Vedantu’s CBSE Class 8 NCERT Science Books Free Download
FAQs on NCERT Class 8 Science Book PDF
1. What is the Best Book for Class 8 Science?
Undoubtedly, NCERT books for Class 8 Science are the best books for syllabus-oriented study. Therefore, by only reading these books students can be well-prepared for the examination. Additionally, the purposeful exercise section is a bonus of these books. Young students can tend to be confused if they are made to follow too many different textbooks by different authors. That is why experts recommend sticking to one textbook prescribed by the Council, such as the NCERT textbooks. Do away with other reference books for now and instead, try to read your NCERT book as many times as possible.
2. How Can I Prepare for Class 8 Science Lessons?
Firstly, students need to go through the entire book to get an overall idea of the syllabus. A detailed breakdown of the syllabus has also been provided in this article alongside the requisite chapter wise PDFs for Science chapters in Hindi and English. Students can now learn each concept in minute details and solve questions about that particular chapter simultaneously. No topic, no matter how small, should be skipped before you appear for your exams. Lastly, before the main day comes around, students should keep aside enough time to revise all the sections thoroughly. Revision is key to scoring well in any examination. If you do not revise a topic weekly, you are bound to forget it sooner or later. Following these steps, students will be able to prepare the lessons of the class 8 Science textbook well.
3. What are the Important Chapters for Class 8 Science?
A total of 18 chapters are there in CBSE Class 8 Science syllabus. All of these chapters are important to score well in the examination. A list of these has been provided below:
Chapter 1: Crop Production and Management
Chapter 2: Microorganisms: Friend and Foe
Chapter 3: Synthetic Fibres and Plastics
Chapter 4: Materials: Metals and Non-Metals
Chapter 5: Coal and Petroleum
Chapter 6: Combustion and Flame
Chapter 7: Conservation of Plants and Animals
Chapter 8: Cell – Structure and Functions
Chapter 9: Reproduction in Animals
Chapter 10: Reaching the Age of Adolescence
Chapter 11: Force and Pressure
Chapter 12: Friction
Chapter 13: Sound
Chapter 14: Chemical Effects of Electric Current
Chapter 15: Some Natural Phenomena
Chapter 16: Light
Chapter 17: Stars and The Solar System
Chapter 18: Pollution of Air and Water
All of these chapters cover both life science and physical science. However, some vital chapters are Cell, combustion, light, sound, electric current, etc.
4. What Do Good and Bad Conductors Mean? Give Examples.
In the Physics section of the Class 8 Science NCERT textbook, students will come across the term ‘conductor’. A conductor is any material that allows electricity or heat to pass through it. Some materials allow an electric current to pass through them without any obstruction and these materials are referred to as good conductors. For example, copper, gold, aluminum, etc. are good conductors. On the contrary, the substances which do not allow the electric current to pass through are regarded as bad conductors or insulators. Examples of bad conductors include wood, paper, glass, etc. Students are frequently asked to elaborate on the difference between good and bad conductors in examinations. This is why conduction is a topic you must study thoroughly before sitting for your final Science paper.
5. How can students manage time better to complete their Class 8 Science exam on time?
A lot of questions have to be answered in the Class 8 Science question paper in a stipulated period. This becomes quite a challenge for young students. Unless time is managed effectively, such students will always find it extremely difficult to complete the paper. They will find themselves losing out on a lot of marks in the process. This is why the importance of mock tests and sample papers cannot be undermined. Solving these papers enables students to acquaint themselves with the pattern of the paper and get used to having to attempt a given number of questions in a short time frame. It has been observed that students who fare well in mock exams pass with flying colours on the day of the main examination as well.
Students can access chapter-wise solutions for free on Vedantu and also many other online resources to increase their knowledge.