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NCERT Class 8 Science Book PDF


Vedantu’s CBSE Class 8 NCERT Science Books Free Download

NCERT is an autonomous entity established by the Government of India in 1961. The main objective of NCERT is to promote and coordinate education-related research for the overall qualitative improvement of school education. Nonetheless, they are also in charge of preparing and distributing textbooks, study materials, etc. suited for the CBSE curriculum. For example, NCERT books for class 8 AC science covers the entire syllabus of the Central Board of Secondary Education of this subject. 

Students can find NCERT class 8 science book PDF online along with other books of class 8. Because of the accuracy of these books, teachers also refer to NCERT 8th class science books in their classroom lessons. 

Vedantu is a platform that provides free NCERT Solution and other study materials for students. You can also download NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths to help you to revise the complete syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

NCERT Books For Class 8 Science; Free PDF Download

NCERT Books for Class 8 Maths cover diverse topics such as genetics, ecology, human physiology, and biotechnology. The greatest advantage is that these books can be freely downloaded in PDF format, making them accessible to all. You can download the NCERT Book for Class 8 Maths in both English and Hindi Languages. Get the link to download Class 8, Maths NCERT Books from the table below.

NCERT Books for Class 8 Science PDF - Free Download

Chapterwise PDFs have been provided for your quick referral both in Hindi and English.

  • Unit 1: Crop Production and Management

  • Unit 2: Microorganisms: Friend and Foe

  • Unit 3: Synthetic Fibers and Plastics

  • Unit 4: Materials: Metals and Non-Metals

  • Unit 5: Coal and Petroleum

  • Unit 6: Combustion and Flame

  • Unit 7: Conservation of Plants and Animals

  • Unit 8: Cell – Structure and Functions

  • Unit 9: Reproduction in Animals

  • Unit 10: Reaching the Age of Adolescence

  • Unit 11: Force and Pressure

  • Unit 12: Friction

  • Unit 13: Sound

  • Unit 14: Chemical Effects of Electric Current

  • Unit 15: Some Natural Phenomena

  • Unit 16: Light

  • Unit 17: Stars and The Solar System

  • Unit 18: Pollution of Air and Water

  • Chapter 1: फसल उत्पादन एवं प्रबंध

  • Chapter 2: सूक्ष्मजीव: मित्र एवं शत्रु

  • Chapter 3: संश्लेषित रेशे और प्लास्टिक

  • Chapter 4: पदार्थ: धातु और अधातु

  • Chapter 5: कोयला और पेट्रोलियम

  • Chapter 6: दहन और ज्वाला

  • Chapter 7: पौधे एवं जंतुओं का संरक्षण

  • Chapter 8: कोशिका – संरचना एवं प्रकार्य

  • Chapter 9: जंतुओं में जनन

  • Chapter 10: किशोरावस्था की ओर

  • Chapter 11: बल तथा दाब

  • Chapter 12: घर्षण

  • Chapter 13: ध्वनि

  • Chapter 14: विधुत धारा के रासानिक प्रभाव

  • Chapter 15: कुछ प्राकृतिक परिघटनाएँ

  • Chapter 16: प्रकाश

  • Chapter 17: तारे एवं सौर परिवार

  • Chapter 18: वायु तथा जल का प्रदूषण

An Introduction to NCERT 8th Class Science Book

Science is a compulsory subject in the elementary education system in India. Also, knowing the fundamentals of science is vital for students to interpret the world around them. Science answers all phenomena, natural and artificial, that we see daily. NCERT books for class 8 AC science also introduce children to living and non-living objects that are an integral part of their life. 


NCERT Class 8 science textbook covers an array of topics that prepares students for higher classes. Therefore download NCERT science class 8 PDF and start preparing the science lessons to obtain excellent grades in the examination. 


Chapter-wise Summary of the Book 

Chapter 1: Crop Production and Management

The opening chapter gives a detailed manual of cultivation and different crops of India. Cultivation of crops involves several processes about which students will learn from this chapter. Also, there are various apparatus that are necessary for cultivation. This chapter will introduce students to some of them in detail. 


At the end of this chapter, there is an informative exercise as well. Solving that, students will be able to test how far they have understood the concept. NCERT science book class 8 chapter 1 PDF also talks about other miscellaneous things related to cultivation like pests, manure, irrigation, etc. 


Chapter 2: Microorganisms: Friend and Foe

This chapter of the class 8th science textbook educates students about various microorganisms and their significance. These microbes are not visible in naked eyes, and we need a microscope to see them. From this chapter, students will learn that there are microbes, which are good for humans like lactobacillus bacteria that turn milk into curd. On the other hand, some bacteria and viruses cause moderate to severe diseases in humans and plants, for example; TB, Typhoid, etc. 


From this chapter, students will get to know that microorganisms that cause diseases are pathogens, and they transmit through different mediums. 


Chapter 3: Synthetic Fibers and Plastics

This chapter of the 8th NCERT science book focuses on the manufacturing process and usages of synthetic fibers and plastics. Primarily, we get natural fibers from plants and animals. However, humans have also created a few fibers artificially, for example, rayon, polyester, nylon, etc. 


Apart from that, students will learn about how plastic is made and its varied usage. Moreover, being a non-biodegradable substance, plastics are harmful to the earth. They are a threat to nature as they can cause the death of many species, mainly aquatic organisms. Due to this, we should minimize the usage of plastics and look for other eco-friendly options. 


From this chapter, students will get the basic idea of petrochemicals, thermoplastics, etc. 


Chapter 4: Materials: Metals and Non-metals

The next chapter of the NCERT 8 science book deals with different metals and nonmetals. Students will learn about the physical and chemical properties of different materials and their usages. 


For example, metals are widely used in factories for the manufacturing of different objects. On the other hand, non-metals are used for breathing, combustion, fertilizers, etc. Also, the concepts of conductor, ductility, malleability and others are a part of this chapter. 


Nonetheless, the exercise at the bottom of the chapter contains questions that students can answer to enhance their knowledge of this topic. 


Chapter 5: Coal and Petroleum

This chapter of science NCERT class 8 PDF informs students about the process of acquiring coal and petroleum, two vital fuel substances. There are two types of natural resources.

  • Exhaustible 

  • Inexhaustible 

Coal and petroleum are exhaustible natural resources, as their availability is limited. This chapter also discusses how coal is formed from fossils and extracted via destructive distillation. 


Besides, there are different constituents of petroleum, like petrol, LPG, kerosene, Bitumen, diesel, etc. Moreover, the petroleum refining process is also a part of this chapter. 


The exercise at the end of the chapter also contains conceptual questions that students can answer to get a firm grasp on this topic. 


Chapter 6: Combustion and Flame

In this sixth chapter of the class 8th science textbook, the science behind flame and combustion is discussed. Students will learn that combustion is a chemical reaction that occurs in the presence of oxygen. Because of this, we can ignite a flame. These are some common events of life, and students should have an accurate knowledge of how these things take place. 


Combustion is of three types. 

  • Rapid

  • Spontaneous

  • Explosion

Besides, they will also learn about the structure of a flame and the role of fire extinguishers to control the fire. Nonetheless, combustion is the reason behind forest fires which often leads to massive deforestation. 


Chapter 7: Conservation of Plants and Animals

Conservation of plants and animals is an extremely crucial measure that we should adopt promptly. With each passing year, several species of plants and animals are becoming rare and extinct. Therefore it is high time that students should have a deeper understanding of this serious environmental issue. 


This chapter of the 8th NCERT science book focuses on different reasons, which lead to deforestation and the extinction of different species. It also educates students about some essential concepts like biodiversity, ecosystem, endangered animals, diversifications, etc. Reading this chapter, they will also be aware of the steps that they should follow to preserve the environment. 


Chapter 8: Cell- Structure and Functions

A cell is the unit of life. This chapter of NCERT books for class 8 AC science elaborates on different types of cells and their structure. Starting from the cellular activities of plants to humans, all are part of this chapter. There are primarily two types of organisms, unicellular and multicellular. Moreover, three significant parts of Cell are:

  • Nucleus

  • Cytoplasm

  • Cell membrane

A detailed discussion of every part is present in this chapter. Also, the definitions of eukaryotes and prokaryotes are part of this chapter. Furthermore, the concepts of tissues, organs, Vacuoles, White Blood Cells are present in this chapter as well. 


Chapter 9: Reproduction in Animals

This chapter of the NCERT 8 science book discusses the reproduction modes of different animals. Primarily there are two types of reproduction. 

  • Sexual Reproduction

  • Asexual Reproduction

This chapter gives an account of the male and female reproductive system, and its different parts are present here with properly labeled diagrams. From this chapter, students will learn that in most unicellular organisms, sexual reproduction is prevalent. On the other hand, in unicellular organisms, it is asexual reproduction. However, in some organisms, both these modes of reproduction exist. 


At the end of this chapter, there is an exercise that students can solve to get an idea of what kind of questions they should prepare for their examination from this particular chapter. 


Chapter 10: Reaching the Age of Adolescence

The tenth chapter of NCERT 8th class Science book traces the characteristics of the adolescence period of the human life cycle. We all go through this phase, and some major mental and physical changes take place during this period. The reason behind this is the secretion of certain hormones from the pituitary gland. 


These changes affect the male and female anatomy differently. However, through this transition period, humans undergo a lot of changes. From this chapter, students will be introduced to the concepts of chromosomes, menstrual cycle, menopause, pituitary gland, etc. 


Also, from this chapter, they will learn that females possess estrogens hormones and males possess progesterone hormones. 


Chapter 11: Force and Pressure

This chapter of NCERT books for class 8 AC science introduces the fundamentals of force and pressure. These two things are necessary to conduct any work, for example, to push a car, to throw a ball, etc. This chapter discusses different kinds of pressure like atmospheric, electromagnetic, contact force, etc. 


From this chapter, students understand the fact that force has direction and magnitude, and they vary with different activities. Just like previous chapters, this one also contains an activity section where students will encounter different types of questions. Most of these questions may come in exams; thus, practicing them will aid students to secure better marks. 


Chapter 12: Friction

This chapter of NCERT class 8 science textbook deals with friction and its different effects. The chapter begins with an account of various factors that affect friction, for example, the nature of the surface, the pressure between them, etc. Friction is omnipresent in most of the daily activities like walking, writing, gripping any object, stopping something, etc. 


Apart from all of these, friction also affects the longevity of several products like a tear in machines reduces the productivity of that machine. Hence, scientists have invented a few tools that reduce friction, such as Drag, ball bearing, interlocking, lubricants, etc. 


Chapter 13: Sound

The concept of sound is vast. However, in this chapter of the NCERT 8th class science book students will get an introductory idea of sound and its properties. Sound is essential as it allows us to communicate with each other and let us enjoy the beauty of music. Every associated concept of sound has been discussed in this chapter.


The concepts like frequency, amplitude, audible frequencies, hertz, the pitch of the sound, oscillation motion, etc. are present in this chapter. The high volume and unnecessary noise lead to noise pollution, and students will learn how to prevent that from this chapter. 


Chapter 14: Chemical Effects of Electric Current

This chapter of NCERT class 8 science book PDF gives an account of when an electric current passes through some liquid and how it reacts chemically. Additionally, students will also learn how some fluids are good conductors, while others are insulators.


Water is one of the most commonly available liquids around us. Students will study the chemical reaction of water when an electric current passes through it in this chapter. Students will also get to know about electroplating, electrodes, etc. and different applications of electroplating. The primary idea of LED is also given in this chapter. 


Finally, the exercise, in the end, allows students to evaluate what they have learnt from this chapter. 


Chapter 15: Some Natural Phenomena

The fifteenth chapter of NCERT books for class 8 AC science discusses different natural phenomena that we witness daily or occasionally. This chapter begins by giving an account of static and electric currents. In this regard, students will learn why earthing is necessary for houses. 


The reasons behind the earthquake and how that happens are also a part of this chapter. Students will learn about the earth’s crust, earth’s plate, seismograph, etc. Richter scale is the device to measure the intensity of an earthquake. 


Along with that, the fundamental concepts of electric charges, negative and positive, and the transfer of charges also constitute this chapter. 


Chapter 16: Light

This chapter of NCERT science class 8 book PDF revolves around the principles of light. It is one of the most common phenomena of nature. You must have noticed that, in darkness, you cannot see anything. Hence, to see things, we need light and more specifically, the reflection of light. 


Nonetheless, there are some distinct characteristics of light, and they are a part of this chapter. The concept of kaleidoscopes is also a result of multiple reflections of light. Apart from that, other essential concepts of light are also discussed in great detail. 


Following are some of them. 

  • Angle of incidence

  • Angle of reflections

  • Blindspot

  • Braille system

We can see the light because we have cornea in our eyes, and through this part, light enters our eyes and therefore in bright, flashy light, we tend to close our eyes reflexively. 

The exercise in the last portion of this chapter will aid the students to get a better understanding of the chapter. 


Chapter 17: Stars and the Solar System

It is an interesting chapter that introduces students to the fundamentals of the solar system and its stars. The night sky looks divine due to the presence of stars and the moon. This chapter of class 8th science NCERT book PDF discusses different phases of the moon that we can see from earth. Also, we can see clusters of stars sometimes, and they form some meaningful figures. These clusters of stars are known as constellations. 

Also, in our solar system, several planets are there, and they revolve around the Sun. This chapter provides details of these planets based on their distance from the Sun. For example, Mercury is the closest one to the Sun, and Neptune is the farthest. 


Along with that, the concepts of artificial satellites, Asteroids, comets are also discussed in detail in this chapter. Since these are the basics of astronomy, students should pay extra attention to these topics, as they may prove valuable in their higher studies. 


Chapter 18: Pollution of Air and Water 

The concluding chapter of NCERT books for class 8 AC science discusses the several aspects of air and water pollution and how they affect the environment. Air contains several gasses in specific proportions. However, the substances that cause pollution are called pollutants. 


For example, Carbon Monoxide, Sulphur dioxide, CFC tiny particles, etc. are some of the major pollutants. They are responsible for greenhouse effects, marble cancer, acid rain, etc. 


The next part of this chapter talks about the different aspects of water pollution. Substances like industrial waste, sewage, agricultural chemicals, etc. are the major water pollutants. This chapter educates students about numerous efforts to save the river Ganga, and about the Ganga Action Plan of 1985. 


Why are NCERT Books the Ultimate Guide for Students?

Over the years, NCERT books have gained huge popularity for their advanced nature. Especially for CBSE students, these books are of utmost importance as they strictly adhere to the board curriculum. Following are some of the reasons which make it a favorite among the students and teachers. 

  • Easy Explanation - Just like others, NCERT books for class 8 AC science are also written in lucid language, and the concepts are elaborated sequentially. Hence, students can comprehend the concepts without any difficulties. Also, all the vital concepts are explained with real-life examples so that students can relate the classroom lesson to the world outside. Also, the language is simple yet standard. Thus students find it easier to memorize them. 

  • Diagrams and illustrations - Another USP of the NCERT book is that they include relevant diagrams and illustrations which help students to remember the lessons efficiently. Also, for subjects like science, proper illustrations and diagram are essential to support a theory. 

  • Detailed Exercises - After each chapter, there is a comprehensive exercise for students to solve. This exercise includes different types of questions, like short ones and conceptual ones. Solving them can help students to predict what type of questions they can expect in the examination. Teachers set question papers from this book only. Therefore there is a chance that you will get similar questions in the exam. 

  • In-Depth Analysis - NCERT books provide a detailed analysis of all the concepts. Reading them, students can develop a deeper understanding of the topics and perform well in the final examination. Due to this reason, guardians and teachers also prefer these books. 

Therefore if you are a student of class 8, you must download NCERT books for class 8 AC science from a website and start learning the vital concepts of science on the go. 


Why Should You Choose Vedantu?     

Vedantu is a leading e-learning portal that holds a vast collection of model textbooks, question papers and solutions, online books, etc. You can readily download PDFs like NCERT books for class 8 AC science from our website, along with NCERT solutions.


Apart from that, we also conduct online classes regularly; therefore, you can register for the same to get all your doubts cleared. Hence, visit our website for more insights into the Class 8 CBSE syllabus.

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FAQs on NCERT Class 8 Science Book PDF

1. What is the Best Book for Class 8 Science?

Undoubtedly, NCERT books for Class 8 Science are the best books for syllabus-oriented study. Therefore, by only reading these books students can be well-prepared for the examination. Additionally, the purposeful exercise section is a bonus of these books. Young students can tend to be confused if they are made to follow too many different textbooks by different authors. That is why experts recommend sticking to one textbook prescribed by the Council, such as the NCERT textbooks. Do away with other reference books for now and instead, try to read your NCERT book as many times as possible. 

2. How Can I Prepare for Class 8 Science Lessons?

Firstly, students need to go through the entire book to get an overall idea of the syllabus. A detailed breakdown of the syllabus has also been provided in this article alongside the requisite chapter wise PDFs for Science chapters in Hindi and English. Students can now learn each concept in minute details and solve questions about that particular chapter simultaneously. No topic, no matter how small, should be skipped before you appear for your exams. Lastly, before the main day comes around, students should keep aside enough time to revise all the sections thoroughly. Revision is key to scoring well in any examination. If you do not revise a topic weekly, you are bound to forget it sooner or later. Following these steps, students will be able to prepare the lessons of the class 8 Science textbook well. 

3. What are the Important Chapters for Class 8 Science?

A total of 18 chapters are there in CBSE Class 8 Science syllabus. All of these chapters are important to score well in the examination. A list of these has been provided below:

  • Chapter 1: Crop Production and Management 

  • Chapter 2: Microorganisms: Friend and Foe 

  • Chapter 3: Synthetic Fibres and Plastics 

  • Chapter 4: Materials: Metals and Non-Metals 

  • Chapter 5: Coal and Petroleum 

  • Chapter 6: Combustion and Flame 

  • Chapter 7: Conservation of Plants and Animals

  • Chapter 8: Cell – Structure and Functions 

  • Chapter 9: Reproduction in Animals 

  • Chapter 10: Reaching the Age of Adolescence 

  • Chapter 11: Force and Pressure 

  • Chapter 12: Friction 

  • Chapter 13: Sound 

  • Chapter 14: Chemical Effects of Electric Current 

  • Chapter 15: Some Natural Phenomena 

  • Chapter 16: Light 

  • Chapter 17: Stars and The Solar System

  • Chapter 18: Pollution of Air and Water 

All of these chapters cover both life science and physical science. However, some vital chapters are Cell, combustion, light, sound, electric current, etc. 

4. What Do Good and Bad Conductors Mean? Give Examples.

In the Physics section of the Class 8 Science NCERT textbook, students will come across the term ‘conductor’. A conductor is any material that allows electricity or heat to pass through it. Some materials allow an electric current to pass through them without any obstruction and these materials are referred to as good conductors. For example, copper, gold, aluminum, etc. are good conductors. On the contrary, the substances which do not allow the electric current to pass through are regarded as bad conductors or insulators. Examples of bad conductors include wood, paper, glass, etc. Students are frequently asked to elaborate on the difference between good and bad conductors in examinations. This is why conduction is a topic you must study thoroughly before sitting for your final Science paper. 

5. How can students manage time better to complete their Class 8 Science exam on time?

A lot of questions have to be answered in the Class 8 Science question paper in a stipulated period. This becomes quite a challenge for young students. Unless time is managed effectively, such students will always find it extremely difficult to complete the paper. They will find themselves losing out on a lot of marks in the process. This is why the importance of mock tests and sample papers cannot be undermined. Solving these papers enables students to acquaint themselves with the pattern of the paper and get used to having to attempt a given number of questions in a short time frame. It has been observed that students who fare well in mock exams pass with flying colours on the day of the main examination as well. 

Students can access chapter-wise solutions for free on Vedantu and also many other online resources to increase their knowledge.