains how different toys can be made out of clay. Students also learn about different types of statues made out of Mitti or clay. These are Thos Murti, Poli Murti, Ubhri Murti, and so on.

Chapter 17: Maut Ka Pahad

Chapter 17 in Hindi NCERT book class 7 has been in the format of a comic. It depicts a story about Hachiro and Chiro. The story revolves around these two characters and their parents.

Chapter 18: Hum Honge Kamyab Ek Din

The last chapter of this Hindi book class 7 is a famous poem written by Giriji Kumar Mathur. The poem teaches students to stay motivated and be successful in life. Through passion, self-belief, and perseverance, everyone can achieve their goals.

NCERT Mahabharat Hindi book class 7

In this chapter, the story of Mahabharata begins with Maharaja Shantanu handing over his throne to his son Chitragandh. But eventually, the throne of Hastinapur is handed over to his brother Vichitravirya. The story proceeds to tell us about the Pandavas. In this chapter of NCERT books for class 7 Hindi, students also get to know how the Pandavas got married to Draupadi.

This lesson also depicts the great battle between the Pandavas and Kauravas. It concludes with the Pandavas leaving for exile for the rest of their lives.

Subjects Covered in Class 7 NCERT Books

Here are the subjects that are available through the NCERT books:

  • Mathematics

  • Science

  • Social Science

  • English

  • Hindi

The Name of Chapters in English are Given Below :


Chapter 1 - Three Questions (and the poem - The Squirrel)

Chapter 2 - A Gift of Chappals (and the poem - The Rebel)

Chapter 3 - Gopal and the Hilsa Fish (and the poem - The Shed)

Chapter 4 - The Ashes that Made Trees Bloom (and the poem - Chivvy)

Chapter 5 - Quality (and the poem - Trees)

Chapter 6 - Expert Detectives (and the poem - Mystery of the Talking Fan) 

Chapter 7 - The Invention of Vita – Wonk (and the poem - Dad and the Cat and the Tree) 

Chapter 8 - Fire Friend and Foe (and the poem - Meadow Surprises)

Chapter 9 - A Bicycle in Good Repair (and the poem - Garden Snake)

Chapter 10 - The Story of Cricket 


Chapter 1 - The Tiny Teacher

Chapter 2 - Bringing Up Kari

Chapter 3 - The Desert

Chapter 4 - The Cop and Anthem

Chapter 5 - Golu Grows A Nose

Chapter 6 - I Want something In The Cage

Chapter 7 - Chandni

Chapter 8 - The Bear Story

Chapter 9 - Tiger In The House

Chapter 10 - An Alien Hand

The Name of Chapters in Hindi are Given Below :


Chapter 1 - हम पंछी उन्मुक्त गगन

Chapter 2 - दादी माँ

Chapter 3 - हिमालय की बेटियां

Chapter 4 - कठपुतली

Chapter 5 - मीठाईवाला

Chapter 6 - रक्त और हमारा शरीर

Chapter 7 - पापा खो गए

Chapter 8 - शाम एक किशान

Chapter 9 - चिड़िया की बच्ची

Chapter 10 - अपूर्व अनुभव

Chapter 11 - रहीम की दोहे

Chapter 12 - कंचा

Chapter 13 - एक तिनका

Chapter 14 - खानपान की बदलती तस्वीर

Chapter 15 - नीलकंठ

Chapter 16 - भोर और बरखा

Chapter 17 - वीर कुवर सिंह

Chapter 18 - संघर्ष के कराण मैं तुनुकमिजाज हो गया धनराज

Chapter 19 - आश्रम का अनुमानित व्यय

Chapter 20 - विप्लव गायन


Chapter 1 - चिड़िया और चुरुंगुन

Chapter 2 - सबसे सुंदर लड़की

Chapter 3 -  मैं हूँ रोबोट

Chapter 4 - गुब्बारे पर चीता

Chapter 5 - थोड़ी धरती पाऊँ

Chapter 6 - गारो

Chapter 7 - पुस्तकें जो अमर हैं

Chapter 8 - काबुलीवाला

Chapter 9 - विश्वेश्वरैया

Chapter 10 - हम धरती के लाल

Chapter 11 - पोंगल

Chapter 12 - शहीद झलकारीबाई

Chapter 13 - नृत्यांगना सुधा चंद्रन

Chapter 14 - पानी और धूप

Chapter 15 - गीत

Why are NCERT Books a Must for CBSE Students?

Over the years, NCERT books have emerged as the best possible assistance to prepare for CBSE exams. Given below are some of the reasons behind the huge popularity of NCERT books-

Knowledgeable and Factual- NCERT books comprise substantial information and facts. It has an enriching effect on the students. These books provide full-fledged knowledge on every topic. Students are thus inclined to read and learn more.

Precise and Compact- There is no unnecessary monotonous tone present in the NCERT books. They are brief, precise, and to-the-point. Chapters have been explained in an interesting manner.

Easy-to-understand- Books like Hindi book class 7 are presented in a very simple language. It can be easily comprehended by students. This helps them understand their chapters better and quicker. The language also keeps them engaged, enabling them to study for long hours without getting bored.

Expert Guidance- NCERT has expert professors drafted their textbooks. They understand the perspective of students. Thus, the books have been prepared in a student-friendly format. This not only engages students but also encourages them to put in their best efforts.

Students of all classes from 1 to 12 can take help of NCERT books like 7 std Hindi textbook to score high marks in the upcoming exams.

How can Vedantu Help with your Exam Preparations?

Vedantu App helps students take a leap in their academics. It assists pupils to understand various concepts with ease. The tutors provide unshakeable support to the students and solve any sort of doubts they have regarding a chapter.

Moreover, students can make the most out of interactive sessions, online notes, etc. Vedantu also provides accurate solutions to NCERT books like Vasant Hindi book class 7, and so on. Students can easily download the Vedantu App to access the study materials.

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FAQs on NCERT Books for Class 7 all subjects

1. How many NCERT Hindi books are there for class 7?

NCERT publishes a set of 3 books for class 7 students. These books are Vasant, Durva, and Mahabharata. All these books compile the CBSE-enlisted syllabus for 7th standard students.

2. Which NCERT Hindi book contains Mahabharata?

The last and final book of NCERT Hindi series for class 7 is called Mahabharata. It contains the story of the great epic written by Ved Vyas, the son of Maharishi Prashar. Students get to know a great deal about Mahabharata through this textbook.

3. How many chapters does NCERT Vasant book for class 7 contain?

NCERT Vasant book for class 7 consists of 20 chapters in total. It contains stories and poems enlisted in the CBSE curriculum. They are written by famous authors and poets and teach students about various aspects of life. This book also has a Shabdkosh or dictionary full of remarkable Hindi words.

4. How many chapters are there in NCERT class 7 Durva Hindi book?

There are 18 chapters in the NCERT Durva textbook for class 7 students. It comprises some informative lessons, stories, poems, dialogues, etc. Through this book, students learn a lot about India’s history, culture, struggle etc. The poems and stories also impart some moral lessons to students.

5. What are the key benefits of Class 7 NCERT Books?

This book helps the students to learn and understand the concepts in detail and easily. The language used is very simple which helps students in grasping things quickly. It provides good basic knowledge as well as advanced knowledge. The solutions are on a step by step basis for a comfortable and easy understanding

6. Are Class 7 NCERT books difficult to learn?

No, it is not difficult to learn if you read and practice on a regular basis, you will be able to score good marks. The book explains the concepts in an easy language which will not create any type of difficulty during studies. 

The NCERT books for all subjects of class 7 are available in Vedantu. You can easily download them and get them printed for easy access to all the subjects.